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As an extra inducement for people to get married we make the following offer : To the couple in each townehip and city in the county who get married first under the new marriage law, we will sene a copy of The Register for one year, free In order to avoid any mistake notice o marriage, endorsedby the officiating c'.ergyman, should be sent to this office as soon as the ceremony is performed. Mr. Barber is the new j anitor at Hobart Hall. Sheriff Walsh is the possessor of a new norse. Ypsilanti fair next week. Let us all go down. The herd of' ponies has been taken to Detroit. __ "Partners in Crime" at the opera houst Saturday night. W. B. Warner, the State-st grocer, has moved into bis new store. Don't fail to see Hi Henry's world renowned minstrels tonight. The Huron cornet band wül furtish music every day during the fair. The High School seniors and juniors wil! play a game of foot ball Saturday. W. W. Bliss has started a lunch counter in connection with his bilüard hall. Jos. Williams will open a grocery store in the store vacated by Warner on Statest. T. E. & B. G. Henion have opened a gents' lurnishing goods store in Clinton, 111. Geo. W. Moore had a tumor removed from the groin of his left side, last Saturday. _ The carpenters and masons have been doing more or less striking again this week. The Ann Arbor Browns will give a dance at the rink, Thursday evening, October 6. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. L. Seyler, of North Second-st, on Wednesday afternoon, a girl. Local base-ball cranks imagine they can see the league pennant waving over Recreation park. The Ann Arbor Blues defeated a South Lyon club on the fair ground, last Saturday, 29 to 0. Fred Alber has commenced the erection of a new residence, corner of Fuller and Elizabeth-sts. The next county examination of teachers will be held in Ypsilanti, Friday, September 30, 1887. Washtenaw county fair at Ann Arbor week af ter next, Every body come and have a good time. Larry Kahoe will continue the barber business over the postoffice when Mr. Southard moves out. Andrew Hiller will be tried in Justice Frueauffs court October 11, for assaulting John Koepke, on Sept. 4. Burchfield, the Huron-st merchant tailor, has moved into his new quarters, a few doors west of his old stand. It is noif lawful tokill partridge, prairie chicken, woodcock, wild duck, wild geese or other wild water-fowl and snipe. H. J. Brown has been awarded the contract for furnishing suppliea for the University hospital for the ensuing year. Aid. Sutherland has been acting as policeman during the past few nights in the place of Wm. Clark, who is sick. The track on the fair ground has been put in first-class condition, and some good racing will be seen at the time of the fair. The Browns failed to go to Adrián Saturday, as we announced last week they would. Cause : Adrián wrote them not to come. J. D. Harrel and wife, of Ann Arbor township, left Sunday evening for Correction, Iowa, where they will make their future home. Ten head of registered Jersey cattle will be sold at auction on the fair ground on Thursday, the third day of the fair, at 11 o'clock a. m. The Browns have played six games of ball this sumnaer and only lost one. Encourage them by your presence when they have a game. It is a pretty small trick for a man to jump over the fence around the fair ground to witness a game of base bal!, but nevertheless some do it. Joseph Poland, of Pittsfield, contributed $10 to the library fund, last Thursday in Justice Pond's court, for assaulting his neighbor, John E. Ellsworth. Mrs. Mary C. Whiting has purchased the property of Dr. Bessac, in Milan, consisting of the bank, drug store and a vacant lot; so says the Milan Leader. Andrew Campbell, of Ypsilanti, and G. W. Trowbridge, of Pontiac, have been appointed by the governor as delégate to the National Farmers' Congress at Chicago. New advertisements this week: Mack & Schmid, drv goods; A. L. Noble, clothing ; Lew H. Clement, music ; S. Krause, boots and shoes; and Prof. Kempf, music. Frank Martin, aged 21 years, who was brought up by A. F. Martin, of this city, was fatally inj ured at Fowlerville, last Saturday, by being run over by the cars. The popular young actress, Marie Brain ard, is booked at the opera house fo next Thursday evening, in the new socie ty drama, " Queena." About 150 attended the open meetitij of the carpenters' union in Firemen's Hall Wednesday evening. They were ad dressed by a Mr. Colegrove, of Pennsylva nia. Summit-st property has taken quite a boom this summer. Five new house have been erected. N. J. Kyer, three Frank Wood one, and Parris Banfield one. The Register acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Michigan fish and game laws as passed by the last legislature, from the compiler, Fred. W. Stevens, of Grand Rapids. There remains in the office of the county clerk a largenumber of claims which have been