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BUSNESS CARDS. GEORGE E. FROTHINGHAM, M. D., PhyNicInn mul Surgfcon. Office, Hamilton Buildiiig, Rooms 1, 2, and 8. Office Hours : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Mday, 10 to 12 A. M.; Wednesday and Saturday, 2 ALEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney At Iaw. Will practice in both State and United States Oourts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of the new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourth ítreete, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 424-475 r EORGE W. RENWICK, TEACHER Of ?OICKCÜLTÜRE,SINGING,HARMONY&PIANO. Harmony successfully taught by mail. Address, P. O. box 2151, Ann Arbor, Mich. I. O. G. T. Waahtenaw Lodge, No. 719, meets evcry Monday evening at 7:40 Id their temple, third door eaet of the Post Office, and third Boor. Gkorge Scott, C. T. 620-32 O. W. 8AGK, R. Sec. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D„ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office and residence over postoffice, firat Soor. 21-83. (Office over First National Bank.) Hours from Í) to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., Sunday, from 2 to 3 p. m. Besidencc, 23 State-st. 658tf PEERLESS TRUSS Is given on trial and warranted to give satUfaction or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A 8FECIALITY. Office, No. 6 Washington-st., Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. 0. C. JENKINS, D. D. 8., DEFTAL OFFICE OVER ANDREW'N BOOK STOBL, 13 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. 456-507 NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Second Floor Masonic Block, over Siv Iukh Bank, Aun Arbor, Micli. leeth extracted without pain by the use of gas or vitulized air. 486-tö? ZINA F. KING, Law and Collection Office. 0. 8. COMMISSIONER, and Agent foi placins insnrance In reliable companies. - AU business entrusted to this office reoniT8f prompt and carelul attention. Meney remltted immediately on collection. No.42 Main Street, South, ,nn Arbor, Miei, 427-4"8 ROTTURËi EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜ88. Spirel Spring with graded pre snre 1 to 6 pounds. Worn day and night by an Infant a week old i adultof0 yeare. Ladies' Truwen a specialty. Knclose stampa tot Testimoniáis of Cures, measnrements, etc EGAN'S IMPERIA) TKUSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor, Mich. Wil BIGGS. Contractor i Biier And all Kinds of rork in conneetlon with tneabove promptly execated. 1 Shop Cor. of Church-st and üniversity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. WILLIAM ARNOLD, SELL.S 1847 RiGERS BROS.' SPOONS. FORKS -A.ND KNIVK , At bottom prices, engravin; inclödftf, f uil line of the jus tl y celebi e Uö HOCKFORD WALTHAM and ELQIN WATOHES. Open face, Key and Stem-winding always on hand and regúlate J, ready for a man e pocket. If yon cannotreadthisgetene ofJohnstOD Co .8 eye-glasses or gpectacles for sale by WM. AENOLD, 36 Main 8t. Ann Arbor. Mich. A New Discover-. Price Only 50c. Per Boltls. HAS NEVER FflILED T0 CURE. This valuablo remedy In not only n snrO cnri fnr Neuralgia, but haa no equat wlien uaod as ai; inJftotïon In the foHowfng dlseaaes: LOCAL DISCHARGES, or WHITES, ULCErS, SWELLINGS. and NEURALGIA cf t!io WOMB er DOWELS. Trythls remedy nndf tou will ne no other. The ipense is unusually smoll and vaiuc Ij unequalled y any othor known preparatlon. WHJICt Troublos nnd monthly pains rvrc i:L ww # IVI once relie ved by tu uso. LADIESREADTHÍ8! After Fourtoen Months." %, l'iennantTi l!o, lo w?. Mr. fiteketee- Sir: Attor layinff for U month- m torlna: with seven difTerent ihíicíftns vrltUuu un? oenent to roe, 1 was Indaced to ur=o fitebeto's Ní-nnMBlaDropu. The use of your medicino waa Ihe otily rvliet t grot. I am ablo to do üXI my nrork. I can ehcwfuiíy reoouimond tu uso. MIIS. VESTA PREW ITT. Doctora Coutd Not Hlp Hor.'1 Middieviiie, Mich.. Jane tl, 1B& Kr. Q. O. Stoketce, proprietor Stekotoe' Nenralpla ropfl: My vifo was afilictod with Jnflammatlon and neuralgia of tho womb for sometiine. Doctora con Id not oelp iier. bwt haif a dozen duses uf your Steeto'u Neuralgia líruixi curtid her. Vurv truly yours, "W 11X13 J. MILLS. Ak your dniffdist for Steketee'n Neuralgia Broyw. Ir pot for sale by yonrdruítgiBt Iwil eondlt exprens paid, toany nddresain tho Ü. 8., throe bottlea for ooe dollar and UUy cents. For Balo by all Drujíibta. MAKE YOUR' 0WÍ BITTERS. A foar" oance packapo of Ptkkitee'3 Drt KITTRBS witl inttke ono callón of the best Bitters nown, which will euro indiRestion, Pains in tho Momach, Kever and Aue, and acts upon tho Kidneys and Bladder, and in the bont Tonlc known. -n be used with or without npirits. Fiill directions il each packatco. By mail, Prlce only 9& conto. v. 15. fctainpa taken ia payment. Addreis CEO. G. STEKETEE, 89 MonroeSt., Crand Rapids, Mloh. HKNTIOK THIS PAPXU. 'ÏTTTQ 1 A PTTTÏ mar to round on me at Geo. ATwtllnKHureu(108pTOoeSt,wh(!rBH'T-tllng "sotweu ma be madetor H 111 ÜEW XOSIb


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