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VjOWVrCAWAvV certain in their resulta, are Acker'a Dyspepsia Tablets. Eecommended by physicians and endorsed by all who have used them. The best lemedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. by John Moore, Druggist. Sírvant girl (at the leading library) - " Mind you, Iet me have the right book this once!" Assistant - "You always do get the right book!'' Servan t - "Nonsense! I have had to change it every time yet." IB VThe Best and Purest Medicine ÏL EVER MADE. X .Itwill drive the Humor fromyourl I iLsystom, and make your skinl I eo aC clean aml Bmooth. Thosel I f %Pk.Pimplc8 and Blotcheel _,, a whiihmar yourbeautycq 3 % O, f4 'cWare caused by impureM Ít e f-i- 'itiLWood, and can bell HV jfb 4 '?',%Lreniovedinashortl I LS The Dose 1, H sraall-ouly a teaT%; j, c 11 Hlspoonful. ItistheV. % e % I I best and cheapesíXL % of","5'! I I medicine. Tiy it, Qd Vjj. I I yoa will be satisfied. % % íO U IJ Get it of your Druggist. %%& M "dom'tWait. getitatosce wa jg Ilf you are suffering trom Kid Gáfese' S3&MUBVI Xbey never fail to cure. III Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston. Mass., for beet medical work pu&liahed? New Advertisements Hfifc. You'llfindltgoodtoreguÍKlísífiZS The r"gan3 of both smaU _jfc diSS. Ic checks Sick Headachc, fR31Ki37B and the wou BI That sad Dyspeptlca ever 3 MSU Besides 't'is pleasant to the NP EPv So none need gulp lt down 'MtS in haste. asfeMARLIN REPEATINC tes RIFLE BOtes, BEST IN THE teed perfeetly SH. WORLD! accurate and absolutely 89 safe. Made in all sizes fox V 7881 large or sniall game. v 11 b BALLARD Callerj, ïluntlne and Tsrsret Rifles. H Send for lUuntrntod C'atttloeiie. W Murliu Fire Arnu Cu., ew llaven.Conn. TTAXTED-I.ADIES for our Fall and VV Christmas Trade, to take light, pleasant work at their owu homes. 81 to 83 per day can be quietly made. Work sent by mail any distance. Particulars free. No canvassing., CTÏESCENT ART CO , 147 Milk-st, Boston, Mass. Box 5170. 666-69 ÉGOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. BAKERS JreaWCocoa. W Warranted absolutely pure Cocon, f rom which the excess of Oil has been removed. It has three time the strength of Cocoa mixed with Staren, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing les than one cent a cup. It Is delicious, nourishing, Btrengthening, easily digested, aod admirably adapted for invalida aa well as for persons lp health. Sold by Brocer Ttryrrhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass, ■rms PAPEEsWeifrjï í PENNYROYAL WAFERS ■B Are successfnlly used mjnthly by over 10,om %Ladles. Are Safe. EffWtial and Pleasant tl ■L f per box by mail, or at druggistó. Seated ParWr Itculanïpostage stamps. Address r THE EÍÍ-KKKA CHKMICAL COMPAST, i Ksher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Míen. EBERBACH & SOIT, DRUGGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a.large and well selected stock o Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnishing of Phy8icians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with Philosophical and Chemical Apparatua, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. Physicians' PrescriptioBS carefully prepared at allhours. LUÏÏBEB LT7MBER! LUMBER! If y ou contémplate building oall at FERDON LUMBER TARD! Corner Pourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufaoture our own Lumber and ?uarantee VERY LOW PRIOES! tgGlre us a cali nnd we 111 mak lt o voni interest, as aar large and well icráded stoek fnlly snstains our asser[Ion. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T. J.KKECH.Bnpt. 427-178 EIHS1Y & SEABOLT ÏSrOSr6 -A-ZCsTID 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of ererj thing ij, me GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coífees and Sugars All prime Articles bought for Cash and can MU atlow figures. Our frequent large involoe OJ Teas Is a sure sign that we glve bargalns in QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roast our own coffees every week, alwayt fresh and good. Our bakery tums out thevery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeus. 482-601 I ja I SLEÏTtislng Agency of MessrR. N. W. AVER SON. our authorlzed agenta. TANSY GAPSULËQ I THE LATEST DISCOVEBY.f w Dr. Iiaparlo'8 Celebrated Preparation, Bate and AIwayB Beliable. Indispensable to LADIMS. f. Send 4 cents for Sealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL CO., Chicago. ?"-


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