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BUSNESS CARDS. LKX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at luw. Will practice in both State and United Statee nourts. Office Rooms, one and two, Ut floot of Se new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourth reet, Ann Arbor, Michigan. M-476 77brgk w. renwick, TÏACHEE OP fOlCE CnLTDRE,SlNGlNG, HÁRHOH Y & PIJLKO. Hsrmony Buccessfully taught by mail. Addrem, P. O. box 2151, Ana Arbor, Mich. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Ofice and residence over postomce, firat " Itoor. ___ jdk,. .A.:K,:rri3T(Offlce over First National Bank.) Hours from 9 to 11 a. na., 2 to 4 p. m., Sunday, from 2 to 3 p. m. ReMidence, 33 8tleat. KBLLT'S PEERLESS TRUSS Ia given on trial and warranted to give sati&faction or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A 6FECIALITY. Offlco, No. 6 Washingtoa-st., Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O.C.JLNKINS,D.D.S., DEFTAL OFFICE OTEB ANDREWS BOOK STOBS, 13 MAIN STREET. ANN ARBOR. NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Mecond Floor il asonlr Bloeit, over 8avinga Bank, lm Arbor, Mi oh. reeth extracted without pain by the use of gu or vitalized air. ZINA F. ZING, Law and Collection Office. 3. 8. 0OMMI8SIONER, and Agent for pitolng Insurance in reliable companies. - All business entrusted to thls office reoelT prompt and carelul atteution. Meney remlttei [ninediately on collection. No.42 Main street, South, ..un Arbor, Mich. tBTTITTrRB3 ! EGAN'8 IMPERIAL TRÜ88. Spiral 8pring with graded pre snre 1 to 6 pounds. Worn day anö night by an Infant a week old o adultof80 years. LadieB' Trusse a specialty. Knclone Btamp to: Teftimonial of Cures, measurements, etc KGAN'8 IMPERIA1 TRUS8 CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor, Mich. Wl BIGGS. Contractor ! Builder Aad all fcinds of worfc in eonneeUon witte the aboye promptly excated. - Shop Cor. of Church-st and Untvereity ave. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. WILLIAM AENOLD, SELLS 1847 Ri.GERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS AND KNIVK . At bottom prices, eneraylnj lncludeí. full Une of the justly oelebf 8U5 HOCKFORD W ALTHAM and ELGIN WATOHBS. Open face, Key and Stem-wlndlng a lwaye on hand and regnlated, ready for a man f pocket. If you cannot readthts get one of Johnston A Co s eye-glasses or speotacles for Bale by WM. AENOLD, 36 Main 8t. Ann Arbor, Mlch . A New Discovery. Price Only 50c. Per Bottle. HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. Thli raluable remedy 1 not only a or cura for Neuralgia, but haa no equal when usea as an inJeotlon In the following dlseaaes: LOCAL DISCHARGES, or WHITE3, ULCER3, SWELLINGS, end NEURALGIA cf tt3 WOMB or BOWELS. Trythl remedy and yon wlll u no othsr. Tfa ipense ti unusually small and valuo Is unequniiod by any other knuwn preparatlon. ÚfÁUD Troubles and monthly rats uroat W w Iwl O onoe relieved by lts uao. LADIESREADTHiS! "After Fourteon Months." Vleíuinntville, l.-yw. Mr. Bteketec- Slr: After laylnï for 11 montos or.J dootorloc wlth Beren different physicHns without ny benent U m. 1 was lmiiued to use Stuketoe's Nouialil Drop. Th" me of Tour modlclno was th only r"l f got. 1 am able to do all my prk. I can chjerfiihy raoommsad lu uso. SlHS. E3TA l'UEWiri. " Doctor Could Not Help Her." Mlddleville, Hloh-, JutvSI. ÏSM. Mr. O. O. 8tke, pn.prletor Stekctffe'a Neurlfc-lj Drops: My wlfo was affllcted wlth Innnmmatlon and neuralgia of tha womb for somMime. Doctor couldnot help h"r, but half a down doaes of yoiir 8to!teoe' ïearalgU Drop. cured her. V"Tv"ílÍ j'."hÏLLS. Aak yonr drngirlst for Stoketae1 NeurIl Irops. II not for sale by roor drusKiit I wil 1 aendlt ezpraas oald. to any address In ths O. 8., thre bottlo for xia doUar aad Bf ty ceoU. For 3ale bj all Drusglata. MAKE YOÜR OWN BITTERS. A fonr oonc paekam of BnKtm'l DT Bittíus will make one gallon of the bost Bltwrs known, wbich will cure Indigestión, Pain In the Moiuach, r'ever and Amie. and acu npon tha Kianeya and Bladder, and Is the beat Tonlp known. Xn be iieed with or without spirits, mll dlrectlona n each packane. By mail, Prlco only ento. W 8. Stampa laken ia pay mout. AddreM CEO. C. STEKETEE, 89 Wlonroe S t.. Grand Rápida, Mloh. MXHTIOM THI3 PAPES. rms papee KsstfigësiSzijSSi fe. PENNYROYAL WAFERS ■5 Are ucoeeafully vwed mjnUily by OTer M ff.Llle9.'r. ..4 Wwnl 11 ITper box by maii or at drugglsw. Seollfr. W timitart 2 postas stamps. Address r THI IÍURKKA CHEHICAI, COMPAKT. n&her Black. 131 Woodward are., Detroit, Mlch. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDEN FS ! The reat K.iiiclili PreMrlptlnn wlll restore th&t lost Vltaliry and a Rufged, Healthy Conditloa follow lts ne. Buy at your drueglat's, one package, SI ; si x for Ï5 EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. Sold by II. J. Brown t Co.


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