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BUSNESS CARDS. LEX. W. HAMILTON Attorney at l. WtU practice in both State and United Statse Couxts. OfBoe Rooms, oue and two, let floor of the new brick block, corner of Hurou and Fourth Streets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 424-475 p EORGE W. RENWICK, TEACHER OF ME (MlE,Sim, HÁRM0M &P1OÖ. Harmony successfully taught by mail. Addrese, F. O. box 2151, Ann Arbor, Mich. DEAN M. tVlER, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Oflttco and residence over postofflce, flrst Boor. d:e,. AJttJsriDrr. (Office over First National Bank.) Hours from 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., Sunday, from 2 to 3 p. m. Resldence, 23 State-st. KELLT'S PEERLESS TRUSS Li given on trial and warranted to give satl&faction or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A SPECIALITY. Office, No. 6 Washington-sí., Orer RInsey 5t Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. 0. C. JENKINS, D. D. 8., DEÏÏTAL OFFICE OVER ANDREW'S BOOK STORE, 13 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR. NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Mecond Floor IKasonic Block, over s vings Bank, Ann Arbor, Sllcb. Teeth extractad without pain by the use of gas or vitalized air. ZINA F. ZING, Law and Collection Office. 0. S. COMMISSIONEK, and Agent for pladng Insurance in reliable companiee. 4V AU business entrusted to this office recclvm prompt and careiul attention. Meney reiaitted ünmedlately on collection. No. 42 Main street, South, .nn Arbor, Mioh. tRTJPTTJftK ! EQAN'S IMPERIAL TRÜSS. Spiral Spring with graded presnre 1 to 6 ponnds. Worn day and night by an Infant a week old" oj adultof80 years. Ladies' Trussei a specialty. Endose Btamps ío Testimoniáis of Cures, measurements, etc EGAN'S IMPERIA1 TRÜSS CO., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor, Mlch. WM. BIGGS. Coniractor 2 lik And all kinds of work in connectlon with the abare nromptly executed. Shop Cor. of Church-st and University tve. Telephone 9 ; P. O. Box 1248. WILLIAM ARNOLB, SELLS 1847 RIGERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS AMD KNIVE , At bottom prioes, engravinsr ineludfi. I full line of the justly celeoieted KOCKFORD TV ALTHAM and ELGIN WATCHES. Open face, Key and Stem -winding alwayf on hand and regulated, ready for a man t pocket. I If y ou cannot readthis get ene of Johnston di Co ,s eye-glasses oí spectacles for sale by i WM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. A New Discovery. Price Only 50c. Per Bottls. HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE. Ttals valuablo remedy Is not only a snre curi for Neuralgia, bat lia no equal wbec used as en injeotion la the following diseasos: LOCAL DISCHARGES, or WHITES, ÜLCIH3, SWELLINGS, and NEURALGIA cf tho VV0M3 or GOWELS. Trythls remedy and tou will use no other. Tho xpense te unuBually amall and vaiue Ij unequalled by any other known preparallon. iaiAiUI D Troubles and monthi? pains al ff V in D once relie vetl by lts une. LADIESREADTH88! After Fourtoen Montho." VJensantTllIo, Io-rn. Mr. Steketec- Sir: After lnylnfr for u months and doctoring1 wlth sevcn different physiclans wlttiont an7 benent to me, I was indnued to usa Steketee'a Netiral f la Drops. The nso of your medicine was tho only relief got. I am able to do all my vrork. I can cheerftitl; reaommeml íta use. MUS. ESTA PREWITT. Doctors Could Not Help Her." Bïlddlcvino, Mlch., June 81, ISM. Mr. G. Steketeo, propriotor Stekt-too'a Numl(rla Drops: My wife was affllcted with Inilammation and neuralgia of the womb for sometlmo. Uortors eould ntit help hor, but half a doten doses of your Steketee's Neuralgia Drops curod her. Vory truly yours, -WlLtlS J. MILLS. Ask your drudfflst for Steketee's Neuralgia Drops. ft not for sale by your drugclst I wil ! send U expresa paid, toany addressln tho 0. 8., throe bottles for ;ue dollar and flf ty cents. For Salu by all Druggists. MAKE YOUR OWN BITTERS. A four ounce paokape of Stekitke's Dry Bitters will mako ono gallon of tho best Bitters known, wblch will cure indigestión, Painn in the JStomach, Fe ver and Akuo, and acts upon the Kid neys and Bladder, and Is the beat Tonlc known. Can be used with or without spirits. Full dlrectlons on each package. By mail, Prlce only 6 cents. U. S. titamps taken in payment. Address CEO. G. STEKETEE, 89 Monroe St., Crand Raplds, Mloh. MENT1O.V TUIS PAPES. Ittma VlVrD mayDerounaonnieatoeo. iiLlö JtrillrUjJi P. Rowell&Co'sNewspauir AdTertislnK Bureau( lOSpnice St. Vwhere ndvert Islnjj ootcacu cuy U aiuda (or it Ii tt UW 1UUH. PENNYROYAL WAFERS S Are successfully used mcnthly by over 10,(W MkLadlKi. Arv Sar. KffeHiuil and Plfcumnt. $1 Tper box by maif, or at dniggLsW. SeaUd Pur m Jfr liculara 2 postage stampa. Address V THE EUHEKA CUKMICAL COMPANT. F Flaber Bloclc. 131 Woodward ave, Detroit, Mich. LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND STUDENTS The Great KiikIInIi Prescrlption will restore that lost Vitality and a Rugged Healthy Condltion follow lts use. Buy at your drugglsi's, one packaee, tl ; six for S5. EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., DETROIT, MlCH Sold by H. J, Brovm á Co.


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