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May to Bell. Dtar Bell: 111 write you a ...

May to Bell. Dtar Bell: 111 write you a ... image
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May to Bell. Dtar Bell: 111 write you a 6hort letter To say I'm wonderlully better; How much that mean you ought to know, Who saw me just one month agn - Thin, nervous, fretl'ul. while ati chalk, Almo t too weak lo bnaihe or talk ; lluaii throbbing, as n flt lur breakiog, A weary, ever-present afhing. But now life eems a different thlng : I teel as glad a bird un wing 1 I say. and fear no coiuradiction, That Pierce's Kavorite Prescription ' Is grand ! Why. l'd nave died wilbqnt it ! Ma thniks there's no mistake about it. It's driven al my ills away: Just come and see I Yours ever, May. " I regard thy use of bet-r as the true temperance principie. When I work all day and ain exhausted, nothing helps me ike a gla?s of beer. Il assists nature, you uuderstand," said Remson 10 Benson. "It makes a tooi of me," Benson replied. 'Just so," exclaimed Retnson, "that 's what I say ; it asistg nature." Doctor VoniNcli and save money, and perhaps your life. Send three 2-oent stamps to pay postage, to A. P. Ordway & Co., Bjston, Miss., and receive a copy of Dr. Kaufmann's great Medical Work, 100 pages, elegant cotared platea. Annette - "I have just been having a deligbtful stroll with Harold. Can anything be more poeticil than a walk in the moonlight?" Jeanette (tive years oldei) 'Foetical, no doubt, Annette ; but when pou have had my experience you will inow that a dark corner of the porch is equal to ten m;onlÍ2ht nighta." "T-C vrv wou enjy your dinner "3 3 and are prevented by Dyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are a positivo cure f or Iyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and Constipation, We guarautee them. 25 and 50 cents John Moore, Druggist Magistrale - Have vou no profession or calliug of any kind, Uacle Rictus, which ou pursue? Uncle Rastus - I bain't pre:actly got no professhun, yo' honah, but I ïas a calling, eah - yes, I has a calling. klagistrate - What is it? Uucle Ra-tus - 3e cha'coal calling, sah; I has oha'coal t' selL" FOR DYSPEPSIA and Lirer Comlaint, you have a pri'ited gurantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. Ie never ails to cure. S ld by Eoeibich & Son. Judge (who had invued an Alerman to sit beside bim on the benen) - Mr. Aldetmin, do you think the prioner is guiltv ? Just whisper your opinión to me. Aiderman - Judge, he is uo more guilty than I am. Judge (hesitaüng a few minutes, then alouri) - I ahall sentence the jrisoner to five years' imnrisonment. SHILOHS CURE will immdiately reieve Croup, Who ping C jugh, and Bronchitis. Süld bv Eberba'h nd Son. "My dear friend," said a man, addressng an acquaintance, "why don't you do omething with your son?' " What's the matter wilh him?" " Why, I noticed that while he was playing wilh several litile fellows he robbed them of all their marbles." "Tbat'sall right." "Allright! My graoious, do you want him to be a robber?" ''Yes, that's the drift of my teachmgs. Yuu i-ee I m briDging him up to keep a summer hotel " ARE YOU MADE r: ïserable by Indigestión, ConsiipHiion, Dizziness, Loss of Appetitj, Yellow Skin ? Snil h's Vitalizar is a cure. S d by Eberbach & Son. A big rubber firm ha failed. They stretched their credit too far. COLLIliS&AISDEIÏ DEALERS IN Stone, Lime, "Water Lime. Cement, Calcined Piaster, Plaetering Hair, Brick, and Masons' supplies in general. Also all kinds of WOOD AND GOAL! FLOUR, Feed and Baled Hay. Offices, No. :í:s and 36 Kimt Ilurou-st.


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