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What it IHcans. To the raan or womin who ha never been ill, the word " health " is meaningless. But to the one who has gufifered and despaired, healtb appears as a price! s boon. To the thousunds of unfortunate woman who are guffeiing froa some of the many forrn? of weaknesses or irregularkies peculiar to their sex, Dr. Pieice's Favorite Preseriptiun holds lorth the promise of a speedy restoration of thia " prieelesa boon." There is .1 young dramatist in town who think&he sees a fortune ia takin a play to be oalled "Ten Nights in a Drug Store " into Kangas. f A and reliable Mediein&ï are the best VJVW to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been prescribed f or y ears f or all impuritiesoftheBlood. IneveryformofScrofnlons, Sypiiiliticor Mercurial diseases, itis jnvaluable. For Eheumatism, lias noequaL John Moobe, Druggist. Mr. John Montiomery Wird speaks five hnguags, but alwayg expresses nis feelinge inEngüsh when he strikes out ormisges a fly ball. SLEEPLËSS NIGHTS made miserable by that cough. Shiloh's Oure is the rrftnedy for you. Sold by Eberbach & Sou _ It is vrell that sorae people study carefully the laws of punctuation. They ought to hare some point to whRt they vrite. To make children healthy me plenty of air, plenty of milk, plenty of' sleep, and always have a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ia case of croup. Tne g jvernment of the State of Yucatán, Mexico, is mkng experimenta on a new specie of silk, produced by a wild silkworm, which is closely al lied to the domegl ■: ilkworm. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guaranfec it. Sold by Eberbach & Son. fot married the other day, and this if the notice he puts on his shop dooi: "Clof.ed oq account of' the conjugal Msociation of two individuals of different pexes." HALE'S HOHEY is the best Cough Cure, 26 5öc, L GLESN'S SOXPHBR SOAP heals and bea'Jtifies, 25c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kilU Conis & Bunions, 26c HIU'S KAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 60c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c DEAN'S P.HEOMATIC PILLS are a sun cure, SOc "Women cannot be satirical," sayb a writer. "any more than they can be humorouí." Sj? How is it that whenaman, after courting a giil for Reven years, propones, she says: ''Oh ! George, th's is so eudden." REPORT OP THiS wNDITION OPTBB Ann Arbor Saving-s Bank ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, July4th, A. D., 1887. MADK In Acvordanee wltb Neetious I , 1B nntt 7 of tbe Cieiirnl Uint i.h n Amendcd In lt71. RESOURCES. Lo&ne&ad Dieeonnt t 316,512 11 Bonds and Mortgagee 209,210 8T) Overdxatte_ „ _ 2S8 21 Pomiture and Flxtures. _ 1,930 85 Doe from National tod State Bank.... 49,910 57 Cwl on haixi 9,839 36 l 607,721 95 UABILITIKS. C&p;u.l Stock „ ï 50,000 00 SurpluBFnnd 60,000 00 Profit and Lose 25.181 07 July Dividend 2,675 00 Due Dfposltore. 479,865 88 Í 607,721 96 I do BOlernnl; cwea: thai the above statement Is trae, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashler. Subseribed and swom to before me, this 5th day of Ju!y, 1887. ADAM D. SEYLEB, Notary Public. Health is Wëalthl De. E. O. Wïst's Nkevi and Bbain Treatmknt, a guarantecd epecilie for Hysteria, Dizzinese. Convulsiona, Fits, Nervoua Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use oí alcohol or tobáceo, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in infanity and leading to mis ry, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, B&rrenness, Loss of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-eiertion of the brain. selfabuse or over-indnlgence. Each box contains one month'8 treatment. tl.00 a box, or six boxes fr Í5.00, sent by inail prepaid on receipt of price. WE (I IKAHEI, SIX BOX.ES To cnre any case. With each order received by UB for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the puichaser our written guarantee to reiund the moncy if the treatment does not effect a cnre. Guaran tees issued only by EBEKBACH A SON, Druggists. Solé Agts., Ann Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward! We will pay the above rewrd for any case oí liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestión, constipstion or couetiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuino manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST A CO., 62 W. Madison-st, Chicago, 111. "S. Forest City Bird Store, __ r_ established 187i.jSingggB WÉLf ine Bi"?s' viking PariHB v rote, Bird Capes, Pure --Seed, Song Kestorcr. __rl. Insect Cure, Fishing ÖSP - Taokle, Bird Book?. K Poultry Snpplies, Gold ' Fieh, fiogs í their Medicines, Ferrets. Bird's Eyeo. S. H. WltSON, 349 Superior St., Cleveland, Oh i o. SLAND HOME STOCK FARM - Perdieron Ilorsfs. y A k v French Coach Horsen. S .M. . SavagcArFaroum, Imncr H V tPrs an Drecders of ÏYr. Ê h& dieron and French Coach r H Horses.l sland Home Stock AËL MB Farm, Grosse Isle, Wfiyne ffff. ■ County Mich. We offer a t&lt W Tery largestudofhorses to ■;:-' 'Ai Hl Kelect from. we guarantee H itfflH HT our fc1oc)ti make prices reaYÊ V sonable and sell on easy " B tenns. Visitorsalwayswef. H come. I.arge catalogua H fret. Address - P rTre FiTnnm, -1, M DSTHOIT MICII.


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Ann Arbor Register