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The Great Regulator. No medicine is ""Bfljii unlverRally ued - f' j7 Simmous Liver 1 1 .▼, tT, fil i ulator. It won '"Sisfi . jmmi way into every home &'B?7i9y by pure, sterling JJ Bw5cÏL3 il". H takes the place W XKm of a doctor and oostly s4EJz4 preacrlptions. It is a _áP'i?!í3L ï" 4 f.'inily medicine 0B&?? B ' Th laining no danerous ] VÏÏ1V% tfil 7 qualities, Imt purely TU.y. T-l Kjy veg table; gentle in " - -.-'" Jfcfc itsaction and can be safely given to any persou no matter what age. WORKINQ PEOPLE can take Simmons Liver Regulator without loss of time or danger from exposure, and the fystem will be Imilt up and invigora ed by it. It promotes digestión, disalpates Kick headache, and gives a stmng full tone to the system. It has no ■-juk] mr a r'nir:ittry medicine, and can be safely used in any sickness. It acts gently on theBowelsand Kidneysand corrects the action of the Liver. Indorsed by p. rsons of the highe&t charaoter and eminence as The BEST Family Medicine. If achildhas the colic it is a sure aad sa'e remedy. It will restore Btrongth to the overworked father and relieve the wife from low spirits, headacke, dyspepsia, constipation and like illa. The oíd lady who keeps cata seems to have a puT-ptiss in life. Uun'l lat that cold of yours run on. Yuu thiuk it is a ligtit tliing. Bit it may nin into catarrh. Of into pneumonía. Or oonsumption. Citarrh is disgusting. Pneumonía ie dangerous. Consumption is deth itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept beilthy nd cler of all ohstructions a:id otf.Tisive matter O herwise there is tix uble aheart. All the di eases of these parts, head, nos-e, throiit, brocchial tubus and lungs, can be dehghtfully and entirely eured by the use of Bosehee's Germán Syrup. If you don't know th s alreaiiy, thousands and thuusands of pf-ople can tell you. They have been cured by it, and " know how it is, themselve-i." Bottle only 75 cents. A-k any iruggist. Some people can't ste to eat breaktast without their moruing lass. Those who believe that nature will work off a cough or cold should understand that this is done at the expense of the constitution. Ench time this weakens the sy tein, and we a!l know that the termination of thie daugerous practice is a comeumptive's grave. Don't take the chances, when a fifty cent bottle ot Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure will sately and promptly cure any recent cough, coíd or throat or lung trouble. Buy the dollarbotile of Eberbach & Son, for chronic cases or family use. Ti f moiiatcu ot Giecoe has a fat .-ituation as a matter ot c.jurge. 8HIL0HS VlfALIZER ia what you ned for constipation, Loss of Appetite, D zziness and 11 symptoms of Dyspepsia. Pr ce 10 atid 75 cents per bottle. Bold by Eberbach & Son. There are said to be only tour horss in AUí ka, three at Juneau and one at Sitka. X r vv w Of the good things of this V%VAV3 life are sorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker"s Dyspepsia Tableta will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Constination ; sold on a positiva guarantee at 25 and 50 eents, by John Moobk, Druggist. Gme cooked on a rifle-range onght to suit an oíd hunti-r. Mmiij New Ideas in the home cure of disease?, accidenta, and how to treat them, and many hints of valué to the sick will be found in Dr. KHufmann's grf-at Medical Work ; elegant illustrations. Semi ihree 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Bjgton Mass., and receive a copy ftt-e. A New Yoik pMicetnan shot at a dog and put the bullet in its owner. The man who o -vns the 1 g requesls the pólice next time to shoot at him. NO COLD FEET ! Send one dollar in curreney, with size of Bhoe asually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles for rheumatism, cold feei and bad circulation. They are the most powerful made in the world. The wearer feels the warmth, Ufe and revitaliiaiion in three minutes alter putting them on. Sent by return mail upon receipt of pnce. Send your address for the " New Departure in Medi'nl l'reatment Without Medicine," with the UHkn is of testimoniáis. Wrlte U8 full particular m diiBcullies. Our Magnetic Kidney Belt for gentlemen will pohitlvely cure the fullowii'g diseases without medicine : Pain in the back, head or limbs, nervous debility, lumbago general debiüty, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, sciatica, diseases of the kidneys, iorpid liver. seminal emiaaious, impotency, neart diseaee, dyspepsia. indigestión, hernia or rupture piles, etc. Consulta tion free. Price of Bilt, with Magnetic Insoles. 510. Sent by ezpreca C. O. D. or by return mail upon recept of price. Send measure of walst and size of hoe worn. Send for circulara. Order direct. NOTE- The above described Belt with insoles is warranted to positiveh core chronic cases of seminal emissious and impotency or money rcfanded even after one year's trial. Til K MAOHETiC APIM.IAXfK CO., 134 Dearborn Nt.. Cbieao. II'. Health is Wealthl ! 1q SI ' úk L I LHi BRWBW" pvm%H t r i a t m enM Db. E. C. West's Nerve and Bkain Tbiatment, a gnaranteed specitic for Hysterla, Dizaness, Convulsione, Fit, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous ProetraUon caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Waketulneu, Mental Depresión, Koftenlng of the Braiu resalting In innantty and ieadliig to mi ry, decay and death, Premature Old Ane, B&néunees, lxs of power in eithér ex, Involnatary Losses and Spermatorrheca caused by over-exerüou of the braln, sclfabuse or over-indnlgence. Kach box contains one month's treatmenl tl .00 a box, or Bix boxes tin ),00, leut by mail prepaid on receipt ol WK UI (KAVrlE SI.V BOXES To cnre any case. With each order received by us for six boxen, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our writlen guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect acore. Giwranteei issued only by KBERBACH & SON, Druggttto. Sole Agts., Ann Arbor, Mich. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaiut, dyspepsia. sick headache, indigestión, constipation or constiveness we cannot cure with West s Vezetable IJ ver l'iüs, when the direi-tions are Btrlctly complied with. They are purely vegetable and uever fail to glve satismi tion. Large boxes containing 80 sugar coated pills, 2"ic. For sle by all druggiEta. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WKf T & CX).J 862 W Madisjn-st .Chicago, 111.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register