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To Tourists mul l'ruvplorN. A mechante never goes to work without his tools. Neilhershouldyoustarton a jnurn y wilhouibeing luily equippi-d by al ays having a i ox of I'omeroy'b Petroline Piasters in your knapsack. In eaes of Kheumalism. Neuralgia, Backache, etc, when ynu are i robably far frora a doctor, the importance oí' having a piaster at hand i-anrmt be . ovei-tstimated. Pedestrhns, oarsmen, base ballers. cricketers, gymnitsts, anc all athletes will rlnd ita true lriend. For relievlnu and curini; Backiiche, tíortmess of Chest. all pains and aches, it is Mmpiy mvaluable. For Sale by H. J. Brown, District Agent íbr Aun Arbor. "I am going to have the Legislatura cha'ige my name to Notoriety," reoenily remarked a Frauklin street girl who had never harl a chance to teil her love. " A strange choice. How did th-U huppen to strike your fancy ?" iiquired one who ove. heard the declaration. "So many men court notoriety, you know." THE REV. GEü. H. TH AYER, of B urbon, Iud., says: "Both myself and wite owe our lives to Shil jh's C'msumption Cure." Sold by Eberbaoh & Son. " G-eorge," she suid, tender ly, "do you believe in the ld saying, 'Out of s:ght, out of mind?" "Well, no, not altogethe', ' responded George, hesit itingly. " Fur instance, take a boíl on the back of one's neck." ÍA A and reliable Medicinen are thebest VJvW to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been prescribed for years for all impuritiesof the Blood. Ineveryformoi'Scrofulous, Sypliiliticor Mercurial diseases, it ís invaluable. For Rheumatism, lias noeqn&L John Moork, Druggist. Some stern moralista say, in a resigned sort of a way: "Let justice be done, though the heavens talll" and then the-y sneak out of .the way as if they expected the heavens would fall when justice got in its work. '■HACKMETAUK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Prioe 25 and 50 cents. Soli by Eberbach & Son. The blooming damsel who goes down to the ea in the blush of eaily morning lor a dip in the surf is oiten a work of art. The realism comes as she walk8 up the anüs leaviog a red streak behind her in the retreaiing billosv. Throat ailum gets well seld of itself, but deepens until it undermines the constitution, waste8 away healih, strength and fleah, and flnally fastens itself on the lungs, completing the wreek and ruin of the whole man. Dr. Bigelow's Poitive Cure ii the ouly sale, sure and speedy remedy for coughs, colds, and all tnroat and lung diseases. Suld by Eberbach & Son, at üfty cents and one dollar. Pleasanl to take and safe for children. " How is Brown getting on, doctor; any better ?" "O, Brown hs oeen up and about for two weeks." " Theu you dou't go in to see him any more? ' "Djn'i Ij? I went to hls offiue ihree times to see him yesterday, and I'm on my way there now." SHILOH S CATARRH RËMEDY- a posmve cure lor Catairn, Diphiliena and Cauker Mouth. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Analysis has brought to light the fact that ice cream frvquently contains glue. But it never seems to hurt the girls. Somehow, it's always the young mee who get stuck. CJi ■ I 'hem A Chance I That is to Bay, your lungn. Also all your breathing machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavitiesleading from them. When these are clogged and cheked with matter which oughl; not to be there, your lungs eannot half do their work. And what they do, they eannot do well. Cali it