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ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestión, Congtipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skiu ? Shiloh's Vitalizer ia a positive cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. ______ About 3,000 tons of grapes were manufactured iuto wine at the De Turk wineries in Cloverdale and Santa Rosa, Cal., last year. The vintage will be much larger this year, it ia thought. IQ VThe Best and Purest Medicine EVER MADE. jQWltwni drive the Hnmorfromyonrl I XLsystem, and roake your ekinlll ? %$LPlmple8 and Blotche8 _ -fc o, fty VLwhich mar yonr beauty M □ ■L, u i VX. caused by lmpureM wñ'''-r, kí fi ik.bloocl, ana can ben] II ;„ „TíLtinie. i you arel II eó P % yíkí116 greatlll ■ best and cheapestL-,} o ST"Í I 1 1 medicino. Tryit, anaV %% M lyouwiUbeBatisfled. W% % ' 1 M Get it of your Druggist. %A ÏS HdON'TWAIT. GETITATONC&k -ÍS Ilf vou are Bufferin? from Kidk I Xbey never Lail to cure. III Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., for best medical work puOlished? lew Advertisements THOS. MILLER & SONS' Fall& Winter Catalogue OF LADIE3' AND GESTLEMENS FUBNISHING GOODS Will be ready Sept. lOth. Sent free ou aplicadon. THOS. MILLER & SONS, 6lh Ave., cor. 22d St., NEW YORK. grirBs Vr BillousnesB, wDOÍm It cooi3 the Blood ; lt glves IB0ñlt sharpen'a up the appe. OKlBKg It aids tbc Uver do lts part 1 53p And stimulates toe íeeble J For Slck Headache, UNIQUB ELECTRIO BURGLAR ALARM and O ALL BELL System Combined. Can be put by any one in ten minutes. As practical and effective as it your whole house was equipped. Apparatus, together with full directions ana diagrams, sent complete at the low price of Five Dollars. This is no toy. We are selllng thousatids of them all over the country. Write for pftrticulars. UNITED ELECTEIOAL C0NSTBUCT10 Jïd SÜPPLY CO., 9 Lafayette Árense, Brooklyn, N. T. Menthol Inhaler, AFFOBDS QCICK RELIEF OP NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVER, CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by continued use effects a cure. y Satisfaetion Guaranteed or money B funded. Six months treatment for 50 centSj lf your druggist has not the Inhaler in stX sendo cents iS stamp to thehProP"etnorst?ï2 the Inhaler wlll be forwarded by mail, postag patd, and if, atthe expiration of fiye dayst rom íts receipt you are not satisfled with lts effect, you mav rlturn it.and if received in good oo áition your money will be ref unded. Circular and testimoniáis mailed free on a plication to the proprietor, H. D. CUSHMAN, Thbee Rivers, MiCH. For Sale by Drnsricists Ín Aun Arbor. EBERBACH & SON, ORUGGISTS AÍÍD PHARMACISTS No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and well selecte : stooi oJ DaUGS, MEDICENE8, CHEMICALS, DTE-STUFFS, A.STIST3' AND WAX FLOWBB MAT RIALS, TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES, 4'. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS BpetlfU attentlon pald to the fomishlng of Phjalclans, Chemlstó . Schools, etc., with Philoeophlaü and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemlan Chemloai alaaBware, Porcelaln Ware, Pare Reagenta, etc PhyslclanB Freecrlptlons earefully preparad tl aü honra. 427-471 LÜMBEE LX7MBER1 LUMBESt If you contémplate building oall at FERDON llïli! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBEE We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRIOES! S-G1 ve as a cali wild we i 11 mak e lt o Kiur Interest, as ar large and well graded stock fullj snstains our asserIon. JAMES TOI.HEKT, Prop. T. f. KKEt H, Sopt. 27-178 vasa & seabolt asros, 6 Airxi 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of erety thing lu toe fiROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugan All prime Articles bought for Cash and can Kil atlow figures. Our frequent large involoes 01 Teas is a sure sign that we glve bargalns In QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roast our own cofiees every week, alwayi fresh and goad. Our bakery turns out the yery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeus. 482-507 TIJ IC niBPnisonfilelnPhlladelpiita I MIS PflrtKatthe Newspaper AdverI SSÜ lïïLaHtisingAgenoy oí Messrs. N. W. AVER 8ON, our authorized agenta. TANSY CAPSULËQ I THE LATEST DISCOVEBY., W Dr. Laparle's Oelebrated Preparation, Safe and Olways Keliable. Indispensable to LAXHBS. 8end 4 cents for Sealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL CO., Chicago. . rais PAPEEreKncèe4a


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