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For Week Ended October 25

For Week Ended October 25 image
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Mr. Gladstone was confined to hls bed Bunday froin a cold and overworlí The wife oí John R. Tanner, Treasurer of Illinoi-i, died in New York Sunday. Lisa Weber, the burlesque actress, died Sunday at the Eagle Hotel at Buffalo. Two-thirds of the town of Spencer, W. Va. , was deetroy ed by fire on Monday. An oil well with a flow of 120 bárrela an hoiir has been struck in Butler County, Pa, John Dickereon, a California capitalist, was murdered recently by Mexican bandits. The Excelsior Refining Corapany, of Cleveland, O., failed on Thursdayfor $125,000. Mrs. James A. Garfleld and her daughter. Miss Mollie, arrivetl at Liverpool on Thursday. The lumber Ërm of Kood i, Maxwell, of Washburn, Wis., failed on Monday for$500,000. The steamer Great Eastern was sold at auction in London on Thureday f or $105,000. David Roberts was giren a life sentones at Louis ville, Ky., fora murder committed in lHtii. In a shipwreuk off Madagascar, Remenyl, tho fainous Hung-arian vlolinist, waa drowned. Editor Stone, of the Talequah (I T.) Telegraph, was shot and killed by Colonel E. C. Boudinot Andrew Fleming (colored) was hanged on Friday at Tallu'.ah, La, for the niurder of Demp Benyon. At Kan sas City, Mo. , eleven men started at 5 o'clock p. ra. Monday on a six-day walking match. Franeis Mnrphy, the noted temperance worker, commenced a series of meetings in Chicago on Sunday. The bankers of Montreal have fixed the minimum rate of interest on commercial loans at 7 per cent Miehael Davitt was given a splendid reception on his arrival at Queenstown Thursday from New York. Judge T. W. Taylor was Monday appointed Chief Justice of Manitoba, vice Lewis Wallbridge, deceased. During the week ending Octobcr 22 the mints issued standard silver dollars to the number of 080,481. The mayor of Tampa, Fia. , has sent out an appeal for aid in behalf of the sufferers from yellow fever in that city. The thermometer atBillings, M. T., Monday night registered 15 degrees below zero. Fout inches of snow had fallen. The foundry and planing-mill of the Cleveland Stone Company at Berea, O., were burned Thursday. Loss, $50,000. Mass meetings were held in various citles in the United States on Thursday to protest against hanging the Chicago Anarchists. Jo Happy Sing, a barber, and Ah Yung, laundry man, Ohinamen, took out naturali2iition papers at Clinton, Ia,, Monday. Perry King and Drew Green (negroes) were lynched at Tallulah, La., Wednesday night for attempting to commit a burglary. A tornado swept over Findlay, O., on Monday, destroying several houses and damaging others. The loss waa over $75,000. A libel suit for $20,000 against a Boston paper resulled in a verdict of one dollar foi the plaintiff, each party to pay its own costs. Dr. Norvin Green on Thursday denied tha story that two thousand Baltimore & Ohlo telegraph employés were to be discharged. Colonel H. A. Montgomery, president of the Memphis Jockey Club, feil dead in the club-house on Thursday after the second race. A tire on Thursday In San Francisco destroyed the Fulton iron-works (loss $200,000), and the California car-works (loss, $50,000). It is expected that the famous Lick observatory will be turned over to the regenta of the State university of California within a few weeks. Stain A Cromwell, oharged with the murder of CashierBarron and the robbery of the Dexter (Me.) Bank, were held to the grand jury Saturday. P. R. Warmon, manager of the Commercial Collecting Agency at Cincinnati, is a defaulter in the sum of $25,000. He has gone to Canada. Ashworth & Downey, waste dealers, of Philadelphia, have failed for about $100,000. The sheriff has taken possession of their mili at Chester. A City of Mexico dispatch denies the report that Mexican ports were closed to the United States on account of the presence of cholera in New York. In St Louis $500,000 worth of property waa destroyed by iire on Saturday, the establishments of twelve firms being destroyed or damaged. W. C. Hanna, Wholesale and retail saddlery hardware, at Peoría, 111., assigned Mondiiy, with liabilities amonnting to $24 - 404; asseta, $22,000. In a venire of seventeen jurors, all of tfeem Mormons, at Salt Lake, Monday, twelve refused to take the oath reqnired by the Tueker-Edmunds law. Horace Webster Co., the insolvent wholeale liquor dealers of New York, Chicago .nd Philadelphia, owe $705,730. Their assets are valued at $250,000. A tearful vrind-storm raged on Monday at Montreal, Can. , blowing down houses and doing other damage. Daring the gale forty houses were destroyed by fire. Ma6ked highwaymen halted a stage coach near Redding', Cal., Friday night and killed a passenger named J. T. Henderson, a prominent citizen of Adin, Cal. Along the Ntsw England coast a terrible Btorm raged on Friday and many vessels were driven into harbor for shelter, having1 suffered more or less severely. Eobert Gore, a prosperous Nebraska farmer, was sentenced at Nashville, BI., Thursday, to fourteen years' imprisonment for a murder committed twenty ye;vrs ago. Jeff Davis attended the opening of the Georgia State fair on Monday at Macon. All along the route from Beauvoir, Miss., to Macon he was enthusiastically received. Excavations in Jerusalem have resulted in the discovery of remains of the ancient town wall and tlie position of the gates of the town Uuring the lii'etime of the Saviour. A fight over wages in a store at Broughton, O., Monday night, resulted in the fatal shooting of Jesse Plumley, and the serious wounding of W. W. Carpenter, his employé. A statue of Abraham Lincoln was un■vailed on Saturday at Lincoln Park, Chicago, by a grandson of President Lincoln, and a large crowd was present to view the ceremony. Hon. Nate Fredericks, of Findlay, O., and two of his children died on Friday froin tha effects of paris green taken with cabbage. Mis. Frederieks and two other children were dying. Franz Mikhof, oue of a band of Anarchiste who have been setting fire to insured houses, their reward being a commission rom the owners, was convicted at New Tork Thursday. Mra R C. Keinerston, a writer of soma ote, with residence at Milwaukee, Wis., laims to have had her hearing restored by hristian Science methoda She had been eaf for twenty-six years.


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