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Real Estate Transfers

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Following is a list of the real estáte transfers in Washtenaw county, as recorded by ihe register of deeds, for week ending November 28, 1887. Anton Eisele (by will) to Eliza Eisele, et. al Huldah J.Cole to Wiliiam Tuttle, Ypsilanti city 900 Nancy Baldwin to Andrew HeimciadVnëër ALn Arbor gjn Warren Wood (by heire) lo James Kehöëi Bridgewater ' gr, Adaline Bliss to Chas B. ötuck. ' Hauuah btuck (by helr; to ilias. B. Stuck Henry M. Curtís, et. al., to Kmma Drapcr i psilauti city jjoq Jas R. Leonardand wifeto Thüs'.Nunde Superior ' 1 Christian Hatbich to Byron' W."cheëver' Aun Arbor city i-nn V"? í)unde tó w HÓrtönTaüpërïor": 490Ü N. W . W ilcox to Wm. Hooker, Milaü 225 Geo. and Eliza Losgrove to Wm. Croswell, Sci0 45