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S.nv.0 the Cliildren. They ue esSSVVVrV pecially liable to uuddea Colda, Coughs, Cronp, Whooping Cougb, etc. We guarantee Acker'a TZnglfy Bemedy a positivo cure. It saves honra of anzious watcMng. Sold by John Moobe, Druggist. Pötatoe8 are so smal! and weakly this year that a bushei of them haven't eyes enough to see anything smaller than a silTer dollar. .N'evcr Abandon Old Friend. If jou had a friend who has been constant to you and stuck to you through good and bad fortune, would you soon forget him ? No, you would not Well, Pomeroy's Petroline Piaster, yonr old friend has served you many years. Rely on the old remedy, it will never fau you. It is your faithful. constant, steady friend, tried and true, always uniform, never misleading by false pretences. It gocs right alone, more firmly settleti every year, as the Great Family Remedy of the country. Whea you ask for it, always see and be sure you get Pomeroy's Petroline Piasters In envelopes. Sold by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Anc Arbor. The best use of the editorial "oui" comes when tbe editor' wife aks for a new bonnet At least so the editor's wife thinks. CATAERH CURED, health and .weet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh remedy. Pnce 50 cents. Nasal injector free. Sold by Eberbach fc Son. The reason the bustle doesn't have to "hump itself " to keep in the market is becatne it has already attained its maximum hight. Bueklen'st Árnica Halve. The best salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Uïcers, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, Coros, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satistaction, or money retunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale by Eberbach & Son. If the present coal famine continúes there will be lots of short courting this winter, though we are confident it will not cause premature marriages. HALE'S HOSEY is the best Cough Cure, 25., 50c., $L GLENN'S SDLPHÜR SOAP heals and beautifies, 26c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Corns & BunionsiEc. HIU'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 60c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in t Minute, Ï5c DEAN'S RHEUMAT1C PILLS are a sure cure, 60c Thecannon ig like a fashionable woman, na-much as it is accustomed to powder, bangs and baila. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made miserable by tbat cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Eberbaeh & Sou. When a man sets out to learn what a woman thinks, the experiment usually ends in his telling her everything that he thinks himself. And generally she doesn't find the information very valuable. in a gottk CM A QT IMP Sufficlent to stop ia fin Olllnn I lili] minutes the smartinj, sturing pain of too burns or scaloi. It will step the pain as soon ai aBaa. appUed. PnilPUIUP Abundance to cure a scoruUUunlIitl of colds and the coughiiig that oftcn leads the way to Consumption. It will ; itivkly ease a Cough ia 25 Msm-aasMa minutes. C "" Y I N C More tnln enough to a I I 11 O dozen children Choking wnti Croup. One minute aíter th fint dose th hardest attacb aaaMManaa, of Croup wül be rdieved. UU CT 71 MP Pleoty to relieve the oppro ff II LLLIn II ion and wheuing of the mosc severe case of Asthma. Th direct cures of Asthma kr this medicine are groofs thal Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil ha aaaa, no íqual as as Asthau cure. In the bere cases Dr. Thomas' Eclectric CUcn be relied upon. It has givrn relief to thou&aiuti. Keep it in your house. There U hirdly ■ wck f the year it will not be usef ui. ■ - " FROM CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCH Royal Highlanders (8ECOND SON OF THE EARL OF KINN0Ü1L.) DÜPPLIX CASTLK, 1 PERTH, SCOTLAKD. 1 TO THE LIEBIG COMPANY: " I wfis In a conditlon of great debllity, consequent upon a broken-down stomacb, dyspepsU aud malaria, compllcated with kidney Irritauon, when my medical attendant directed me to take yonr Incomparable Coca Beef Tonic. lts effect was simply marvelous. The power of digestión was quickly restored, the kidney irritatlou vanished and rapid restoration to health followed : "Other preparations of Coca had been tried without the slightest effect" Ml CHAS, LUDWIG VON IML Prof essor of Medicine at the Royal UnlvenOa; KniyM oflhe Rayal Au&trian Order 0 the Iron 7rotCTi: Knioht Commander of the Royal Spaniêh Order of Hahetta; Knight of the Royal iW ia Order of the Red Eagle; ChevalUr of Ou Legión of Honor, fcc., &c, says : MKKIU CO. N (OCA BEEF TOXK should not be confounded wlth the horde oí trashy cure-alla, It is in no sense of the word tent remedy, I am tliorousrhly convenant wltb te mode of preparation and knowlt tobe notonly a legitímate pharmaceutícal product, but alsc rorthy of the high coiumendations it has recelveé n all parte of the world. It contalns essence of ieef, Coca, Qulnine, Iron and Calisaya, whlcb ar dissolved in pure genulne Spanish Imperia.' Crown 8heny." Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nervom Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malarious or afflicted wltt weas kidneys. Beware of Iniltatlons. ur ïaiestr's Favorita Cosm&tic Slrtihst Csed byHer Royal Highness the Prlnce e' Vales and nobility. For the Skin, Complexión Kniptlons, Chapplng, Roughness. 81.00. O niRirfsts. LIEBIG ('O.'S Oen.ilne Svruj) of Sar. apnrilla is guaranteed as the nest Sfusaparllb. ii the market. .'. T. Ipoi HH Mnrrnr-


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