allowed by the board of supervisors They are mostly for witness fees ia justice courts. Rev. Mr. Galpin, the newly chosen cu rate of Hobart Hall, has accepted a cali to fill the pulpit in St. James' church, in Dexter, on Sundays. He will begin bout the first of October. J. T. Fuller, deputy clerk, of Ann Arbor township, will be in bis office at his residence on the Dixborough road, Saturday afternoon, October 1, where he will pay bounties for woodchuck scalps. , Superintendent N. J. Butts will be in floral hall, on the fair grounds, next Monday afternoon, from two until five o'clock. Parties desiring to secure space to make exhibits can do so at that time. Burglars broke into the safe oL Duebe! Bros., at Scio Mills, Monday night. They left it in such a condition that the proprietors can't get into it to see whether they succeeded in getting any plunder or not. The state fair ia being held in Jackson this week, and from all reports is very successful, notwithstanding the fair at Grand Rapids and the races in Detroit, both of which keep a great many people away. The game of ball which was advertised to be played on the fair ground this afternoon between the Browns and the M. G. R. R. Co.'s nine, of Detroit, has been postponed until tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock. Next week the law prohibiting all persons but peace officers and night-watchmen from carrying concealed weapons goes into effect. The penalty ia $100 fine or three months' imprisonment in the county jail. The Washtenaw county medical society held its regular quarterly meeting in Saline, last Friday. Dr. W. C. Stevens read a paper on Cholera ; a paper was also read by Dr. Batwell, of Ypsilanti. The meeting was a very interesting one. A new law, passed at the last session of the legislature, authorizes justices of the peace to draw orders for witness fees directly on the county treasurer, thus avoiding delay in waiting for the board of supervisors to pass on the account, as required by the old law. The interest whbh was first taken in the Ann Arbor Co operative Building and Loan Association continúes unabated, and nearly every week finds new names added to the list. The association has been in operation twentythree weeks, and has loaned $2,400. Miss Jennie Gerre, of this city, and John Botto, of Peoria, 111., were married in St. Thomas' church, Monday morning, by Rev. Fr. Fierle. A reception was tendered the newly wedded couple at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Schiappacasse during the day and evening. L Gruner has filed nis bond as treasurer of school district No. 1, with the following suretiea, who have justified as to their liabilities in the turn of $44,000, which is $4,000 more than was required : Christian Eberbach, Jacob Halier, HenryPaul, Leopold Blaess, and Kmanuel Mann. Thos. Burns, a sailor on the lakes, returned home the first of the week, and at once began to fill himself up on extract of family disturber. He got very tired in a short time, and Justice Pond committed him to the keepiug of Sheriff Walsh for 15 days, in which time it is expected he will thoroughly rest up. Prof. J. C. Knowlton has been engaged during the summer editing an American jdition of Anson on Contracts, an Enghsh aw work used extensively in law schools. The work was done for the well known 5rm, Calahan & Co., of Chicago, and t is a high honor to the professor to be chosen to edit such a work. The city treasurership remains in statu quo, and when the council will take it 'rom this state of lethargy is beyond conecture. Mr. Beal was aked by a Register reporter yesterday morning what he was doing or would do towards presenting a legal bond to the council, but refused to say a word on the subject. Cor. Hildner, of the Savings bank, and Miss Louise Keek, of Grand Rapids, will je married at the residence of the bride's arents, Mr. and Mrs. John Keek, today. Sev. J. G. Hildner, of Detroit, father of he groom, will perform the ceremony. They will reside in one of N. J. Kyer's new houses on Summit-st. A. L. Noble, when in Boston a few weeks since, visited the factory where the juyer hats are manufactured. He brought lome a sample of the different fure, after jeing mixed, from which the hats are made. Jentlemen who have worn these popular ïats, can have the pleasure of seeinpr their original material by looking in Mr. Noble's show cases. "What Ann Arbor needs," said a gentleman who visits Ann Arbor frequenty, "is a fir8t-class restaurant where a man can go and take his lady and get a palatable meal, or a dish of oysters. There sn't a restaurant in the city where a man can go and get a really good meal; and a )lace the size of Ann Arbor could certainy support one." Alfred Bucklin, of Delhi, undertook to jump on a moving freight train at the M C. depot in this city, Monday evening and in doing so slipped and feil, the train passing over and fracturing the right leg He was taken to the hospital, where the limb was