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BUSNESS CARDS. ioRGE E. FROTHINGHAM, M. D„ FhyMlriHii ivitd Niirgeon. Office, Hamilton Building, Rooms 1, 2, and S. Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday aad Fridayi 10 to 12 M-l Wednesday and Saturday, 2 to i r. m. IJKX. W. HAMILTON Attorney I l.w . WiU practice in both Siate and United States Courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of the new brick block, corner of Huron and Fonrth Jtreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 424-475 p EORGK W. RENWICK, TKACHEK OF ?OICECULTURE,SINGIÍÍG, HARMONY &P1AN0. H&nnony successfully taugbt by mail. Address, F. O. box 2151, Ann Arbor, Mich. I. O. Gr. T. Waslitenaw Lodge, No. 719, meets every Mondijeveningat 7:30 in their temple, third door eist of the Post Office, and third floor. Geoege Scott, C. T. 620-32 O. W. Sage, R. Sec. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office and residence over postoffice, first Joor. 621-S3. (Office over First National Bank.) Hours from 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., Sunday, from 2 to 3 p. m. KesiUcnce. 23 Stato-sf . fiöStf KBLLT'S PEERLESS TRU3S I given on trial and warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A SPECIALITY. Office, No. 6 Washingtoa-st., Oyer Rinsey & Seabolt's Store. Ann Arbor. 0. C. JENKINS, D. D. S., DEITAL OFFICE OVER ANDREWS BOOK STORE,, 13 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. 456-807 NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Second FloorHaaonlc Black, over Ktings Bank, Aan Arbor, Mirli. leeth eztracted without pain by the use of gas or vitalized air. 436-487 SINA F. ZING, Law and Coilection Office. U. S. COMMISSIONER, and Agent for placüig Insurance in reliable companies. T1 All business entrusted to this office receivei trompt and carerul attenüon. Meney reraitied mmediately on collecüon. Ko.42 Main street, South, Ann Arbor, Kloh, 427-48 RUPTURE! ,-HFj Bbpa EGAN'S IMPERIAL TSÜSS. 'Jw ap Spiral Spring with graded pre #! sure 1 to 6 ponuds. Worn day and night by an Infant a week oíd oí adultof80 yeare. Ladies' Trusse sm a specialty. Endose stamps tom Testimoniáis of Cures, measure■BPBlment3, etc. EGAN'S IMPERIA 1 TEÜSS CO., Hamilton Block, Aan Arbor, Mich. WM. BIGGS. Uractor S Mier And all feinds of work in connectlon wil li the aboye nromptly ezecntea. 19 Shop Cor. of Church-st and University ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1243. WILLIAM ABN0LD, SELLS 1847 RlGERS BROS.' SPOONS. FORKS AND KNITK , At bottom prices, engravinsr includti, full line of the justly celebisted HOCKFORD WALTHAM and ELGIN ■WATOHES. Open face. Key and Stem-winding always on hand and regulated, ready for a man 8 pocket. If y ou cannot readthis get one of Johnston & Co .s eye-glasses or spectacles for sale by WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 424-475 A New Discovery. Price Only 50s. Per Boitle. HAS KEVER FA1LED TO CURE. This raluable romedy Is not on!y a enre eara for iNeuralsria, but tías 110 equal when usud as an inJectiou In the following cilaeaaes: LOCAL DiSCHARGES, or WH!TES, ULCERS, SWELLINGS, and NEURALGSA cï tbs W0!ï!S or EOWELS. Try this remedy and you wlll ma r.o other. Tho Expense ís unusnally Biuali and va.luo is unequalled hy any other known preparation. wtf Btll D Troubles nnd ninnthly pains are at ww 0 Ifi 13 onoe relieved by lis use. LADIES READTFSESS After Fourteen Months." w l'lcnsnntvillc, Iowa Mr. Pteketee- SIr: After layfnff for H manths and docJorlnaf with se ven different pbyaleiant without any t-enefit to ma. I was Inditcod to se Steketetf'a Nenrafpift Drops. The uso of your medicine was tho only relief ffot. I am ablo to do all my work. I can cheerfuliy recommend ita use. IRS. VEST A 1'UEWITT. 4k Doctors Could Not Kelp Har." Mfddlevillo, Mioh.. June 21, 1S8Í. Mr. G. O. Steketci, proprietor Siekrtee's Nouralpia Dropa: My wifo was affllcted with Infiammation and neuralpflft of the womb for Bometime. Iootors could not help hor, but half a doren doses of your Steketee's Neuralgia Dropi cured her. Very truly youra, WILLIS J. SIILLS. Ask your druRRlnt for 8tcketoea Neuralgia Drops. il not for sale by your druffglst I wil 1 send it expresa paid, to any address in tho Ü. 8., three bottles for 3ne dollar and flf ty ceots. For Balo by all Druggista. MAKE YOUR OWN BITTERS. A four' ounce package of Stxkctbe's Dry bitters wilt make one gallon of the best Bitters jiowd, which will cure indigestión, Pains in the Momacta, Fever and Aguo, and acts upon the Kidoeys and Bladder, and ia the best Tonic known. van be used with or without spirits. Full directlons "n eacti packajïü. By mail, Prlce only SS cvntt. ■ B. i:tamps taken ia payment. Addreas CEO. C. STEKETEE, 89 Monroo St., Crand Rápida, Mloh. MÏNTIOX THIS PAPES. TTTTQ TÏ4TT?T mayt roimti on me at Gea. AaTertislntf Bureau ( 10 Spnxce 8t. ), where ad vert ilna ouuct nuor be made i tor It ÍN JMEW iUUK.


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