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ks warranted, is because it is the best. Jiiood Preparation known. It wil] posttiyely cure all Blood Diseases, purifies tlie whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitHtion. Eemember, we tfuarantee it. John Moore, Druggist. "Pa. do you tbink tliey oughter cal' Jerry Slack a ' poon? " " That's as gooct a name as aiy tor such a noodle. Why do you objact to ii?" "Well, don't yoi sea, a spoon is always expected to make a stir in the world." BÜYITANDTRYIT7 Try it for earache, Try it for headache, Try it for toothache, Try it for backache. For an ache or a pain Thomas' Eclectriïr Olí is excellent.- Chas. F. 274 Schenectady, N. Y. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the best thinj going, pa says. Cured hira of rheumatism and me of earache - two drops. - Master. Horace Brenizer, Clinton, Iowa. Try it for a limp, Try it for a lameness, Try it for a. pain, Try t for a strain. From shoulder to ankle joint, and for three months, I had rheumatism whicfi yielded to nothing but Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Thomas' Eclectric Oil did what n physician seemed able to accomplish. It cured me.- John N. Gregg, Supt. of Railway Construction, Niágara Falls. Try it for a scald, Try it for a cut, Try it for a bruise, Try it íor a burn. Price 50 ets. and $1.00 FOSTER,MILBÜT&CO.,PrVs. BV F F ALO, .V. Y. A NEW ERA ! Sal-Muscatelle. The orystallized salts as extracted from grapee and fruit; a most wonderful product from Nature's laboratory ; the greatest sovereign j)repar& tion ever placed before the American public. 8al-Muscatelle is Nature's own product ; it snpplies to the weary system the want of sound, ripe grapes and fruit ; it keeps the blood pure and tne bram clear; is a natural blessing to the faggeLout and weary, an imperative companion te busmess men, iadies aud children. Have it int your homes, travels, summer resorts and sca-Blda cottages. ick -Headashe aid bpepjiia Clit Preparad by the SAL-MUSCATELLE CO., P. O. Box 31S2, XewTork City FOE, SALE BIT H.J.BROWN Druggist, ANN ARBOR, - MICH Farrand. Williams & Co., Wholesale AgtoL JDETEOIT. ifirxdim: CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCB Eoyal ïïighlander's (SECOND SON OF THE EARL OF KINNOULL . DUPP1IN CASTLB, PERTH, SCOTLAND. TO THE LIEBIG COMPANY: " I was in a condltion of great debility, consequent apon a broken-down stomaoh, dyspepsia and malaria, complicated with kidney irritatlon, when my medical attendant directed me to take yonr incomparable Coca Beef Tonic. lts effect was sïmply marvelous, The power of digeetioR was quiekly restored, the kidney irritation v&nished and rapid resto rati on to health followed : "Other preparations of Coca had been trled without the slightest effect." mi chas. Luavis m mn Professor of Medicine at the Roy al VniverMy; Knight ofïhe Royal Austrian Order of the Inm Crown: Knight Commander of the Royal Spat ieh Order of Isabella; Knight of the Royal Prufa Order of the Red Eagle; Chevalier of tk$ Legión of Honor, tic, &c„ says : " LIKBIG CO. S COCA BEEF TONIC should not be confounded with the horde of trashy cure-alls, It is in no sense of the word patent remedy. I am thoroughly conversant wittIts mode of preparation and know it to be notonlj a legitímate phannaceutical product, but alw worthy of the high commendations it has receiTec in all parts of the world. It contains essence est Beef, Coca, Quinine, I ron and Calisaya, whicb re dissolved In pure genulne Spanish Imperia.. Crown Sherry." Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nerrou, Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malarious or affllcted witb weak kidneys. Beware ol Imltatlons. Ber foiestr's Favorite Cosm&tic Glreirise Used by Her Royal Highne&s the Prlnces or Wales and nobillty. For the Skin, Complexión Ernptions, Chapping, Ronghness. 81.00. Of drufrglsts. I.IEHIO CO.'S Oenalne Syrnp of Sur. ■anarilla is guaranteed as the Dest Sarsaparllla In the market. N. Y. Depot 38 n u rrny-s t .


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