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' Jfea fojlano Mnis - p w Ruj }!■■ gcti pmí tyffi COIN'G EAST. I Il#i jkrLLÜ a. m.'a. m.'p. m p p. m. a. m. Chicago I.v 6 50 9 00 S 10 8 18 9 10 3 55 Kalamai o 12 17 1 60 6 58,12 30 2 35 6 45 BatleCreek 1 U 3 ÏT 7 33 1 43 S 20 7 57 Jackon 3 15 4 28 8 49 3 15 4 50 9 15 Chelea 3 59 5 35 9 53 Dexter 4 14 i 5 50 10 07 Delhi Mills 4 22 10 14 AnnArbor 4 3S 5 30 9 45 4 3 6 08 10 25 Yiwilanti 4 50 5 4í 9 661 4 02 6 24 10 40 Wayne Jun 5 15 6 05 5 15 6 47 11 03 Detroit 7 15 10 55 6 10 12 05 Niaeara Falls 2 22 5 48 1 33 6 58 Buffalo.... 4 35 7 55 3 5o 6 10 P. M P. M. A. M.Ia. M. A. M. A .M. poma wkst ' i ú if i 5 o. o. 2S. „o. q ■un. i j isa ia sa j & I h I A. M a U. A. M. A. M. Buffalo 11 30 5 ló 6 05 9 00 11 35 NiagaraFalls 12 15 6 3 12 20 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M F. M Detroit Lv 7 00 9 10 1 30 4 00 8 00 9 15 Wayne Jun 7 40 9 53 2 03 4 45 8 37 9 55 Ypsilanti 8 01 10 12 2 20 5 12 8 58 10 20 AnnArbor 8 16 10 25 2 32 5 30 9 12 10 3S Delhi Mills 8 26! 5 42 Dexter 8 35 5 50 9 32 Chelsea 8 48 6 05 9 52 Jackson 9 35Í11 35 3 32 7 10 10 52 12 03 Battle Crcek 11 03! 1 12 4 40 8 52 12 12 1 35 Kalamaz')0 11 52! 1 50 5 15 1 20 2 85 Chicago, Ar 5 15 6 40 9 30 7 00 8 05 p M.'p. M. P. M P. M. A. M. P. K. O. W. KUGGLE.S. H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbor. Toleio.Ann Arte & North Michigan R'y Time Table going into effect Sunday, Oct. 9, 'ê7. Goiiie Ñorth. I Going South. j STATIONS. pLs.p2k m. Standard Time. , p. .m.'p. m.'a. r. Lv'El [Akr'a. m. p. m. p. m. 3 15 6 251 5 15 .Toledo ! 9 00 1 10 8 42 4 0ó 7 51 6 02 Monroe Junct'n! 8 10 12 31 7 51 4 12 8 05 6 10 Dundee 8 03 12 24 7 40 4 35 8 351 6 35! M.lan 7 45 12 04 7 20 4 53 9 05 1 7 0Ol......Plttsfle]d 7 2611 4S 7 10 5 10 9 25 7 15 ,lnn Arlior... 7 15,11 30 6 50 5 30 9 50 7 33 Leland's 6 30 11 14 6 30 5 45p. M. 7 46 Whitmore Lake a. M.jil 0 6 16 5 52 7 58l Hambur? .... '10 55 6 10 6 28 8 30 Howel' ' i 10 20 5 33 7 20 9 30 Durand 9 30 4 36 7 46 9 55 Corunna 9 08 4 15 7 55 10 011 OWO88O 9 00 4 08 9 15 11 16 Ithaca 1 7 46 2 46 9 33 11 35 St. Louis 7 27 2 26 9 41 1141 Alma 7 20 2 20 10 30 12 SOL.Mt. Pleasant... 6 30 1 80 i: u p. M. a. m p. m. AU passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Connectioue at Toledo with rallroads diverglrg, At Manhattan Junction with WheelingA Lake Krte E. K. At Alexig Jnnetinr. witfc M. C R R.. L 8. rt'y and F. & P. M R R A' Monroe Junctioo wiin L. 8. &. M. 8. K'y. At Dundee with U84 M. S.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milan with W., 8t. L. 4 P. Ry. At Pittefield with L. S. 4 M. 8. E'j. