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OKR 25 UUR (III.DIV. dvertisements, such as To Rent, For Sale, or Wants, not exceeding three unes, can be inserted iree weeks for 35 oents. F'OR SALE- Lnrge House and three Lots, Ï35; Pony. at 0 ; Coal Siove and Zinc, KI '. Wilmot st, No. 17. 667-69 WANTED-By a th roughly competent lady teaener, a district school. Is gradúate of High tí' hO"l one year in Universit ; has taught. Applj at Wines & Worden, Ann Arbor. 667-9 HPO RENT- Two Suites of furnished Rooms. InJl quire of Fred T. Stimsoa, 5)% N. Main-st. 666-8 GOOD girl wanted- one who can cok- steady place and good wages to right party 51 E. Ann-sU 667-9 ÍpOR RENT- A small white House, near my reaidence. J. Aiuain Scott, Washtenaw Ave. 666-8 LOST - On or near State-st, a Baby Garríale Blanket, knitted giey and redstnped. The linder picase leave at Bazaar, 13 Huron-st, and oblige. 6668 ■1OR RESrT- A Suite of Rooms in the Hamiltou table for liglit ni.usei-eei. ing. Water and steam heating included. Apply tj A. W. Hamilton. 666-8 WANTED, IMMEDIATELY- A good Girl for general house work, íd a smail family. Inqnire at No. 31 E. Liberty st. 666-8 rpo RENT- A neat Cottage, No. 35 8. 12th-st. 1. Pirst class convenientes. See B. Mnunt, 66 E. University Ave. 666-8 TO REST- Cottage, $3.00 per month. Inquire of J. D. Baldwin, Geddes Ave. Sept. 28. b66 8 FfOR SALE OR RENT- House, 8 ven rooms. No. 85 Monroe-st, one block S. of Campus. Etiquire 90 Washington. S. U. Allen. 665-6Í FOR RENT- One Piano, on reasonable terms. Apply at 57 S. Main-bt. 665-7 FT'OR SALB, CHEAP - A Heuse and Lot 4x9 rods. on Fourth st, can be bought very chtap. on long time. Apply to O. L. Ma ihews. Aun Arbor, Mich. 665-7 WANTED- Good Girl, at No. 45 E. Huron-st. 665-7 IOR SALE- Secnnd hand Extensión Table. 12 V feet long. at i6 S. Division-bt. 765-7 W ANTED- General nur-ing to do in the c!ly, ' couniy,or at hospita's. Uood referenees given. Mrs. M. L. Scott, 79 E. Huron-st. 663-8 F-'OR SALE OR EXCHtNGE- For property in this city, 20 aerrs unimproved land in Saline township, this Co. Terms easy. E. J. Kuowiton, 21 N. Staie-st Anu Arbor. 664-7 FOR SALE- Farm of 80 acres, goed buildings, soil, etc. Location unsurpssed. Long time. low rate of intertt and on easy terms, or will exchmiKe. Correspondence solicited. G. C. Crane, Stony Creck Mich. 6U6- t f. SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City Jesidence. farm nf 65 acres, one mile soutb west oi City. Or will sell or exchanjie 15 aurrs with buildings. Enquire at 26 South 5th St 8. A. Henion. 656. t f. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- House and lo', No. 28 Maynard st. Loration deslrable for student boarders. iLquire of E. B. Pond, 6 N. Main-st 640tf REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houes and Iota valued from $1 000 to Ï6,00o and contoini g from one-fifth ol an acre to twenty acre8_al in the city limits. Houes rented on reasonab." terms in central localities. Tarms exchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SE-ÍSIONS, 632tf Attorney ai'd Real Estáte Aeent. Office over Expiess Office, Main Su, Ann Arbor. LOANING- Money to loan on flrst class real estáte mortgages at curren t rates of Interest. iatiffactory arrangemeuts made with capitalista leniring such invfstment. Every conveyance .nd transaction in abstracts of titk-s carel uil y eximlneii as to legal effect. Zina P. King, Ann Arbor Mich. FINE FARM FOR SALE- Two miles trom Ann Arbor, consisting of 160 acres in a high tate ol cultivation. Has been used as a da'ry larm for 13years. consequently Boil is very rich. ciplendidiy watered by creek and springs. large two story frame house, large basement barn. carriage house, large theá w th hay lnft, also giain barn ; good orchard. Terma one third cash. balance on long time to i-uit purchaser Addiess, R. Watermann. Ann Arbor. 624tf Dissolation of Partnership. The co-partnership of James Barclay and Richard Rneves, doing business in the name oí Barclay & Reeves, is hereby diss lved by mutual consent. All dpht and liabilities ae assumed by Richard R-'eve, and all moneys and credits due said firm are assigoed to said Richard Reeves, who will continue the business. James Barclay. Richard Reeves. Akn Arboh, Sepf. 22, 1887. 667-9 The Palace Grocery. I havejust received a fresh new stock of CANNED M Both Foreign and Domestic, -which I can stli at great Bargains. MY FINE TEAS AND COFFEES Are Unexcelled. I have the flnest and most complete stock of Itudont Library, all and Stand XjA.:m::ps. Of anyone in the County ; also a large line of Crockery, Glass-ware and Decorated China. Come and purchase, whi!e the selection is com lete. and convince yourselves th t I give the BEST BAEOA1NS of any Store in inn Arbor. 2O Bars of Babbitf s BesC Soap for $1.OO. FRED T. STIMSON, HO. 9 Sí. MA1.N ST., ANK ARBOK.


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