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HALE'S HOHEY U the bt Cough Cure, Ï5, 60c., L GLENN'S SOLPHUR SOAP heals and beaurifies, 25c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kUIs Coras & Bunion., 25c. HILL'S HAIR k WHISKER DYE- BUck & Brown, 60c. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure n I Minute, 23c DEAN'S RHEDMATIC PILLS are a sure cure, 50c. The great Ciar Nicho'as used to remark that it was "amusin? to see a camel soeeze, but you only ooght to hear a Katkoff." Tne defeat of Rusg:a in the Criraean war is direc ly traceable to this foolUh observatioa on the part of Niche lus. ÏÏTfie Greatesf Blood PurifieriQ KNOWN. #1 I This Great Germán Medicine Is the#a II III cheanest and best. 128dosesof SUL-# II I PHUKBITTERSfortl.00,le8Sthan# Sr I Hl one cent a do se. It wil! care theW S m worst cases of skin dlsease, tromw pj Ma common pimple on the face m Jf U nl to that aw ful dfsease Scrofula. J ITI ISULPHUB BITTERS la the# J II I III best medicina to use la all# "í III cases of such stubborn antlvnnr itm II Hldeep seated diseases. Doneysareoutlll U not ever take #of ordêr?u"e U IBLUH PILLS #suLPHURa ormercury.tbeyaredead x . "Hl Iv. Place your trust toJK? "e Llc.k' ?, II SULPHUK BITTERS,11186' what m II] the purest and best!?0111180 medicine ever Uu ÏÏ$M„ BítleW iffl pjIiyourTongwOoatiaW ' "■ JgwlthayellowstlckyDon'tTTaltnntll youö H substancc? Ia your#are u nal) le to walk, or F III breath foul and Jfare fiat on your back, III III offenslve? Your#but get some at once, It Illstomach la out#will cure you. SulphurHI III of order. Uso#Bitter3 la ra SÜBirrERsTle InTalid's Friend. H Ilmmilately#The young, the aged and n Is your Ur-mering are soon made well by l lne tmekits use. Remember what you 111 rony, clo-read here, It mar save your Hl y' mWüte it has Baved hundreUa. #Dou't wait untll to-morrow, f Try a Bottle To-day! □ IS" m Are you low-splrited and weak, Ij] L Mor suffering froin the excesses of[ ïyouth? If so, SULPHUR BITTERS ywlll cure you. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., for beat medical work publishea? Jew Advertisements THOS. MILLER & SONS' Fall& Winter Catalogue OF LADIE3' AND GENTLEMEN-S0 FURNISHING GOODS WIU be ready Sept. lOtti. Seut free on aplic&tlon. THOS. MILLER & SONS, 6th Ave., cor. aal SI., KW VII1IK. aSSÊ. l'"or filIieuBness, áfi3Í4lt& It cools the Blood ; It glvei SBSñS3nit fiharpenü up the appe SS9ÉSSsS9 It aids the llver do lts part ÊgX"' And stlmulates the feeblo SáJffv' For Sl6k Headache, UNIQUE ELECTRIO BURGLAR ALARM and OALL BELL System Combined. Can be put by any one In ten minutes. As practical and effective as if your whole house was equipped. Apparatus, together with fnll directions and diagrama, tent complete at the low price of Five nollars. This is no toy. We are selling thousands of them all over the country. Write for pirticulars. ÜMITIO ILXCTUCAL OOMSISDCTION jad SÏÏPPLTCO., 9 LafiTttta Avene, Brooklyn, S. ?. Menthol Inhaler, AFFORDS QUICK BELIEF OF NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVER, CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by continued use effects a cure. 1& Satisfaction Guaranteed or money Hef unded. Six months treatinent for 50 cents. I f your druggist bas uof tbe lnbaler in stock send 52 cents in stamp to the proprietor and the Inhaler will be forwarded by mail, postag paid, and if, atthe expiration of flve days from fts receipt you are not satisfled with its eff octa jrou may return it, and if recei ved in good ooD" dition your money will be refunded. Circular and testimoniáis mailed free on ajK plication to the proprietor, H. D. CUSHMAN, Three Riveks, Mica. For Sale by Drufrgrista Ín Aun Vrbur. EBERBACH & SON, ÖRUGGISTS AMD PHARMACIST No. 1 2 Nouth Main Street, Keep on hand a large and weü selecte 4 ook f DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFF8, A.RTI8TS1 AND WAX FLOWBB KAT RIAÜ3, TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES, r. PURK WINE8 AND LIQUORS lümbe! LX7MBERI LUMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON LMBËRYARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our flgrures for all kinds of LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and aruarantee VERY LOW PRIOBS! a-i ve iih a cali i.ikI we win mitk II ie .vonr interest, as oar large and well graded stock ful xnstalns oar ami tlon JAMES TOI.BERT, Prop. T. J. KtK(H. Sopt. 427-478 RIBSEY & S1AB0LT ISTOS. 6 JSL3ST3D 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of ereiT thlng iu tbe GROCERY LINE! Teas, CofFees and Sugars All prime Artlcles bought for Cash and can teil atlow figures. Our frequent large lnvolcei ol Teas Is a sure slgn that we glve bargalns In QUALITT AND PRIOB. We roast our own coffeee every week, alwan rresh and good. Our bakery turna out the very best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeus. 482 TUK DAPEPls,,;flv-InPh"adeI?hI J ■RJ51! -- tlsingAgency of Messrs. H. W. AVER SON, our authorlzed agente. TANSY CAPSULËC Ie THE LATEST DIÖCOVEBY.W Dr. Laparle'a Celebrated Preparation, Safe and ftiways Keliable. Indispensable to LADIXS. & Send 4 canta for Saaled Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL C0.t Chicago. S. rHIS VÊXm&SSÜSS8ïï8SL22i AdTertlslHffBureau(10SprnceSt.),wheradTeTtlfflna Qorrcta ciaj be mada Cor lt UX SU KW YOBlU


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