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Edmuml Montjromery (colored), aged 102 years, (lied on Saturday in Bohley County, Ga. Local JudgBS tried or otherwise disposed of nearly 100 divorce cases in Chicago on Saturday. The Georgia Benate paased Thursday its substitute for the Glenn Educational bill by a vote of 23 to 13. The villages of Wynne, Ark., and Union Mills, Ind., were almost entirely destroyed )y tire on Saturday. Dobler A Mudge's paper warehouse at Baliinore was destroyed by lire Thnrsday, with a loss of about $(10,000. The Matt c:;;rk Transporta! km ('oinpany, of Stillwatr, Mlnn., failed Menday for 1200,000; aesete, $100,000. An earthquake was feit in Malaga, Spain, Thursday. The shock caused B panlc ainong he people, bat did no d&mage. Mrs. Nancy Kimball ue'ebrated hor OOth birthclay in Elpn, 111., Mondny. Biie is a native of Concord, N. H. Johü N. Oampbell, a voteran of the war of 1812 and the Black Hawk war, died at Clinon, 111., Monday, at the age of 93 years. Prince Bismarck celebrated at Berlin on Friday the twenty-lifth anniversary of his assuniption of the office of Prime Minister. Fish CorneU'B Joliet (Hl.) Enterprise barb-wiro mili was destroyed by fire late Thursday nlffht Loss, $2.,000; fully inured. William V'. Il air, the noted driver of Maud L, was waylaid and rolibed of $1,500 at the ielmont ruce track near Philadelphia Saturday. An entire band of Indiana has been arested by civil oliicers of Arizona for horsetealing. The arrests were niads without any resistance. The Pennsylvania iron masten are organzing for the purpose of protecting themelves against the aggressions of the Amalgamated Association. The mints te it out during the week endng September 21 $1,358,463 in standard lollars. In the correspondlng week last ear the issue was $872,998. Judge Caldwell, of Cincinnati, on Friday fined 0. M. Johnson, a usurer, 11,000 dolars and costs for charging 200 per cent on small loans to poor debtors. T. Pnster & Co. "s large furniture factory at Evansville, Jnd., was burned Fï'iday. joss, i);7ö,0O0; insurance, $40,000. The lire was caused by an incendiary. The Salvation army, whieh was eetabished at Kingston, Ont., foiir years ago, is now poverty-Ktricken, and the ofticers appeal for help, as they are starving. O. Preston, the Union Labor party candidate for Secretary of State of New York, has reslgned in favor of John Swinton, candidare of the United Labor party. The famous sia'.lion Oberlin ('2:'25), half brot her to Maud S. , drupped dead on Monday at Youngstown, O., while being exercised. He was valned at í10,000. Han-y Lonard, the 9-year-old son of a wealthy hardware man of St Joseph, Mo., was shot and killed Sunday by his brother, who was carelessly handling a revolver. At the reunión of the blue and gray in Evans ville, Ind., on Thursday 70,000 persons witnessed the industrial parade, which was three hours in passing a given point. The trottinir race on Saturday between Clingstone and Patrón at Detroit, was won by the tormer in the fint, second and fourth heats. .Time, i!:!", 2:1714 and 2:1!H4. A band of Dakoits, who had saeked a village on the Irawaddy river, in Burmah,were pursued by the British troops and captured, ten of the band being killed and the chief wounded Keports to the Agricultural Department at Washington say that the apple erop in the United States wil] be very short. Michigan is the only State where an average erop is expected. At Davenport, Ia., Thnrgday, General W. W. Belknap was elected president of the Crocker Brigade Association. The next reunion will be held at Council Bluffs in September, 1K88. Three saloons, a boardinr-house, a feed store, the post-ofüce and its contenta and three barns, at Black River Falla, Wis., were burned Friday morning. Loss, $13,000; insurance, $5,000. A collision took place on Saturday at Eio Grande City between the United States Marshal's posse and a band of smugglers, in which four of the latter were killed and their camp captured. Edward Clark, of Mercer County, has been placed on the Ohio Democratie State ticket as member of the Board of Public Works, in place of Peter Murphy, who declined the convention nomination. Captain George Berringer, ex-mayor of Negaunee, Mich., died at Norway, Mich., Thureday, aged sixty-three. He was identified with the development of the Negaunee and Gopebie iron districts. C. M. Fo6ter & Co., a New York importing finn, made an assignment December last, with liabüities of $1,000,000 and scheduled assets of $775,000. The courts have set the assignment at-ide as a fraud. Mrs. Louise Eldridge, wife of John Eldridge, keeper of a restaurant at Ronce verte, W. Va., Bteppedto the restaurant door last Friday midnight and was shot dead by an unknown person in the Street B. F. Jones, chairman of the National Eepublican Committee, says it will not meet to select the time and place for the next convention much before Jannary. He has no preference as to the place. At Dayton, O., Sunday, Daniel Alexander agreed to pay for a!l the liquor George Zeigler would drink at a comer giocery. Zeigler drank twenty-two glasses of fivecent whisky, walked home, sat down and died. In Flamboro Center, Ont, on Monday a boy in a drug-store put up morjihine inBtead of quinine for a doctor, and before the mistake was discovered three of the doctor's patients died and others were seriously ill.


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