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A Love Feast

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Contrary to expectation the best of feeling prevailed at tne counoil meeting Monday evening. Not the least thing occurred to stir up the aldermanic temper, and as a consequence a large amount of important business was disposed of. The first thing in order was the REPORT OF THÍ FINaNCE COMMITTKE. Aid. Swift, chaiiman of the finance commiuee, reported iu favor of allowing the following amounts from the variousfunds: First ward fnnd Í 33 18 Second ' " 47 88 ïnird " " 22 21 Fourth " ' 47 31 Filth " " 10 50 Nixth " " '9 97 General streetfund 102 70 Genera', funrt 119 7) Contiügent lund 452 '9 Total 11915 36 A bilí of $77 was allowed H. Kitredge for 385 loads of gravel. The bill of the T. H. Electric Co. of $535 20, for lighting the city during the month of August, was allowed. Tne September bill was laid over until the company raised certsin lights. A communication from the supervisor of Superior was read, asking the council to allow a bill of $42.25 for medical attendance upon ihe Groves children, who, it was elaimed. properly belonged in Ann Arbor. Referred to finance committee. APPROVAL OF BOND8. The bond of Jjhn Moore, as city treasurer, was presented. The ñames of the followinir Dondsmen were attached to it, who had justiSed in the sum set oppoi-ite their names : Genrtre M. Henion, 5,000, Aretus DunD, $10.000; Densmore Cramer; $15 000; J. L. Parker, $10,000; Samuel Miller, $20,000; Alpheus Ftluh, $20,000. (Jn moüon, the bond was approved. The electric liyht corner of North and IobhIIs sts wa di8continued. Tne Ann Arbor Savinss Bank presented a bond in the sum of $50,000 for the sale keeping of the city's fuuds, with the following mreties: Chritian Mack, Dvid Kinsey. Muses Seabolt, W.W. Wines, Dauiel Hi.-cock, Charles H. Worden, Fr. Scnmid and w. D. Harriman, all of whom had justified aa to their liability in the sum of $7uOO each. On motion, the bond was approved. REPORT OF SIDEWALK COMMITTEE. Aid. Hcrrz, as chairman of the sidewa'k committee, moved that the grade established on the east side of Main-st, between WasbiDgion aDd Liberty-sts by the city engineer, be the established ejrade for that block. Carried. Aid. Herz also reported in favor of ordering new sidewalks in 37 different places in the city. Oa motion, they were ordered laid. The matter cf the sidewalk on the north side of William st, west of south Main-st, was referred to the oity attorney. TAXES TO BE RAISED. The following amounts were oruered to be spread upon the assessment roll for ihe year 1887-8 : Court house aid 12,000 Court hou-e aid interest 156 oene'al purpures 6.1KO General streel purposes 2,000 Witter works 5,0 0 Ciiy Improvemint iund „ 5,OU0 Firs. ward juüd 7fK) Second " " 1.00J Third " " 700 Fourth " " 1 1 00 Filih " ' SCO Sixth " " 8jO The sum cf $28 22 levied a a special assesment for building a sidewalk on tbe lot ot Philip Bach, on JVfferson 8t. Also $5 44 special ases.-meut for building a sidewulk in front of the propeity of Mrs. Pay, on Pontiac- st. The poor report of Marshal Sinley showed that he had expended $98 f)4 fjr the support of poor people in the cuy during the past month. Fvllowing arj the amounts allowed by wards : First Ward f 3 50 Second " 5 28 Third " 11.68 Fourth " 4 .41 Fntn " .457 Sixih " 7.50 Total J97.S4 Marshal Sipley's report ghowed that there had bien two arrests durmg the month of September. They were Charles Lohike, fiued $7.80 as a disorderly person, and the other was John Reynolds, arrested for violating the liquur law, now pending in Justice Pond's court. MONEY ON HAND. The rcorder's rt port showed the fol lowing amounts on hand in the different funds : Contingent fond t3,727 61 First ward " 6J4 7-i Second " " 17 i 'Jhird " " 565 Fiilh " " 11 43 Sixth " " 6a 00 Water Works" 78 B3 ('itycemetery " 9 fc'2 Dogtax " 10 00 Total. 16,1)80 16 The general fund is overdrawn f2,756 - 57; general street fund, $434 99; F unh wa,d, $56.12; delinquent tax lund, $900.39. MISCELLANEOÜS. Drs. Georgeand Kapp were allowed $25 each tor past services as healih 1 ÉSceis. Ald. Wines offered an nmeudment to section 16, prohii iiing the burning of rub bit-h from ihree o'clock in the atternoon uniil five o'clock the sucjeeding morning. Tabled. The following gentlemen were appointed deputy marshals to act during the fair without cost to the city : John Nowland, Theodore Mast, Wm. J Clark, Jet). Davis, Eli S. Mauly, Jasper Imus and Thoma9 Floweis. Ald. Wines offered the following resolution, whiuh waa adopted: Rcsnlved, That the sum of two hnndred and Seventyfive be approi riaied from iheci'ntingeni iMid loi tht purpose oí purchaitig a lot in Ihe line of Chmch st, beiween Miliurd and Orleaus-sts. On motion of Ald. Wines, the Marshal was instruoted to enforoe the ordinance relative to fast driving. Adjourned.


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