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V-t fv woul(i enjoy yonr dinner ■J j andarepreventedbyDyepepsia, use Ackers Dyspepsia Tableta., They are a positivo cure f or Dyspepsia, Iidigestion, Flatulency and Constipatioik We guarantee them. 25 and 60 cents Johs Moorf, Druggist. While Bostonians may feel proud of the provender whioh has raaiie them famous. they object to beina; oalled plebeans. CROÜP, WHOOPIJNG COÜGH antí Bronchitis iramediately relieved by Shiíoh'e Cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son. There ia a Personal Liberty party in New York. Their battle cry, we auppose fe 'We Won't Go Home Till Morning." Those who believe that nature will worl off a cough or cold should understand that this is done at the expende of the constitution. Each time this weakens the system, and we all know that the termination of thi? dar.gerous practice is a eomeumptive's grave. Don't take the chances, when a 6fty cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow'g Positive Cure will sately and promptly cure any recent cough, cold or throat or long trouble. Buy the dollarbottle of Eberbach & Son, for chronic cases or family use. "There isno bodily nourishment '.n food f ir reflection," said the hotel patrón as he thoughtfully gazed upon his unpaid board bill. CATARRH CÜRED, health ana sweet breathsecured, by Sniloh sCatarrh remedy. Pnce 50 cen's. Nasal ir.jector fra. Sold by Eberbaco & Son. A current parsgraph statea that "Mr. Gladstone is nttiag for a bust." Well, he must be having a very quiet time. Ie this country thousands of peopleare standing up at counters lor a buít. NO COLD FEET ! Send one dollar in currency, with size of shot usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles for rheumatism, cold feet and bad ciiculation. They are the most powerful made ia the world. The wearer feels the warmth, life and revitalization in three minutes alter putting; them on. Sent by return mail upon receipt oL price. Send your address for the " New Departure in Medical Treatment Without Medicine," with thousands of testimoniáis. Writeue full particulars of difficulties. Our Magnetic Kidney Belts for gentlemen wil: poMtively cure the following diseases without medicine : Pain in the back, head or limbs. nervous deb;lity, lumbRgo, general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, eciaiica, díseases of the kidneys, lorpid liver, seminal emissions, impotency, heart disease, dyspepeia, Indigestión, htrnia or rupture. piles, etc. Consulta; tion free. Pri3e of Btlt, with Magnetic Ineoles 810. Sent by expres C. O. D. or by return malí upon recept of price. Send measure of waist and size of shoo worn. Send for circulara. Orde: direct. NOTE- The above described Belt with insoles is warranted to positively eure chronic cases of seminal emissions and impotency or money refunded even after one year's trial. TUE SIAGNETiC APPLUNCE CO., 134 Dearborn St.. Chlcaeo, IL ! READ=r All thf wonderFul and minculout cuitt," 1 he unnvalled and peerless medicine." And note the following :- HR. THOMAS1 ECLECTRIC OIL Int made Ihe following cures, proof of which tlH propnetor can furnish oa application. Tootliaclie in 5 minute Earache " 2 lïacltache " a llours Lamcness " 2 Days Coughs 20 Minute Hoarseness- - 1 Honr Colds " 24 Hours SoreThroat. . " 12 Deafness u 2 Bays Pain of Burn.. 5 minute Painof Scald. " 5 Croup it will ease in 5 minutes, and positrrè; cure any case when used at the cutset. Remember ttiat Dr, Thomas' Eclectric 01 B only o cents per bottle, and one bottle w9f iHtherthan half a dozen of an gidiaary medicine CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCK Eoyal Highlanders (SECOND SON OF THE EARL OF KINNOÜLL. DUPPLIN CASTLB, I'ERTH, SCOTLAND. f TO THE LIEBIG COMPANY: " I was in a conditlon of great debility, consequent upon a broken-down stomach, dyspepslr and malaria, complieated with kidney irritatlon, when my medical attendant directed me to take your incomparable Coca Beef Tonic Itó effecS was simply mairelous. The power of digertior was quickly restored, the kidney irritatiou r&z ished and rapid restoration to health followed: "Other preparatious of Coca had been teloé without the slightest effect'' pmp, chas, mm von mi% Prof essor of Medicitte at the Roynl UnlversUy KnUht of the Boyal Austrian Order of the [rm, Croum; Kniyht Commander of the Boyal Span h Order of Imhella; Knigltt of the Boyal Aw ton Order of the Red Eayle; Chevalter of ifcj Legión of Hmyr, fc, &c, says : "LIKBIG CO. S COCA BEEF TOIT1C should not be confounded with the horde of trashy cure-alls. It is In no sense of the word a patent remedy. 1 am thorouhly conversant wítí lts mode of preparation and know it to be notonlj a legitímate pharmaceutical product, but also wortny o( the high commendations it has receiveí in all parta of the world. It contains essence ot Beef, Coca, Quinin e. Iron and Calisaya, which are dissolved In pure genuino Spanish Imperia.' Crown Sherry. Invaluable to all who are Kun Down, NervonSj Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malarious or afflicted wilt weak kidneys. Beware of Iiiiilal Ions. Her 2áaicst7fs Favorita Casmetic Circense üsed by Her Koyal Highncs the Prlnoeg of Wales and nobillty. For the Skin, Complexión Eruptions, Chapping, Koughness. $1.O. Oí LILSBÍ CO.'N (Jen.iine S.yrnpofSr. npitrilln is guaranteed as the oest Sarsaparüla In the market. . Y. Itepcx 3H Miirray-o' TIJ IO niBFBi3OnniolnPhflBdelptaIa I ff ld KAr til at the Newflpaper Ad verI1Ü2 FfiLSJtisIngAgeney of Messrs. N. W. AVER SON, our authorlzed ageuta.


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