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OPB 25 CEJTT COLUMN. Advertisements, sucn as To Kent, Kor 8ale or Wants, not exceeding three linea, can be lnserted iree weeks for 25 cents. TO RENT- A Suite of Rooms in the Hamilton Block, suitable for light housekeeping, water and steam heating included. Applj to A W Hamilton. 671-3 A GENTLEMAN with his wifeor a small family, can find pleasant rooms, with board, by addresslng D., care Carrier No. 1. 671-3 SUBSCRIPTIONS to Periodicals and Magazines, at cut prlces, at Andrews & Co. 671-2 A FIR8TCLASS Cutter and Fitter from Detroit x will do fashionable dress making during the fall and winter, cor. N. Fourth and P ntiac 671 3 SMALL second-hand Filter wanted. Address W P., 50 Ann-st. 671-3 tpOR RENT- 12.50 per month : A comfortablo 7 room house cellar, summer kitchen, (cistern in kitchen), wood house, carriage shed large barn, with pasture, good well, all within 16 minutes walk. and in sight of the court house. Enqulre at Recister office. 671-3 T OST- A Gentleman's gold ring marked on - inside A. H. F. Aug. 22d, 'b7. The finder will please return to this office and receive reward. 670-72 WANTEÍ)- By a Senior Untversity Student, to teacb in Aim Arbur in return for board and room. Address Lock box 662. Marietta Georgia 670 72 FfOR SALE - Pure Bred Poultry. Standard Hymouth Rocks, the Farmers1' Favonte. A fine lot of Cockerels and Pullets for sale by C F. R Bellows, Ypsilanti. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. 670-72 WANTED- A good Tldy Qirl to do house work 14 or 15 years old, No. 51 E. Liberty-st. 670-72 POR SALE OR RENT - A two story Frsme House with nine roms. Terms reasonable. Inquire at No. 9 Paciard st. 670-2 WANTED- A Eecond-hand, covered Spring Wagon. Must be cheap. Address Box 213, Ann Arbor. 670-72 ABARUAIN- The Steam Flour and Grist Mili at Barti, 7 miles no:th-east of Laasing. Good House and out-buildings, wlth 7 Acres of Land. All were new some five years ago when they oost near Í14.000. cash Has four run of stoue. Formerowntrs sptculated on wrong slde of thema kei, compelling meto take the property fur my claim. To one wanting a nice home and tiusiness all together. I will sell at half the cost and take part in Ann Arbor property OcL 9, '87. Israel Hall. 669-71 VT'ANTED- Pupils for classes and private work T' in Klotution. at U N. Staie-st. cali betwetn 5 and 6. M. E. Pollard 669-71 EATHER STRIPS- Champion, best in the world. Exelude rain, wind and dust. Leave orders at Eberbach' Hardware Store or No. 12 Lawrence-i-t. No extra charge for repairs. M. J. Furnum.Prop. 667-679 LfOR SALE- Farm of 80 acres, goed buildings, F soil, etc. Location unsurpssed. Long time, low rate of interes-t and on easy terms, or will exchange. Correspondence solicited. G. C. Crane. Stony Creek Mich. 6:6- i f. FOK SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City jesidence. farm of 65 acres, one mile south west ol City. Or wül sell or exchane 15 acres with buildings. Enquire at S6 South 6th St S. A. Ilenion. 656 t f. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN- House and lot, No. 28 Maynardst. Location desirable for student boarders. Inquire of E. B. Pond, 6 N. Main-st. 640tf REAL E3TATE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and Iota valued from $1 000 to 86,0OU and contaiuii g frote one-flfth ol an acre to twenty acres- ali in the city limite. Houes rented on rcasonable term in central localities. Farms exchauged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION9, 632tf Attorney and Real Eslate Aeent Office over Expiess Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. LOAMNU - Muney to loan on first class real estáte mortgages at curren trates of Interest. Satlsfactory arraugements made wltn capitalista leslrlng such invetitment. Kvery conveyance 4od trausaction In abstracts of tltlea carefuily eximlned as to legal effect. Zlna P. King, Ann


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