amputated below the knee. He is about 25 years of age, and has a wil and two children living in Delhi. About thirtv oí the relatives and friend of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Beers, on Eas Liberty -st, gathered at their residence last Saturday evening to celébrate the SOtl birthday of Mr. Beers. The house wa handsomely decorated with flowers anc evergreens, and palatable lunch wa served. Atnong the guests present from abroad were Mrs. P. H. Chapín, of Medi cine Lodge, Kas., and Mrs. G. A. A'ail, o Chicago. A. L. Beardsly, familiarly known aa the "Judge, ' and a meniber of the law clas of '87, now of Glenwood, Colorado, write to friends in this city that he had just re turned from the Ute war, where he hac slain many a poor red man. He says tha on his return home and when within 35 miles of Leadville he stopped at a camp where he picked up a copy of The Regis ter, which geemed as good as meeting a long lost friend. If there is a man in the county who has nothing more than a yellow dog that, he has reason to believe, is a better anima than a canine his neighbor owns, he shouk take enough interest in the success of the fair next week to come to the front with his yellow dog and place it on exhibition This is the kind of spirit that ahould anímate every man, woman and child in the county to make some kind of an exhibit at the coming fair. The Register is in receipt of a notice announcing the death of William Wetzler Parfet, at Brandywine, Summit, Pennsylvania, September 10, 1887. Mr. Parfet wag a member of the literary class of '89. When in the High School he was one o) the editors of the Omega, and last year w as managing editor of the Oracle. He had the happy faculty of endearing himself to the hearts of all who knew hirn. He had many friends here who will be pained to learn of his decease. In reply to inquiries, Attorney-General Taggart states that clersrymen and ministers need not pay 25 cents to county clerks when filing certificates of marriage. One full and explioit affidavit, and license, for which the clerk receives 50 cents, will euffice for both contracting parties. These documenta may be made out by any authorized person, but county clerks should be very careful to learn the authority of auch deputies and to issue licenses only to those who have full knowledge of facts to be set forth in the affidavit. The foüowing, from the Adrián Times, should be re eehoed until the custom is abolished: The publication of cards of thanks by the surviving relatives of people deceased, is, we are glad to state, rapidly going out of fashion. How or where the noxious custom originated, nobody knows, but certaic it is, it cannot too quickly give up the ghost. People would be worse than heathens if they were not always grateful for kindness, but the publication of formal thanks is a piece of lip service and foolishneas whioh ought not to be obtruded on the public gaze. Matters in the Sorg defalcation have now assumed such a condition that the city will undoubtedly recover every dollar. Tuesday afternoon his bondsmen paid over to the city the amount for which they were Iiable, up to .May lst, 1887, $4,448.09. Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Sorg secured the city for the remainder by giving a mortgage on all his property, and his interest in the Sorg eataie, and to make the claim more secure, Mrs. Julia Sorg, his mother. also gave a mortgage on her property. It is made payable on or before April 1, 1888, and there is little doubt that the city will get every cent of it. Joseph Murray, of the First ward, died at the residence of his parents, Sunday, of consumption, nsrH 17 years, 7 months and 28 days. Deceased was employed in the press-room of The Register, up to within a few months before his death, Dut on account of failing health was compelled to give up his situation. He was a honest and industrious young man, and eaves many friends who mourn his death, and none feel his loss more than his late issociates in this office. The funeral was held in St. Thomas' church, Wednesday morning, which was attended by a large lumber of relatives and friends. Rev. Fr. i'ierle preached the sermón. There is no better index to the permanent growth of a city than are the cheap cottages, the hoiru s of the laboring men, which are springing up as by magie on all of Lansing's beautiful streets. Permanent rosperity is sure to follow successful manufacturing institutions, and Ann-Arbor has many such. Within the past few days nany visitors from other parts of the state ïave been in the city, and their favorable and even enthusiastic comments on the city's growth have been more than flatterng. There is no earthly reason why the oom should not continue, as it is not one .lased on fallacious reasons or on fictitious robable future improvement?, but the slow and steady growth bom of true increase in values and permanent prosperity.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register