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All Sort of Pnlson. SIr. W. F. Daley, Advertising Agent of the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad, writes: "Inflammatory rheumatism s wel led my leg aud arm8 to twice their natural size. I suffered excruciating pain. Your won derf ui S. S. S., made a complete cure. Major Sidney Herbert, editor of tho fiovtlmrn Cultivator and Ihxie Farmer, Atlanta, Ga., writes: " I have fully tested tlie virtnes of Swift's Speoifio, both as a rheumatism cure and a touic. It has done even more than its proprietors claim forit. Mr. Michael Long, Jr., with the Strobridge Lithographio Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, writes : " I suffered for two years with a terrible iuhing and painful sores on my neck, arms, hands and ñngers. No physician could heip me. 8. S. S. relieved me perfcetly and I feel like a new man. lire. Amanda Ingle, of Gastonia, N. C, writes : "My baby, when four montha old, developed scrofula. He had two ievere risings an d sores on the neck. I seni for our famüy physician, who pronounced it scrofula, and prescribed 8. S. S. for it. I gave the baby S. S. S and it svon got the disease under control. The sores ara he-aled, and the baby is well and healthy. I know S. S S. saved ite life, and I told our doctor so. He i a regular physician, and prescribed S. S. S. for the baby as eoon as he saw it had sorofula. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Thb Swift brECiFic Co., Urawor 3, Atlanta, Ga. While a well was being dug on the farm of Andrew Sisson, Lear Swan Creek, 111., iha workmen dug up a petrifit d oraDge. It was found over forty feet below the surface. The Holfdays and the colder winter weather are now rapidly approaching. The joyful season is eageriy anticipated by young folks in thonsands of' homes; but iu nearly all there are one or more older ones to whom the cold waves aud the storms mean renewed suffering from rheumalio back or limbs. It ia notclaimed thatHood's Sarsapariiln is a positive specific for rheumatism ; we doubt if there is or can be such a remedv. But the remirkable success Hood'e Sirsapanlla has had in curing this affeotion is fufficient reason for those who are suffering to try this peculiar medicine. De Lesseps is 83 years old. It he lives that much longer he may see the Panama Canhl tinished. I Km IT. uil to say from personal experience that Sulphur Bitter?, which adveriisement will be geen in another column, is the best spring and blood medicine to be found. It is prepared byan honest firm who scorn to use cheap and worthless medicines, but use the best that money can buy. - Editor. Margaret Cain, of London, has been convicted 230 times of drunkenness. They have not been Abel to raise Cain morally. There was a man of our town and he was wondrous wiee. He jumped into a bramble bush and soratch out both his eyea. And when he saw his eyes were out, with all his might and main, he bought a bottle of Salvation Oil, and rubbed them in again. The dead lock in Indian Territory ought not to be opened by a Cherokee. - Pittsburgh Chronicle. SHILOH'S VITALIZER m what yon need for constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Eberbaoh & Son. Theaters would cot feel the need of calcium and electric hght if stage stars were all of the first magnitude. - New Havan News. The freight rates of our tiunk lines have been advanced, but this will have no effect on the price of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which is sold at the old price of 25 cents a bottle. "How are collections today ?" asked a man of a bilí collector yesterday. "Slow, very slow ; can't even collect my thoughte," was the reply. - Pittsburgh ChronicK BESREPARATToÈ?PnofflcË? For Coughs, Hoarseness, Weak Lungs, Whooping Congh, Dry, Hacking Coagha of long standing, aud all lironchial and Lung Allections. Try it. Warranted to Cure Consumption In its Earlier Stages RAIL-ROAD) Absolute Dominion over PainPAIN CURE (Will Curo Colic, Sore Throat, t roup, t rost Hites, Wou nds, etc., i n less time than any othermedicineoncarth. Guaranteedto Cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Warranted by your druggist 28o , 50c. and $1. For 81 we will send largest size of either Cure, expresa prepaid. Address Rail-Road Remedy Co., Box 372, Lincoln, Neb Trade supplied by Farrand, Williams & Co., Detroit This is the Horse Blanket Tommy Jones bought for a good one. He paid a big price for it, and it went to pieces in two weeks. He forgot to look for this 5 Trade Mark, sewed inside: SJRONQ BlflKET IS WADE LlKE f 10. 2. NT INOU5H WtBpSC EWTVof ? JHRtADS. q' TxCAOS. If youVtent Strength JaoKfor Ihis %Jrale)K This 54 Trade Mark shows why some Horse Blankets are notas goodas theylook and feel and why sA Horse Blankets are strong. The warp threads give the wear. The followíng styles retail from $1.50 to $3.50: Wk Five Mile ÍV sa SixMile, 5ALittleGiant. "#M A Boss Stable. #, s Á F. Kersey. l s a Electric. fi No. 306. There are many other styles. If these don't uit you, ask to see them. LCopyrighted 1887.] - I I - -J_ri "■- I wish to inform the public that I keep conetantly on hand the best grades of Black Dia. [ mond Coal, in all slzes; also the Jackson HUI soft coal, which I can sell at lowest maiket prices. Will deliver to any part of the city. Give me a cali at No. 11 west Washington-st. M. STABLER. tür'íTephí Heats 3 or more rooms and does not over heat the roome. It sets in J. SCHUMACKER'S, 68 Sontli JMaln-st. 656-S1 COÏLIÏS&AMSDM DEALERS IN Stone, Lime, Water Lime, Cement, Calelned Piaster, Plastering Hair, Brick, and Masons' supplies in general. Also all kinds of WOOD AND GOAL! Feed and Baled Hay. Dffices, No. 33 and 36 East Huroii-sl.


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