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THE FIELD OF POLITICS. Saeatooa Spbtngs, N. Y., Sept. 29.- In the New ïork Democratie convención yesterday tüe representation of New York City was equally divided between "Tanimany Hall" and the "Couuty Democracy," leaving the Irvlng Hall faction out In the cold. The platform, as adopted, demanda revisión of the tariff and a reduction of $100,000,000 in the amount of taxes annually collected. The State and National Civil-Servlce laws are approved; the Admlnistrations of Governor HUI and Preaident Cleveland approved, and "sumptuary laws intertering with the personal liberties andreasonable habits of any portion of our f ellow-cit zens" reprobated. Frederick Cook was renomlnated for Secretary of State; Charles E. Taborwas nominated for Attorney-General; Edward Wemple for Comptroller, and L. J. Fitzgerald tor Treasurer. Boston, Sept 29.- The Massachusetts Bepublicans held their State convention here yesterday and nominated Oliver Ames for Governjr; J. Q. A. Brackett for LieutenantGo vernor; H. B. Pierce for Secretary; S. W. BeardforTreasurer; C. R. Ladd for Auditor, and A. J. Waterman 'for Atiuney-GeneraL The platform defends the protective tariff; adv sea revisión of the internal rever.ue taxes to rednee the Treasury surplus; demanda liberal appropriations for the navy, international improvements, education and pensions; favors a National Bankrupt law and cessation of the compulsory ailver coinage, and goea in strong for restrictive legialation against liquor-selling and a prohibitory amendment of the constition. I'hiladelphia, Sept 30. - Chairman Jones is said to have indicated his purpose not to cali the Kepublican National Committee together before Jamiary, which is taken as an indication that the nominating convention will not meet before next July. New Yoek, Sept 30.- The State convention of the Progressive Labor party (Socialist) met again last night A committee reported that John Swinton had declined the nominalion for Secretary of State, owing to ill heal_h, and J. E. Hall was chosen in his stead. Baton Rouge, La., Oct 1.- The Democratie eonvention of the Sixth district Thursday nominated Colonel 8. M. Bobertson, of Baton Rouge, for Congress to succeed his father, the late Colone] E. W. Robertson. Saeatooa Spbinos, N. Y., Sept 30- Following the result of New York World interviews at the New York Democratie State convention Wedneaday: Of the 335 delegates, löO favored Cleveland, 43 HUI, 128 were non conimittal The highest estimates on the Labor vote was 250,000 and the lowest 10,000. Most of the delegates thought it would be below 75,000. The Prohibition vote was varioualy estimated at from 5,000 to 250,000. The general opinión was that it would not exceed 40,000. Washington, Sept 30. - Colonel John H. Oberly has written a letter declining an in. vitation to address the Illinois Democratie Assoclation of this city this evening, which he says he can not accept without violating his official obligation, stating the position of the Commisaion, that the Civil-Service law of 1883 was enacted for the purpose of providing a non-parrïsan service. Nashville, Tenn., Sept 30. - The amendment election yesterday in this Stite was very quiet, but the result is in doubt, botb parties c ainiing a victory. Eastern Tennesse3 gave a majority of 17.000 for prohibition. Dispatches to the Chattanooga Tima indícate the defeat of prohibition by about 5,000. Women worked earnestly at the poJs, dispensing a lunch and coffee to voters, and pleading with them that they cast their bailóte for prohibition. Nashville, Tenn., Oct 1. - Latest returns indícate that the majority again-t prohibition in this State will be between 12,000 and 15,000. The vote exceeds that cast at the last Gubernatoria! election.


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