cold.oough.croup, pneumonía, cattarh, coiusumption or any ot the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be gotten rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's Germán Syrup, which any druggii-t will sell you at 7; cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed you, you may deüend upon this for certain. All greflt men are attcniive listenere. M .ny of them acquire the habit by beiug ma! ried. REPORT OF THJS uuNDITIOM OF THE Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, July 4th, A. D., 1887. MADE In Accordance with Necttonii 18,19 and 67 of the (JenerHl Banking I.wm hu Ameiided In 1871. RESOURCES. Loansand Discount „..f 3t6.512 11 Bonds and Mortgages 2c,2IO 85 Overdraits 2-8 1 Furmture and Fixtureo 1.930 ss Due from National and State Banks 49 910 57 Cash on hand _. 9.839 36 LIABIUTISS. $60795 Capital Stock „ „,j so.000 00 Surplus Fund „.. 6O.11OO 00 Prufiiand Loss 25181 07 July Dividend 2 67 ■ 00 iJue Depouitors 479'865 88 $ 607,721 95 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my kuowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HI8COCK, Cashier. Subsoribed and sworn to belore me, this 5th day of July, Ih87. ADAM D. SEYLER, Not-ry Public. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS! I !■■ rfiil f nu I -II l'i -1 ripl w 11 reBiore ihat 1 .st Vna'ity and a Kugged, Healthy (,'ond tioi folluw its use. Buy at your drugg s''s. one packaRe.$l : six l r S5 Illtlkl iiimii vi. o„ UKI'KOIT, nif'II. " Foreat City Bird Store, __ K JSv. established l7i Binggglr ing Birds, Talking l'arS rots, Bird Cafres, Pure c Seed. Song Restorer; p - V Insect Cure. Fishing aï Tackle, Bird Books, w Poultry Supplïeö, Gold W ' Fish, Doga k their Medicines, Ferrets, Bird's Eyos. S. H. WILSON, 349 Superior st., Cleveland, Uhlo. (OINti KAST S=b :; = 1 L .;3 te, I v STATIONS. H Q x g aS z -s o A. M. A M P. M P M. P. M TT OhicaRO.Lv 6 50 9(10 S 10 8 1ñ 9 ló a KalamHz o 12 17 1 50 6 58 12 30 2 35 tf, BatleCreek 112 2 27 7 3 1 4;i aai! Jackon 3 15 4 2H 8 49 3 15 4 So o?! chelea 3 59 5 3s q S' Dexter.... 4 14 5 60 lu b Delhi Mills 4 22 J) Ann Arbor 133 5 30 9 4f 4 3 6i[o Ypsilantl 4 50 5 4i 9 56 4 02 64 1nS Wayne Jun 5 15 6 0í 5 15 6 47iim Deiroit 7 15 10 55 6 10 12 Oi Mnirara Kalls 2 22 5 48 133 6 ,S8 """" Buffalo 4 35 7 55 3 55 6 10 ü' P M P. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A ' UOINO WRST Ú jS g STATIONS. I" & o a o_S__S á_5 A. M A M. t.I.) Buffalo ni 5 15 6 05 9 0" 11 8 NiajiaraFalls 12 15 6 3 12a A. M. A. M. P. M P. M P. M .... Detroit Lv 7 00 9 10 1 30 4 00 8 (K) 9J5 Wayne Jun 7 40 9 53 2 03 4 45 8 37 9 5j Ypsilnnti 8 01 10 12 2 20 5 12 8 S8 1021 Ann Arbor 8 16 10 25 2 32 5 30 9 12 IOS Delhi Mills 8 2 5 42 .. Dexter 8 85 „ f,0 9 82 . Chelsea 8 48 sos 9 52 Jackson 9 Sü 11 35 3 32 7 10 10 5 12 S BatileCreek 1103 112 4 40 8 52 12 12 135 Kalamaz'io 11 52 1 50 s 15 1 20 2 39 Chicago, Ar 5 15 6 40 9 SO 7 00 s 05 P M. P. M. P M P. M A. M P. n O. W. RüíJGLES H. W. HA YUS. G. P & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arboi. Toledo, Ann Arlíor & North MícMgau RY Time Table going into effect Sunday, Aug. 7 'S?, Going North. Golng South" STATIONS. pík pL. M'l. Standard Time. ,-, P. M. P. M. A. M. LV'E] [ARR A. M. P. M. P."7 3 15 6 5 5 15 .Toledo 9 00 1 10 8 40 4 00 7 50 6 02 Monroe Junet'n 8 10 12 31 7 4 08 8 05 6 10 Dundee 8 0! 12 24 7 4 33 8 35 6 S5 .Milán 7 45 12 04 7 ( 4 53 9 as 7 00 Pilt-sBeid .... 7 2fi 11 43 7 1( 5 10 9 25 7 15 ..Aun Arbor... 