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- HALE'S HONEY is the best Cough Cure, 25 50c., tL CLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, 2üc GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Corns & Bunions, 26c HtLL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Browo, 50c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c DEAN'S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a sure cure, 60c The taikey's opinión of Thanksgiving: StulF and nonsense. - Journal. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, yon have a printed gunrantee on every bot Ie of Shilóh's Yualizer. Ie never fails to cure. Solí by Eberbach & Son. CLf VvO the Children. They are esOVXVrU pecialiy iiaMe to sndden Colds, Conglis, Croup, Whooping Cough etc. We guarantee Acker's Englm Remedy a positivo cure. It saves hours oí anxious watching. Sold ïy John Moore, Druggist. Buchlen's Arnlcu Malvo. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorps, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillbla!ns,CornB, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satistaction, or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. Porsale by Ebeibich & Son. 'N i, my son, Greece is not in Turkey except m this Utitude about this season of the yra ?' - Boston Post. SHILÓH'S CA.TARRII REMEDY- & P' sitive cure tor Catarrh, Diphtheria and Cauker Mouth. Sold by Eberbïch fe Son. Brown - "I nerer saw so mny tramps in the town before." Jones - "Tramps! Why, man, those are my poor relations coming out to Bpend Thanksgiving with me."- Lif'. TO THE LADIES ! If you are afflicted with rhenmatlsm, neuralgia, nervoui exhaution, dyspepsia, or with diseases of the liver, kidneys, headacheor cold feet, swollen or week aukles, or swollen feet, an Aböominal Belt and a pair of Magnetic Foot Batteries have no superior in the releif and cure of all these complaints. They carry a powerfu! magnetic force to the seat of the desease For lame back, weaknt ss of the spine, falling of the womb, leucorrhoea. ehronie inflammatiou and ulceration cf the womb, incidental hemorrhage of flooding, painful, suppressed and irregular meustruatlon, barrenness, and change of liie, this is the Best Appliance and Curative Aeent Known. Price of Supporter with Magnetic Foot Batteries. Ï10. Sent by expresa C. O. D„ and eramination allowed, or by mail on receipt of price, and if not found satisfactory even after six months trial they can be returned and money refunded. In ordering, send measure of waist and size of shoe. They are worn over the underclothing. They hold their poteer f orevcr. Send for the "New Department in Medical Treattnent Without Medicine." with thousands of testimoniáis. Send for circulare. Write us full particulars as regareis your difficultiea - orders direct. THE MAOJfETIC APPMAKCE CO., 131 I). in 1, .ni St., Chicago, 111. Thank'giving is a time for hblping the poor. Even the poor turkey gets helped. - Yonkers Statesman. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS? Burdock Blood Bitters That Ache in Tmal of Back. Burdock Blood Bitters RELIEVES Weary, Aching Bones. Burdock Blood Bitters CUKES Dyspepsia. byspepala. Gents:- I feel it my duty to say re specting Burdock Blood Bitters, that it i the best medicine I evertook. I suflfereU two or threeyears f rom stomach troubles and dyspepsia, as well as from liver anú kidney complaint. I was not able to attend to my business. My wife was afflicie.l in much the same way. Weread of your Bitters in the papers and madeupour minds that we would iry them. The resull ia, my wif e and I began to improve at once, and 1 am nowable to do more hard work than before in ten years. It relieved my kidney troubles as well. We botli wisii you, the makers of it, Godspeed JOSEPII LAK DON, Chelsea, Yt CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCK Eoyal Highlander's (SECOND SON OF THE EARL OF KINNOULL. DCPPLIN CASTLE, PERTH, 8COTLAND. J TO THE LIEBIG COMPANY: "Iwasinacondition of great debility, oom. quent upon a broken-down stomach, dvspepslt and malaria, complicated with kidney initation when my medical attendant direeted e to takè your incomparable Coca Beef Tonic. Itó effeo? was simply marrelous. The power of dijreBtlon was quickly restored, the kidney initation vanïehed and rapid restoration to health followed _,'.? ther.Pre,pations of Coca had been trfed without the êlightest effect.'' mi chas, mm m seech, Prof essorof Medicine at the Royal VniversUuKruQhtotlhe Boyal Amtrian Order of the Irort éSPnüi knHM Commander of theHoijal SpanUh Order of IsabeUa; Knight of the Roual Pru. fian Order of the Red EagU; Chevál&r of tht LegUm of Honor, üc, de, says "J'laIU CO-S OA BEEF TOiriO should not be coníounded with the horde of trashy cure-a]Is. It ís in no eense of the word t pateut remedy. í am thoroughly conyersant witk lts mode of preparation and know it to be not oiüt a legitímate pharmaeeutieal product, but aleo worthy ot the high commendations it has received ín all parts of the world. It contains essence of Beef, Coca Quinine.Iron and Calisaya, which ara dissolved in pure genulne Spanish Imperial Crown Sherry.'' i yvtmi Inraluable to all who are Run Down, Nervou Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malarlous or afflicted wlUs weak kidneys. ' Beware of Imltatlons. Her hmñ FaToritt Couutic UlTctríat Used by Her Royal Hlghnees the Prlncca "of Wale and nobility. For the Skin, Complexión! Eruptiona, Chapping, Roughness. 81.O0. Of druggists. I.IF.HMJ CO.'S Oenalne S.vrnn orSar. saparllln i guaranteed as the oest Sarnparllla In the market. S. Y. Depot 38 JHnrrait.


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