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OCR 23 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, sueh as To Rent, For Sale, oí WiOits, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted oree weeks for 25 cents. fOR PALÉ, CHEAP- A' Team of Horses for r $50. ïu te sold on the oíd Buzzard Farm, S. State-it. 673-76 ÍJOR SALE- New Milch Jersey Cow. Inquire ' of H. D. Platt, Pittsfield. 673-75 FOR SALE:- A flrst class kitchen range neariy new. Apply at 27 Ann-st. 673-75 IOR RENT:- At 81 8. Statest, unfumished f rooms. 673-75 HTRAVELING MAN WANTEu for the Ann Ar1 bor Preserving Company. Good pay to a good man. Address P. O. Box 108, Ann Arbor, or apply personally at the Factory, on S. Statest. 672-4 FOR SALE- Che ter White Pigs. Inquire of B. B. Thompson, Scio. or at this office. 672-4 WANTED- A Girl to do houseworn in a small family. Cali at the Register Office or 4; E. Catherinest. 672-74" WANTED- A successful experienced Canvasser. Inquire at office of W. W. Wh don. No. 6 E. Huron st. 672-74 WANTED IMMEOIATELY - Two good reHable Coat-makers and one Vest-raaker. Good prices. Pleuty of work. Solid irons. Pleasant shop. Cash every week. N. H. VVinans, Battle Creek, Mich. 672 tf ÍT'OR SALE- Horse Wagon and Cutter, Jersey Oow and Calf, three Fïre Proof Safes. Stock of Hats, Caps and Furs. House on üniversity Ave. for rent. Nov. 9th, 1887. C. H. Richmond. 672 tf TO RENT- A Suite of Rooms in the Hamilton Block. tuitable for light housekeeping, water and steam heating included. Applj to A. W. Hamilton. 671-3 A GENTLEMAN with his wifeor a small family, . ean find pleasant rooms, with board, by addressing D., care Carrier No. 1. 671-3 SUBSCRIPTIONs to Periodicals and Magazines, at cut prices, at Andrews & Co. 671-2 A FIRST CLASS Cutter and Fitter from Detroit. ü will do fashionable dress making during the fall and winter, cor. N. Fourth and P ntiac. 6713 SMALL second-hand Filter wanted. Address W P, 50 Ann-st. 671-3 IOK RENT- $12.50 per month : A comfortable P 7 room house cellar, summer kitchen, (cistern in kitchen), woud house, carriage shed, large barn, with pasture, gnodwell, all within 15 minutes walk. and in mkIho! the court house. Enquire at Register office. 671-3 LOST- A Gentleman's gold ring marked on inside A. H. F. AUg. 22d, '7. The finder will please returu to this office and receive reward. 670-72 WANTED- By a Senior Üniversity Student, to teacn in Ann Arbur in return for board and room. Address Lock box G62. Marietta Georgia. 670 1'L K'OR SALE - Pure Bred Pou'try. Staudard Wymouth Rock, the Farmera' Favorte. A fine lol of Cockerels and Pullets for sale by C. F. R Bellows, Ypsilanti. Prices reasonable. Satisfaetion guarametd. 670-72 7 ANTED- good Tidy Girl to do house work W 11 or 15 years old, No. 51 E. Liberiy-bt. 670-72 IOR 8ALE OR KENT - A two story Frme I House with nine ro ms. Ttrms reasonable. Inquire at No. 9 Packard Dt. 67U-2 VXTaNTED- A seeondhand,. covered Spring VV VVagon. Must be cbeap. Address Bx 213, Ann Arbor. '0-72 1'EVTHER STRIPS- Champion, bet in the V worln. Excluiie rain, wiinl and dusr. Leave orders at Eberbach' Hardware Store or No. 12 Lawreice-t. No extra charge for ïepair. M.J. Furnum. Prop. IÍ67-679 IOR SALE- Farm of 81 acres, go' d buildings. rsoil.etc. Location unsurnossed. long time, low rate of iutertt and on eay terms, or ill excbaiiKe. Correspondence solicited. G. C. Craut, Stouy Creek Mich. 6,6- f. F-OR SALE OR EXCHANGE- For City esldence. farm "[ 65 acres, one miie South west o city. Orwill sell or exthaue 15 acws with buildings Enquireati6 Souih 5ih st. S. A. Heuion. 656 t f. :OR SALK AT A BARGAIN- House and lo', No. 28 Maynard st. Loiatioii dei-irable for student boarders. Ii quire of E. B. Pond, 6 N. Maiu-st. 640tf REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Hous es and lnts valued froiu $1 UO0 to J6,0(i" and coutHii 1 g trom unefil'lh 01 an acre lotwenty acres- al in the city limits Houes rented ou reasonahle term in central loealities. ams exchanged lor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SE-iSIONS, 832tf Attome a' rt Real Esiate Aeent Office over Exp et Office. Main St., Ann Arbor. IOAN1NU - Mcniey 10 loau uu tirxt cl rtu j entate al current ratea f interen iatlsfactory arranemeuta made with capualistf tetlrtng uch investment. Every couveyauce ad trausactiou In abstracts of tlües carefully ex tmlaeri w to legal efftct. Zina P. Klim, Ann Arbor Xliph.


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Ann Arbor Register