7 15 11 30 6 S 5 30 9 50 7 33 Leland's 6 45 11 14 6 5 45 p. m. 7 46 Whitmore Lake A. M 11 0 6 1 5 62 7 53 Hamburp 10 5 6 1( 6 28 8 30 Howtl' 10 20 5a 7 20 9 SO Durand 9 30 4 8 7 46 9 5-i Corunna 9 08 4 15 7 55 10 01 Owonsu 9 00 4 H 9 15 11 16 .Ithaca 7 46 2 46 9 33 11 3 St. Louis 7 27 2 26 9 41 11 41 Alma 7 20 2 20 10 i 12 3" ...Mt. Pleasant 6 30 1 P. M. p M. A. M P. , All passenger trains run daily except Suuday. Connec.tiouN at Toledo witn rallroalBdivergii( At Manhattan JunctioD with Wheeling A LaKin ?.. R. At Alexis wltb V. O R K L 8, tc'y acd F & P. M R B A Monroe JancBm wnn L 8. . M. H R'y. At Dundee with L 8 k M. 8.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán with W., St Li P. Ry. At Plttsfleld with L. 8. A M. 8. B1 At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R.,ud at South Lyon witb Detroit. I .ansing and Ñoñiern R. R.,and G. T. Ry. H. W AKHT KV W H RKVNKTT. Superintendent. Gen. Passeneer Agent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. PAINT II !- Paint Friday. run it to Church Suniy. Eigbt i'! B Fashionablc Slindes: lilick, Maroon. Vermilion J ■" Blue, Yellow, Olive Lake. Brewster and Wogon :) C í'.reens. No Varnishing necessary. Ir1cs liard 3 t with aghine." One Cúac and job is done a LQ 2 YOURBUCCYli fc. Tip top for Chaírs, Lawn Scats, Sash, Fïower [; Z Pots, Baby Carriages, Curtaín I'uk-s, Fnmíoire, $71 lil Front Doors, Store-fronts, Screen Doors, Boats, s y Man tes, Iron Henees, in íact cverythinff. Just J") Êm the tiiing for the ladics to use about tUe houe :c Ë FOR ONE DOLLAR 1 GOiT'SHONESTl [J Are you going to Paint this yeatt I f so, dont 5#l ■S buy a paint contaimng water or benzine when j __ fur the same money(or ncarlyso) you can procure -r CO3Í' i ('O'S l'tlííí PAINT tluit Isw&rranfcd tn gfj ■■" bean HOXBST, OENOIKE L1SEKDOIL PÁ1PT 8" 3 and free from water and benzine. Donianrt íhls f __ brand and iiiUt no otii'-r. Mcrchants handling s v ;t are our agrents and autliorizcd byus, in writtng', b lo warrantlt lo wcar 6 ÏKA1.8 with 3 COAlSor 2.5fl fgS 8 YEAltS with 2 COATS." Our Shadcs are the g = J1 Latest Stylcs sed in the Ií-ist now beconñng c" LL1 so popular in the West, and up with the omes v a S Try tWs brand of UONEST PAIXT and you WÖ1 '' never regrtt it This to the wisc is sufiicient U gHOUSEPAIMTl Í COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS Paint that never dried beyond the stícky point, 2 v waste a weck, íixil t'ie job, and then swearï Next time cal for í'OíT & (O'S FIAMIR PAINT - L 4 popular and suitabie bhailes, wnrrnntrd to árj ym gH hrd ■ a ruck owr nilit. No truublc No ■■" gíLaWOHT DRY STICKY S SHING-LESl The beat in theworld la Walter'sPatentShinglES Made of Ir on, Tin or Steel. Cheaper More Durable and Ornamenatl Than Slate Warranted to giv Batist action. For partioulars and pricea addresa GEORGE SCOTT, Architect. Sole Agent forWasbteño tv County. YOUR LAST CHANCE# TOBÜY frFI MINNESOTA DAÍCOTA,S uwmS. fígkSS Terms o easy that the Ir 4 I R9IIWAV CU todmllPAVraU VJ hasneirly ITSELF in Five ím f u A I F yeurs. I'ricca É I ■ r XbSyto ACRES. pnces.tcrmsofZ %F" Convenient to market ale.ndotharX X Woll-watored. Healtli particulars, 1 cliraato. Good churcbet Mnt íree. g mM schcwls, and socíhI advaí; g g tages A región where ía31 L. tmmg ure croPB has nover boeï Sy CHARLES E.SIMMONS fJf Land Oom. O. 4 N. W. IUÜwh ■ Mr CHICAGO, ILL. XÏ 1 CVTheee lands canuot fait to X f0f pfotítable and aXsafeinvestment


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Ann Arbor Register