Real Estate Transfers
Fuliowins 19 a list of the real estáte transfers in Waslitermw county, as reoorded by ihe register of deeds, for week ending November 21, 1887. Almon B Close (by adm.) to W. B. Rane, Nortbfleld "40 Geo. and E. More to Geo. Stiellurly, Ann Arbor 200 Beruhard Buur and wife to Edward Burke, Northfield .- 100 Albert Loomls and wife to8arah M. Buland, YpeiUntt 100 E. M. Comstock to A. A. and A. A. Herriman, Ypstlantl .... 425 A. Demerest to H. C. Devoe, Ypsilanti 450 Wm. Campbell and wife to Chas. Sehmid', Augusta I'1 0 Garry Briggs and wife to Wm. J. and M. M. MoDona d, Dexter 325 L. D Loomis and wife to Geo. Whittaker, Chelsea '30 L.B Wood to Margaret WKd Fittsfield 1 Murion Knglish to Thomas Kenishall, Manchester 3100 Hamiah K. Burubam to W. H. Eaterly, York 450 P. Donahne (by adm.) to W. H. Ponahue, Ann Arbor 21.5 Kimiguuda srhaile to Allmeudinger i Behueider, Aun Arbor city 2400 kfary Broderick to George üratzmiller, Chelsea vill „ 80 John Schwab to Chrisüan Schwab, jr.. Bridïewater 7500 Cbrittian Schwab, jr.. to John Schwab _.. 7500 Cbrlstian Schwab and wile to Elizabeth Kern, Manchester vill 500
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
Almon B. Close
W. B. Rane
George Moore
E. Moore
George Shetterly
Bernhard Baur
Edward Burke
Albert Loomis
Sarah M. Buland
E. M. Comstock
A. A. Herriman
A. Demerest
H. C. Devoe
William Campbell
Charles Schmidt
Garry Briggs
William J. McDonald
M. M. McDonald
L. D. Loomis
George Whittaker
L. B. Wood
Margaret Wood
Marion English
Thomas Kemshall
Hannah E. Burnham
W. H. Easterly
P. Donahue
W. H. Donahue
Kimigunda Schade
Mary Broderick
George Gratzmiller
John Schwab
Christian Schwab Jr.
Elizabeth Kern