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Michigan State News

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The Detroit grain and produce quotationj are: Wheat- No. 1 White, 7534@76c; Ifd. 3 lied, Flour- Roller procesa, ÍJC1. 7r(ii l 00; patents, $4. 50@-k7B. Corn- No. 2, 4412& Oats- No. 2, 20%3. Buttcr- Creamery, 24@28c. Cheese, 12la@ 13c. Egge, 17ilitöl8c. The Pionear furnaoe, in Negaunee, is again in f uil blast John Anderson, of Caliniiet, was killed in the Calumet and Hecla mine a few days ago by an explosión of dynamite. He fired threo charges. One fuse burned slowly, and, thinking it had discharged, he went back juet in time to receive lts full effect He leaves a wife and four small children. A single pumpkin seed planted last spring by J. J. Voorhiea, of Pontiac, produced a vine on which grew forty-five pumpkins. John Nelson, of St Ignace, whlie drunk the other night proposed to shoot hls wife. She escaped to the house of a neighbr named Latcha, where Nelson followed and began shooting indiscriminately. Latcha, fearing the sluughter of his family, shot Nelson fatally. Meyer Hainsfurther, dry-goods and cloth- ing dealer in Griggsville, failed the other day. He had been in business there for thirty years. Martin Bohosky was run over by the cars at Flint the other morning and died in a few hours. Two hundred veterans were present the other day at the twenty-second reunión of theTwentieth Michigan Iufantry at Charlotte. Edward Jamieson, of Detroit, took poison in a saloon a few days ago. His life was saved, and he stated he had taken the drug because he was aahamed to have drank liquor after six years' total abstinenca Jamieson is an actor of the old school, having supported Edwin Forrest and other eminent stara He is considered wealthy, owning a iine farm near Detroit. The phyeicians of Saugatuck, Douglass, Fennville and other lake shore towns have organized into an association, and style themselves the Western Medical Association. The Comuna coal mines have struck it rich. For over nve months they have been digging a rock tunnel, hoping to flnd a new vein. They have suoceeded at last, and have got into a thicker vein than ever l)efore, and it is of a finer quality. The offlcials of the company are quitë elated, and have voluntarily raised the wages of their miners ten per cent. Their forcé will be increased and the output will also be greatly augmented. Alcona County has been enjoined from selling pine lands on its delinquent tax lists, under $10,K)0 penalty. Mra Mattie 15. Wilcox, a lady well known in literary circles and a popular teaclieí, was f ound dead hangiug by the neck in her bed-room at Orangevüle, Barry County, a, few days ago. She was recently mariied. The merchant tailor store of '. W. J. Olgon, at Muskegon, was entered by burglars eurl y the other morning and $500 worth of pieoe gooJs were taken. John Bramer, a prosperous farmer in Ferrysburg, Ottawa County, was instantly killed the other day. He was blowing stumps with the uss of dynair.ite cartridges. His head was blown entirely off from the body. Two Bronson doctors have gone into matrimonial partnership - Dr. J. E. Outwater and Dr. Eva Bennett. In a short time the first railroad train will reach Manietique, and the people are talking of celebrating tbe event with a "blowout " Two gentlemen from the East have made arrangement to manufacture Rilk and feit hats in Flint The concern wiü be known as the Flint hat factory. Governor Luce has appointed W. H. Mattison, of Ionia, and A. O. Hyde, of Marshall, additional delegates to the Farmers' Nalional congress at Chicago November 10. It is estimated thatfrom $000 to $000 a month is sejntont of Jackson to purchase tickets in the Lonisana State Lottery. Of this amount about 011e half is sent through the Jackson agent and the other half through the post-oüicti. Many Jackson ladies buy tickets every month. An epidemie of ty phoid f e ver was recently raging at Iron Mouutain. There were over one hundred people down with the disease and from one to seven funerala occurred daüy. The local physicians were 111 and exhausted and medical aid had been snmmoned from Chicago. The mystery the disappearance of John Cordon, sexton of Pine Kidge Cemetery, at Bay City, was cleared up the other afttrnoon by finding the body in the Eleventh street slip. He had been missing f or six dayá. Reporte to the State Board of Health by sixty-two observers in di Teren t ]arts of the State for the week ended on the 15th indicated that remittent fever, typho-malarial fever, pneumonía, neuralgia, consumption. of the lungs, inflammation of the bowels, tonsilitis and measles inereased, and diarrhea, dysentery, cholera morbus and typhoid fever decreased in arei of prevalenee. Dlphtheria was reportcd at thirty places, soarlet fcver at fourteen, typhoid fever at twenty, measles at six place and smallpox at Detroit The laborers in the Tontine mine near Bessmer recen íly attached the property to secure claims amounting to $4,000. The basket factory at Mnskegon was deRtroyed by tire early the other morning1. Loss, .fÜ,OOO, with no insuranoe. Archibald K. Kinnear, who served severa! years in the Freuch ariny under the tirst Naio2eoii, died at Kalamazoo the other raorn;'n;i at tlie age of eighty-seven yeara A dramatic club has been organizad in Quincy, which will give entertainment this winter and devote the proceeds to assiaüng the needy people of the place. The llouhton County treasnrer received speciüe taxes of f 12,230.03 on retined copper for 1880. Death recently ended a protracted spree for Charles Ludyoville, of St. Ignace, who was found dead in bed. Menominee has a John clnb No one, unless he bears the name of John, can get in the orgaifiziitLoa Moxon Ji, Co. , of Au Gres, Arenae County, lave erected a fine hoop mili They manufacture from seven thousand to ten thousand hoops each day. W. S. Turek, banker, of Alma, has stocked the ponds of is farm witñ Germán oarj) receired from the State lïsh Couimission. Itske Musmen, of Muskegon, eonvicted of manslaughter f or ehooting his father, was ecently sentenced to three years In Jackson prison. The couuty ha3 given the Houghton military company the old conrt-house and all, the Tillage donates ground to put it on, and the company will have one of the finest armones in the State. A few days ago Arthur Vastbinder and ert Hollinu'swortli, two colorcd boys of nint, were playtng b:ül, and ran into each ther with suoh force that Vastbinder' kuil was brokou, and he dled in a short time. Holliugsworth's teeth were knocked ut Mrs. I.ynthia Sweet, a Üattíe Creek lady geventy-seven years old, feil from her chair ead whilr readlngthe other ilay.


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