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A aew hay scals has been ereoted in Milán. Thepay roll of the Mancheeter Evaporator is $15OJper week. Thieves atole $6 f rom the till in Wanty's meat market in Milán, last Wednesday evening. John Strahl, of Sharon, was seriously kicked by a horae in Manchester a few days ago. A number of teachers living in the vicinity of Milan have gone to the Upper Península this fall to teach. Wm. B. Oaborn, of Sharon, bas been drawn as a petit jurorin the United Sta'es district court, to be held in Detroit. The Milan Leader publishes the names of those who subscribe for or renew their subscription for that valnable paper. A tood idea. Miss Mabel Graham, of Milan, bas gone to Nashville, Tenn., to altend school. Her young friends from Mooreville, gave her a fareweil aurprise on Tuesday evening, and all had a jolly good time. Henry Schulte, of Sharon, has received a package of flower seed from H&rlem, Hollacd, containing 32 choice varieties, whieh he has sown, and next gummer he expects to have a fine flower garden. The Bnterpriëe of last week contaiued a very interesting article on the progress and merit of the flouring mili of that place, together wilt cuts of the milL Such enterprise on the part ot the paper should be appreciated. Enterprise : Frank Hall, of Norvell, brought to this office a mammoth sweei potato, weighbg four pounds and three quarterg. He says they are a fine cooking potato, nicely flavored, and that twothirds of the erop are of that sizs. In repairing an old residence in Manchester, a few days ago, the foUowing inscription was found on one of the bnek : " Hurrah for Wampler's Lake picnic, July 4, 1851." It would seem that this lake has been a popular resort for many years past. At a meeting of the Lutheran society of Manchester, last week, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year : President, John Schlicht ; secretary, Lems Ernst ; treasurer, F. K. Steinkol ; director, John Heimendinger; Eider, Fred. K. Kurfe88 ; trustee, Gerhard Kuhl. Fire was discovered in the oil room of L. W. Richards & Co.'s store in Pinckney at daylight Saturday morning, which totally destroyed the building and most of its contenta. The adjoining buildings, occupied by the Pinckney Dispatch office and George W. Syke's residence and Eichard's blacksmith shop, were also consucned. Los?, $4,000; insurance, $2,500. Superior cor. Commercial : Christopbtr Durees and Lee Wilbur, reaidents of our townahip, who have always been considered very peaceable citizena, entered upon the premises of William H. Crippen on Wednegday last, and without the elightest provocation commenoed a savage assault upon his reeidence, koocking out the gable end of the eouth wing, tore out a number of partitionp, ripped up the floor in a number of places, and corupletely demoral zed the pantry, besides other riotous demon8trations too numerous to mention. William, hearing the racket, seized the old family muaket and rushed to the scène of the di8turbanee, and had he not been restrained by his wife, would have blown the intruders to atoms. Later. - The above affair has been 6ettled without litigation, and the two aforesaid fellows have not ocly repaired the damages, but added to the general appearance of tne d welling, at least fifty per cent.


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