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Real Estate Transfers

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Following is a list of the real estáte transfers in Washtenaw county, as recorded by the register of deeds, for week enJDg November 14, 1887. Samuel Raymond to Geo. C. and C. W. Raymond, Sharon $ 3900 Richard Browu to RichardBrown, Jr., Webster 1 George Boettner to John Groff, Bridgewater. 60 Frederick Foreman and wile to Edward Lavendar, Nortnfield C50 Ira B. Hitchcock to Harvey Milan viliage _ 600 Hiram P. Thompson, et. al., to George Belener, Augusta 2000 Ellzabeth Burbach to John Burbacli, et. al , Ann Arbor 1 Geo. Lazell to Slade Lazcll. Wil!. McCurdy O. LeBean and wlfeto Wm. S. Coffman, Ann Arbor 7500 Mell Barnes to Olive E. Fiiend, Milan viliage. 581 Lee X. Forsyth (by administrator) to Albert Foreyth, Ypsiianti _ 1300 Z. S. and O. L. Fulcipher to John F. Lawrence, Ann Arbor 1500 Jonn F.Lawrence to Z. S.and C. L. I'ulcipher, Ann Arbor 1500 Joseph Lourey to Lucie W. Holt, Manchester. 1-100 Geo W. Belcher to Chas. H. Wilson, Augusta. 810 Jacob Layer, et. al., to Jullus Feldkamp. Bridgewater „_ 40 Chas. King and v. ife to Thos. G. and Ann Wheeler, Yp6ilanti 550 Adam Yeckley (by probate) to Gertrude Yeckley. S. S. üresham, of Norfolk, Va., was at Aid. Alltnendinger's Sunday and Monday. He is a large dealer in flaur and meat in Norfolk, aud wa? the first one to introduce western flour and meat mto that city. For three years he has been buying floúr of Allinendinger & Schneider of this city. Mr. Gresham is a genial oíd gentleman, and tells a gooj story. He evidently thinks Norfolk is about perfect. It is the grta'eít peanut market in the world ; it is noted for its fish; the gulf stream gives it the best climnte for early vegetables; and the oyster! Two road, each 10 miles long, are made with oyster ghells from the beds of Chespeake bay; and 30 acres of land which was covered with water in Bome places 15 feet deep is entirely mide of oyster shel's.