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Washtenaw Pomology

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The Oitober meeling of the society, last Saturday, w;th Mr. Baldwin in the chair, was fairly attended, the raio detaining many members. Considerable business was done, however. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION. Prof. B. E. Nichols stated that the Ann Arbor fruit car started every evening regularly, with the exception of last Friday evening. The fruit remained over night in the freight house here, and Prof. Nichols made arrangements at onca, that the fruit, consisting of apples, peaches, and pears, shoul ' reach Detroit at 10 a. m , Saturday. Had tuis not been attended to the fruit, especially peaches, would have been spoiled. The report set forth, that our fruit was more carefully handled than by the Express Co.; that the car was ready for unloading in Detroit every morning at six o'cloek, and that in future our berries would go to Detroit in the same manner, and atcheaper rates even than p jaches. Snippers of fruit will bear in mind that the resclution that Mr. Nichols colleot one cent per basket for incidental expenses will be carried out. All will be glad to pay this small tax, considering the cheap and well-managed transportaron. MORE PEAOB TREES. Mr. Q-snzhorn reported that there was quite a demand for peaches from the West by the car-load ; that it could not be sup plied unless the peach plantations were ten-fold increased. He looked for peach seasons right along. E. Baur spoke of hts expenments in shipping by freight by the T. & A. R. R. Two barrels of early pears sh pped ihe 28th of July to Kansis Cify, for a lone time could not be traced by Mr. Wales, the agent here. Alter a lapse ot three v ;ks the report came : " Pears were lett in St Lous anddumped into th MisS'fsippi." Shipments of pears toCmcinnati, which were held out by the agent as taking at the outside, three days, were eieren days on the road. Whilo Axline & Markley, of Cincinnati, made accepta ble returns lor said shipruent, another firm took all the advantage that can be taken, so that the book concening this deal had this remark : " Shun all Moores ie the cummission business." ANN ARROR PRESERVING COHPAKT. A compiny lor (he above purpose operated quietly during the fruit season ou the Bossaid plan in the town-hin, under the superintendency of Mr. E. H. Mjrgan, lately from England. On his last visit to bis native country Mr. M rgan found that canned goods from America, put Up in tin eins, were not favorably received by the English people. Thy are considered injunous to health. Hoving been engiged in truit growing near Ann Arbor and knowing the advuntuge ot growiner the fiaest flavored fruit in this vicinity, Mr. Morgan at once organized a compauy of siaun h E iglish capital x a tor the munufactnre of conlections and jams in glass cans, holding over a pint. Tiie pattern is very neat and the labels preity and fitting. Ten thousand have been put up, and Mr. M irgan will eiect a factory, ready for operation next season. Fillowing were the articles exhibited at the meeting of the pomological society at the court house : T mato confection, peach confection, nabobfquash, gooseberry, bla'-kberry, strawberrv, red aad black raspberry j ims. Wholesale at $3.60 per dz membera of the society were invited to examine and samóle these goods. The nabob squash and the tomato confectinn mixed with lemon lices e peciilly eliuited the admiration of the mi-moers on account of the novelty. All the goods were pronounced by an unanimous retolution as the finestever exhibited bt-fore Uiis society. The chairman complimenteö Mr. Morman on his sucoess, and sp ke of the small beginnings of some canning fantories in kitcheng in this country, like the tomato factory in Keokuk, Iowa, which is turning out this seasoa thirtv thou-and cans per day. Mr. John R. Miner stated that he saw one order of sixty cr loads of canned goods from a house in Kansas City; thit on the prairies of the far west and in mining distrricts immense quantities of these goods were used. APPLE CROP. The opinión prevailed that in this vicinity the apple crep was mostly on the ground, and the few apples on the 'rees badly injured by the insects. M-. Tms sta'ed thit he scraped his trees Will jut before leafing ojt, and then gave thetn a wah with lime mixed with fresh cow manure. Thus he obtained iruit free from insect mark-. K. Bur reported on his oichard h üne erop uf King and Jonathan apples. Mr. Oanznorn : The K'effer pears, grafted two years ago, are 1 aded with truit. Fur canning it is equal to the quince. He offered Mr. Mngin his Kisflers for canning as an experiment. FRUIT EXHIBIT. J. Toms : Waker grape, very fine shouldered and compact bunjhes, that held the berries firm, which are of light catwra color ; also very fine tragrant roses. S D. Lennon : Late peach, highly colored ; origin uncertam. E. Baur : Grapes, D laware, Manha, Mmer's seedling, I'ira" la, RigersNo. 4 Apples, Jona'han, King. Peurs, B )-c, Lwrenoe, Mt. Vernon, Superfine, D'Anjou, D Aremberg, Winter Nelis, all 3ne specimens. FRDIT PRESERVING FACTORT. Mr. Clough, the chairman of this commitee, being absent, Mr. Baldwin stated: Messrs. Allmendinger & Schneider ful filled their part of the comract. Tney expended $1,000 more than the contract provided, and established a foc.ory which is an honor to the industries of ojr commiinity. The subscrioers tothe bonus wiil pi ase be ready if called upon at an earlv date by the committee or their agent, Mr. 'Clark. QUESTION BOX. Some one who hnd ben bsdly treated by ilinerant fruit tree agenta a.-ked: Where can trees be purehased true to name? These traveling agenis eenerally promise that they will make good all the orders if not ttue to nauie and representaron, but fail to appear atler col'ectiong are made. Mr. Ganzhorn explained how il was doe. Why people buy of such stranger while they can have what they waat from resident dealers, who purchise from reliable firms, is a mystery. Make un your mind early wht you want and oruer from a resident, ivsponsible dealer whom you can see at any time. Ann Arbor. Uct. 3, '87. Cor. Sec'y.


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