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A Horse Who Can Talk. Everybody has heard of a " horse laugh," but who has ever seen an equine gifted with the power of spetci ? Such an animal wouM be pronounced a miracle ; but so would the telegraph and the telephone have been a hundred years ago. Why, very recen'Jy a cure for consumption would have been looked upon as tniraculous, but now people are beginninir to realize that the disease is nol incurable Dr. Pjerce's Golden Medical Discovery will cure it, if taken in time. This worldrenowned remedy will not make new lungs, but it will restore diseased ones to a healthy state when all other means have failed. Thousands can gratefully testify to this. All druggists. A Texas photographer fdvertises to " take a photograph as quick as a mulé can kick." SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY- a pcsitive cure for Citarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by Eberbach & Son. Some of you fellows who think the world was made in a minute and are rushing throush it at break-neck pace, who cannot afford time to eat and slep or to get acquainted with your family, should gaze at the patiënt cbestnut vender on the street corner, watch his moFemeDts and learn a lessonfrom him. "W CV WW Of the good thingsof this %vvwv life are sorrowfuliy ]et alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Constipation; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by John Moorf, Druggist. A Saratoga belle has divulged the fact I that liced cucumber, soaked in rnilk, is a ' grea" beaudfier of the esmplexion. If she had ea'en thecurumber the fact would have divulged itself. Hnr complexion would have been very white, but she would cot have known it. " HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sol i by Eberbach & Son. It is at a circus, when he can keep his " hat on, thai a bald-headed man is really independent. THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ IBTRUTHSFORTHESICK. Bilious Spellsdepend for a case wbere .Si; II OnSüLPBDBBlTTERS PIIUK BITTERS "lililí it will cure you. notassist orcurc. Jt JlthattirodandalIfionc Cleansethe vitiatedljl Illfeelintt; if so, use hlood when you seelll Bl!'UL?ïIUB Bittbbs ; its impuriöes burst-HI II it will cure you. m? through the skinl I II Operativeswhoare '" Pimples, BlotchegJ I Hlpiiieniir nnflnc.i in and Sores. Rely on U QaTmTn. IwoA SULP..Ü ; BiTriw ,Q Sshops;clerk8,whodo fnd health wlU íoljí III not procure sulEcient 2.- Illexercise, and all who ,■,„,,,,, i),,.,, Hl If vou do not wish SiLpiiLKBirrERsI lito eufl-erfrom wllJ bulW ?" padl I I latism, use a bottle of make you strougandl I IIsülpiicr Bitters : healthy. III Illitiieverfailstocure. sULPiil'RBittersIII M Don't be without a will make your blood SS Ibottle. Try it; you pure, ncn and etrong.Ba will rot renet it. and your flesh hard. Ijl Ladies in delicate Try Sclphcr BitII health, who are all ters to-night, andlll rundown, should use you will sleep well Sdlphi'r Bitters. ui feel netter forit.lll Do you want the best Medical Work published? Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. P. Ordway & Eo., Boston, Alatis., aud reccive a copy, free. I ew Advertisements IITASTED-LABIES for our Fa.ll and VV Christmas Trade. to take light. pleasant work at their own homes. SI to $3 per day can be quictly made. Vf?rk ser.t by mail any distance. ['articulare free. N'o einvasiing. Address at ouce, CKESCEXT ART CO . 117 Mi!k-st., Boston. Mass. Box 5170. TNTKMDINCI AIVi:KTIKRS should ad1 iress 4.KO. F. HO I II. A ('O. 10 Sprnce streel. ■ York C'il.v. For SELECT LIST of 1 ,000 NEWSPAPERS. Will be sent FREE. on application. ftt, PEN ÑY R OYAL wTFE RS Are successfully used mntbly by over 10,000 Pm.I.adips. Are Safe, EJteHuiü and Pltapant. tl -i'per box by mail, or at druggisls. Sealed Parg J ticulars 2 postare FUimps. Aildrr-s f The KriiKKA Chemical Compaxv. Fisher Block. M Woodward ave., Detroit, ilicli. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STU DEN TS ! Thclirciii Encliüh Presrrlption will restore that l'i&t Vitality and a R'.tgged. Healthy Conditlon follow lts use. Buy at your dnisK'r's, one package, 81 ; six for Sr EUREKA f'HEMIOAL CO., Detroit, MlCH, Sold by H. J. Broten ,í ''-,.


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