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., nd at South Lyon with Detroit, Iansing and Northern R. R,,arid G. T. Ry. H. Vï. AHHI.KY W H.BFNNETT. Superintendent, Gen. Passender Aaent. A. J. PAISLEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. 1 PAINT 11! 3 R nlnf OOIT CO-S (KF..COAT BrOGY PATST -g ■■ Painl Fridajf, run t :o Lhurch Sunday. Eieht g SE Fahioiiable Sihatlcs: I.iilck, Maroon. Venmlion „ _ es Blue, Vcllow, Olive Ijíke, Brewilcr a.ii Wagon s e k Greens ' necoswry. Unes hurd Lj _ ith a"bhc." Ou! Coat and job is done. t0 L YOUR BUCCY fg - . Tip top for Chairs, Un Stats, Sash. Flower S ga TT I'oti, Biiby CarrLit-cs, Curtain Poles, Furmturc. -g „o UJ I-tont Doors, b!ort--!ronls. Screen Doors. Boats. M = Manies, IronPences, in fect everylhinj. lust S„O Km the tliing for the ladies to use about tlie house ; fe FOR ONE DOLLAR I scoitshomestI CÜJ Are you going to Paint this ycar? If so, don t „, i T buy a paint containmg water or benzine whtn o - fort!ie saine nioney (er neariyso) you ca procure o I" COIT A I U'S 1'lKk PAIST Ih..t Is rranl,d to g g g - be an HOMsr, (;ksi ixk i.i.nskïu.oil paixt " 8 " nd free from .vier and benzine. Bimand thl o, Z liniml and take o otli-r. M( rchants handling 2 o C it are our agents and authorizcd by us. in wnting. g - 3 torr.nt1t lo rr 6 ÏKAHS ..ith 8 COATS r S fg 3 naa Kllh 2 COATS. Or Shades are the = j= e I.atest Stvlcs med in the East now becomlng e a Ui so popular in the West. ond up with the tunes ySL Try tiis brand of HDSIiST PAINT and you will f 3 never regrtt it. Tbis to the. wise Is sufficient „u o = HOUSE PAINT p! % COIT'S FLOOR PAINTËg % Paint that never drietl beyond the sticky pomt, E hm waste a weck. spoii the job. a:ul ti'-n swearï J - Ncxt time c.ll fnr COIT i t n.HR AINt mm L 4 popular ait suftable Lh;..le:, varrantcI to dry L_ m hsrt ai a rwrit Ovar otglit. No trouble. No - SSaWOHT DRY STICKÏS SHINGLÏBSI The beet Booflng in the world is Walter'sPatentShingles Made of Iron, Tin or Steel. Cheaper More Durable and Ornamenatl Than Slate "Warranted to give eatisf action. For partioulars and prices address GEOEG2 SCOTT, Bolo Agent forWasntenuw County. TH IS PAPER a0 Nevrapapcr Aáver I '" rSLSiïtlslng Agcncy of MoBsrs. N. W. AYER A SON, our authorizcd agenta. tBOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKER'S : Breakfast Gocoa. W Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, irora which the excese oí Oil has been removed. It bae thfte times the strenglh of Cocoa mixed with Starch, A rrowroot or Sugar, and Ib thereíoro far more eoonomical, coating tea than one cent a cup. It is delicioUB, nourtehlng, Btrengthening, easiiy dlgeeted, and admirably adapted for invalid aa well aa for perBoasJnhealth. Sold by (iriicers everyiTherC' f. BAKER & CO., DöSster, Mass.


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