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Mis Eleonor Jaeger of Lima township, 74 jears oíd, cme to Washtenaw nounty from BalliiDOre by t-am in 1834. The wagon was brought Irom Oimany. Sbe bas never been in a railrond car i her 1 fe, and ia all these 50 and more years of her residence in Washtenaw uounty, she has bem iu Ano only a few times. Mr. Jaeger is now in exoellent healíh. She is a rela'.ive of Mr?. Louisa Brehm of thÍ3 eitjr, whom she visited lüst week. _______ The Great Regulator. No medicine is "Bfh-r__ unlversally ii-ed iliTA Simmons Liver R M i 1 i 11 L cm u'ntor. It won ''- Sj _ IVJMK way into every home píjSB? by pmo. sterling IÏ SZC'K'y it. It takcs the place U XÍ9 of a doctor and oosily -atJ .- prencriptioiiH. It is a -HgtrajL JWijL family medicine aHM-yB taining no dangerous y&l j[t II tf'i 19) v qualities, but purely IUa .TTlT vegt-table; gentle in St it8action andc&n be safely given to auy person no matter what age. WORKINQ PEOPLE can take Siuimons Liver Eegulator without loss of time or danger from exposure, and the systoin willbeljuilt up and invigora ed by it. It promotes digestión, dissipatcs fick headache, anu givos a strong full tone to the system. It has no equal ks a preparatory medicine, and can be safely used in any sickness. It acts geutly ou the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the acilon of the Liver. Indorsed by persons of the nighe--t character and eminence as The BEST Family Medicino. If achildhas the colic it is a sure aud sa'e reniedy. It will restore streugth to the overworked father ai;d relieve the wife from low pirits. headache, dyspepsia, constipation and like Uk Ciarles Diekens anm uncís another reading frota his lather's vrork for Friday aíternoon. His selecliou will be made from "David Coppe'fielil" and "Mr. Bob S.iwyer's Party." Mr. Dkkers has been to B ston to réad. Mr. S'ephen 0 M -ara, President ot the Boston Press Club, gave him a regular Dtpew in r )duction to the Hub's best literary circle--. F oons'.iprftion, " liver cnuplaiul," or biliousness, uk hearUcbe, and all diseases ariing from a difordeied oundition of tbe liver tti.d stoinich, tke D-. Piorce's Plensaut Purgütive Pellet. - a gentle laxativo or ao ive calhart c, accoiding to hz o ' dos. V oe-Preoident Potter, of the Union Pacific r.iilway. t. Id S .cramemo reporter thit the time from Omaha to Sn Fransisco by the over!and expres trains would sooa be s-hortened tweuty-four hours. __________ THE RBV. GEO. II. THA.YER, of B ui-bon, I'id., rbs: "Both myself and wifeowe i u; lives to Shibh's Cor.eumptím Cure.'' Sold by Eberbxoh & Sjn. Boston K'r'8 consume forty toes of ehewing gum every year, according to the s atistics given by the Post. FOE DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed gutrantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. Ic never fails to cure. S H by Enerbach & Son. r ti y Anders' n, in "A Winter's Tale," wears a cloak which was the work of twenty-five women for three weeks to embroider. SIIILOH'S CATARRIÏ REMEDY- a prsitive cure lor Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by Eherbach & Son. ■ If you don't enjoy rtl gnn, wliy don't you get out of it ?- Saai Jones. Let Die Siioh" You what a savicg I have made during the last year by beirg my own doctor. Last year I paid out $9C 25 for doctors and their medicine; tbis year I pad $5.00 for six boules of Sulphur Bitter?, and they have kept health in ray whole tamily. They are the best and purest medicine ever made.- Charles King, GO Temple-st, Boston, Mass. The president will see a mighty big country. From tip to tip the American eagle a 3,000 mile spread of wing and a good healthy, heaven reaching screatn. ARE YOU MADE rriserable by Iodigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skiu ? Shiloh's Vitalizfir ia a positive cure. S ld by Eberbach & Son. ' " You can't clear the spring branch when there's a hog waHerin' in the spring all the time. - Sam Jones. Every glorious act of n great life starts forward an elcq'ieut facf. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the glorious act of a life's study, and it is a poitive fad that it stands without a riva!. I'd want to go to Heaven if the devil was there, but I'd join the procession to run him out. - Sam JoneB. I'd rather have a doctor who gave me nothing but bread pills and prayed ove'em than the greatest physician among in,, fidels. - Satn jones. Edwin Booth and Lawrence Barrett play in Cleveland Minday, Tuesday and Wednesday of thi9 week, at Toledo Thursday, Erie Friday and Youngstown Saturday. Their route thereafter includes Pittsburgh during the week of November 21, Philadelphia two weeks beginning November 28, Boston two wfeks beginning December 12, and New York City two weeks beginning December 26. SHILOH S CURE will immdiately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by Eberbach and Son. "O'Grady, the baee-ball man, is the most tender-hearted fellow in the world," remarked a traveling man the other evening. "Why, he wouldn't harm a fly." "Yes," was the reply, "I guess that's ao. I've saen him manya time whenheseemed to be positively getting out of the way of flies for fear of doing themsome damage." ___________ Judge of a government by the men it produces. Judge of a man by his deeds, a tree by its fruit?, a medicke by its results. Time tried and true is Dr. Bigelow's PoHÍtivo Cure, which contains the good qualities of all the best cough remedies without the defects of any of them. A gafe and epeedy remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lang troubles. Sold by Eberbach & Son, in fifly cent I and dollar bottles. Beahng to the lungs. Safe nd pleasant for children.


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Ann Arbor Register