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itthe Two Sams. fiVFRCOATS ! AttttTwaha. "We shall offer this season the flnest line of lETVSIR, SHOW!". Fine Ones in Meltons, Kerseys, Fur Beavers, Chinchillas, Montacnac, Cassimeres and Plain Beavers. We have an immense stock to select from. $5.00 Will Buy an Elegant Overcoat ; (6.00, a better ene ;8 7.OO, a Fine Coat, suitable for Dress Wear ; Large, heavy Storm Ooats, at $7.50, $8, $9 and (10. IVERC0.ITS1 1VE HAVE TI1EU COME AND SEE THEM. You can Bave Four Dollars and Five Dollars on every Coat you buy. Look at our $12 and $15 Overooats. These Coats will cost you Twenty Dollars in any Olothing House in Ann Arbor, Detroit. JackFOn, or Chicago. "We bought this large line of Overcoats at very Low Figures, and -we shall ag-nn give our Cus'omers a benefit of our good fortune, in seouring them at these Low Figures. WE INVITE EVERY PERSON TO EXAMINE OUR LINE OF OVERCOATS, OurLIÏÏEofSÏÏITS "S-OTTira UEN'3 STTITS, THE FINEST EVER SHOWN BY ANY HOUSE IN THE STATE. Do not get your Clothlng made; buy them of us. We have the same Patterns, and on any fine Suits we can save you $15 to $20. On every Suit, we guarentee a LOOK .A.T OE BUSINESS SUITS ! Ranging in price from $12 to $18, In Fine Worsteds, English, American and Scotch Cheviots, and Cassimeres of all Colors. Don'tFailsBuyUs! Our $5 Suits, our $6 Suits, our $7.50 Suits, our $8 Suits, our $10 Suits ; on every one of these Suits we promise you that we can save you from $3.OO to $5.OJ. IT DON'T PAY To Mislead Customers! But if you wish to buy a better pair of Pants for $1.00, than any one can sell yon for $1.50, Oome and see THE TWO SAMS. Children's Pants, 35c. The same as other houses ask .,75c. BRING THE LITTLE ONES TO THE TWO SAMS, tIhe Qnly Strictly Onc-Frico House in Ann Arbor


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