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YfvO tre with. any Throat or JX)V v LungDisease. If you hav ft Cough or Cold, or the children ai threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough. use Acker's English Iïemedy and prevent fnrther trouble. It is a positivo cnrq and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50 John Moobe Druggist. Fond wile - " Wi uld you believe that Mrs. Eocleg, next door, speaks Reven languagcs?" Fond Husband - 'Certaioly I would ; she's got tongue enough to epeak fifty." WHY WILL YOU coui;h when Shiloh'a Cure will give iinme'Hate relief! Pnce 10 ets., 50 ctg. and $1. Sold by Eoerbach & Son. St. Louis has 7,000 cats, and they ar all reckoned into the census beoause they happen to have whisicers. Ko Wenuu 8 beautiful witn a bad skin, covered with pimple?, freckles, moth or tan. I have been asked many times what will remove these unsightly blemishes. No fice-piiinta or powders will remove thetn, as they are caused by impure blood. The only pure remedy 1 have ever seen, ia Sulphnr Bitters, and in hundreds of cases I have never known tbem to fail. - Editress Fashion Gazette. "My dear," said a husband, gently rousing his wifn - the lady was dangerously ill - "Mrs. De Hobson called alittlewhile ago and left her love and sympathy for you. Sheseemeddeeply affeced." "JohD," said the sick lady in a very weak tone of voice, as she slowy unclosed her eyes, ''what did she have on?" TO TFTF. T.ADTTüfl ! If you are afflicted with rbeumatlsm. neuralgia, m exlmu-tinii, dyspep.-ia, or with diaeases of the liver, kidnys, headacheor cold feet, swollen oi week ai, kies, or swoileii feet, an Abcominal Beltand a pair ol Magmtic Foot BatLeries have no superior in the releif and cnre of all these complaints. They carry a powerful niagnetic force to the seat of the desease. Fur lame back, weakn. ss of the spine, falling of the womb, leucorrhoea. tóronic intlammaiion ann ulceration cf the womb, incidental hemorrhage of flooding, paiulul supprewd and irregular mensuuation.barreuness, and thange of lile, ihisis the Best Appliance and Curative Agent Known. Price of Supporter with Maenetic Foot Batteries. 110. tent by express C O. D., and examination allowed, ur by mail on receipt of price, and il nut tuund satisfactory even aftet six months trial they can be returutd and moaey rWunded. In orderiug, send meabure of waist and size of shoe. They ae worn over the underclothing. They hold their power ƒ orever. Seud for the 'New Department in Medical Treattnent Wilhout Medicine." with thou-ands of testimoniáis. Send for circulara. Wriieustull particulars as regards your dimculties - orden direct. THE MAKNETIC iPI'I.MX K CO., 134 IXwirlmrn Kt.. II Icago, III. Some of the miikmen hang paila of milk down the well to keep the milk cooL Sotne of them use too much rope. BURDOCK LOOD "RTTTPPQf Bürdock Blood Bitters Purify Ihe Blood. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ■on Sound. Refreshing Sleep. Burdock Blood Bitters FO That Tired. Weary Feeling. Sick Headache. - I have been subject to Sick Headacbe for years, and have tried. ia vain, many advertised remedies and several physicians. butall to no purpoe. At last I tned your B. Ii. Bitters- without much failh. I admil- but to-day 1 c;m truly say, that after laking the tliird bottle, I have not suffered f rom it. I recomuiend it to all my fiiends; several have bcea cured by it. My little grandson was permanently cured of Biliousness and Sick Headacbe, wluch were so severe as to cause convulsions. They have all ceased Bincc he commenced the use of B.B.B. MRS. B. C. BODLE, Orange, Luzerne County, P CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCH Eoyal Highlander's (SECOND SON OF THE EARL OF KINNOUIX.) DUPPIIN CASTLE, PERTH, SCOTLAND. TO THE LIEBIQ COMPANY : " I was In a condition of great debility, consequent upon a brok n-down stoma-h, dyspepla and maiaria, complicated with kidney irriution, when my medical attendant directed me to take your incomparable Coca Beef Tonic. It etiect was simply marvelous. The power of digestión was quickly rpstored, the kidney irritatiou vani&hed and rapid restoration to health lollowed : "Other preparations of Coca had been tried without the slightest effect" mi CHAS, LÜ2WIG VON SZZCZS Profesor of Medicine at the Royal Univeraity; Rntyht of the Riiual Auxtrian Urder of the Irotk Ctvwn; Knight Commander of the Rnyal Sitanính Order of abella; Knighi of the ll"ial Vu. rían Order of tlie Red Eayle; Chevalier of thé Letiim of Honor, &c, tc„ says : ■lli:itl. t'O. .S A BEEF IOMO should not be confounded with the horde of trashy cure-alls. It is in no sense of the word a patent remedy. I am thoroughly conversant witb lts mode of preparation and know It tobe not onir a legitímate pharmaceutical product, but aira worth v ot the high cummendations it has reoetved in all parts of the world. It contains esxenre of Beef, Coca, Qulnine, Iron and Calisaya, which ara dissolvcd in pure genuiue Spanish Imperial Crown Sherry.'' Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nervona, Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malarious or afflicted wltll weali kicineys. Beware ol Imltatlons. Eer Síiíísít'j Favorite Cosmetic Glrceriae TJsed by Her Royal Highness the Prlncea of Wales and nobillty. For the Skin, CompleiUii Eniptions, ühapping, Roughneas. 81. oo. Oí druggists. I.IKBIO CO. 'S Oenaine Syrnpnr Nma ■npan I In is guaran teed as the Dest Sarcia parli a In the market N. Y. Depot :{s Al nrrayt, I HlA 1'ArEKatUio Newspaper AU"rr !üü liïLsL'tlslnBAgdicy ut Mc-iwra, M. W. AYER SON, oor autfaorized agente


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