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I iiKiiiiitiis ol he 19th Century. The steamboat, the reaper, the scwing machine, Cara running by night and by day, Houses lightea by gas and heated by steam, And bright elcctrieity's ray. The telesrraph's click Bpceds like lightning released, Then the telepone comes to excel it ; And, to put on the finish, the last but not least, Is the famed little Purgative l'ellet. Last but not least is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellet, because it relieves human suffering, adds to the sum of human comfort, and enables the relieved sufiferer to enjoy all the blessing and luxurieg of the age we live in. Beautiful thougnts are the flowers of tbe mind. "It's only a question of time," and a short time, too, as to when your rheumatism will yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try it. Never contract a friendship with a man that is not better than yourself. HALE'S HOHEY is the best Cough Cure, 28 60c., V. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, 25c GERMÁN C0RN REMOVER küls Coms & Bumon., 2.5c. HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 60c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 26c. DEAN'S RHEUMAT1C P1LLS are a siire cure, Mc When a man wants to find tault he will do so if he has to spend all nis tiros looking for it. CATARRH CURED, bealth and sweet breathsecured, by Sniloh'sCatarrh remedy. Pnce 50 cents. Nasal DJector free. Sold by Eberbach & Son. There isn't enough bad luck in the world, altogether, to run one real, live business man. r!t cv w vv Of the good things of this Y%%V life are sorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Con st i Dat ion; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by John Moore, Druggist There never was ar.y heart truly great and generous that was not also tender and compassionate. Honen, t'Mttle and t'hickens. For colic and grubs, for lunï fever, cough or hide-bound I give Simmons I.iver Regulator in a niash twice a day. You can recommend it to every one having stock as the best medicine known tor the above complaints. In using It with my chickens, for cholera and gapes I mix it with dough, and feed it to them once a day. By this treatment I have lost none where the Regulator was given promptly and regularly. E. T. Taylor, Agt. for Grangere, of Ga. Advice is like snow ; the i-ofter it falls the longer it dwells upon and the deeper it sinks into the mind. THAT HACKING COUGËFcat be po quickly cured riy Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. S 'ld by Eberbach & Son. Costly flowf r8 are not to be hked ; lest whib a man muketh his trüia longer he makes his wings shorter. f&The Greatest Blood PurifieriQ KNOWN. # I I This Great Germán Medicine Is the#. III III cheapest and best. 128 doseB of SVL-M II lPHUltBITTEKSfortl.00,les8than# $( II III one cent a doee. It will cure the L □ worst cases of Bkin disease, tromM M a common pimple on the iaceM Jf {j Ito that awful dfseaee Scrofula. fi! SULPHUB BITTERS la the# III best medicine to se In all cases of euch Btuhborn andyonr Kid decp seated dleeaees. DtWneysareoutlll not ever take Mot order. Uee Bi BLUE PILLS fSüLPHURQ inormcrcury.ilieyaredead"";,; nolU I lly. Place your trust ln#StórwhataflBl 1 1 the purest and bestM UB8_, IJ metUcine ever made. gjjpj BltterS ! U !=UyonrTongaeGoatsq# ' Sñ Ö with a yellow BtickyDont wait nntil yon U Ifl substance? Isyour#are unable to walk, or III II breath foul and#are flat on your back, III lloffensive? your#but get some at once, itlll Illstomach Ís out#will cure you. Suliihurlll IH of order. üse#Bitters Ís S8UmTTERsTle iBTalid's Fríend.g E{JimmeiliatelyheyOTinpr,theagci1anltot-S III '8 your Ur-#tering are boon maíie well by III UI ine thick,#íts use. Bcmctnher what you II III rony, clo-irread here, it may save yoiu-l III udy, orwnte, it has pavea hundreds. l e,. #Dou't wait until to-morrow, f ttj a Bottle To-day! E3 M Are yon low-spirlted aml wo:ik, S Mor suffei-inír írom the cxressos olí I S#youth? If 80, KULPUUK iilïTJEKsI II 'Wwill cure you. SenU 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordwsy Co., Boston, Mass., for üest medical work publisheü? lew Advertisements I ■ .S ITITAXTE - I.ADIES fir our Fall and VV christmaí.Trfule, to tako light, pleasant work at theirown hKmei Jl (n Í3 ryr day can be quietly made. Work fm by mail any distanco. Harticulars free No (i.invaMinR. Address at once, CKEsrENT AKT CO . 117 Milkst., Boíton. Mass. Box 510. EBERBACH & SOI, DRUGGISTS And Ptaiacists, No. 12 South Main SI reet, Keep on hand a.large and well selected Btock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnlshing of Phy. lcians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with Philosophleal and Chemical Apparatus. Bohemiau Chemical Glaes-ware, Forcelaln Ware, Pure ReageQto. etc. Physlcians' PreseripüOHs carefully prepared at allhoure. LUMBER LUMBERI LUMBER! If you oontemplate building cali at FERDON LÜMBER YARD ! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds ot LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and ruarantee VERY LOW PRIOESI ##-fl e ns o cali ml we wlll makt it tO jour Interest, as onr birte and well graded stock fully sostains our asertlon. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T. J. H r-.KC'H, Nol! . 27-478 BIHSSY & SZABOLT 3STOS. 6 -A.ÜTX) 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have alwayt on hand a complete Stock of ereu thine In the GROCERY UMI Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime Articlee bought for Cash and can seli atlow figures. Our frequent large involces oi Teas Is a sure sign that we give bargalns Is QUALITY AND PRIOB. We roast our own coffees every week, alwaya fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the veiy beet of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeus. 482-607 TANSY CAPSULËC I f THE LATEST DISCOVEBY. W Dr. Laparle'e Celebrated Freparation, Safe and Aiways Reliable. Indispensable to LADIM8. Seiid 4 cents for Bealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL GO., Chicago, . SK Forest City Bird Store, '' -aBWfr . established lK7i.#Sing"W ing Birds, Talking l'arHBWBB iXr rots, Bird Cages, Pure _- Seed, Song Kestorer, jt Insect Cure, Fishing 3fc Tackle, Bird Books. Rk Poultry Supplles, iold W ' Fish, Dogs Sc their Medicines. Ferrets. Bird's Eyes. & H.WILSÜN, 349 Superior .V., Cleveland, Onio. ISUAND HOME STOCK FARM Perdieron Horoea. a _ v. French Coach Horses. Jk V Savae Sc Faruum, Impor flB MfeJ ters and Brieders of Per ÉH k chcron and French Coach H BK Horses.lsIandHomeStock JË& ' ? . HA Farm, Grosse lslc, Waync f M ■ Comity Mich. We offef a jM ■ Tery large studofhorses to jjB H select irurn, we euarantefl dl tbÉÍB iH WB our stoc'c inake prices reaWÊ HL ftr lonable and sell on easy VF V terras. Visitors always wel. mm come. Lftree catalogue T ce. Address N. WW SavaeeAFarnnm, Ml r Dbtroit mich. I PAINT 1 Paint Friday run it toChurch Sunday. Light 5 Li 1 Fashlonsble Sliades: Black, Mroon. Vcrrailion „ _3 Blue Yellov. Olive Lake, Brewslct and Wagon eg MK Ctens. No VanhUnz necessary. Drie. h.rd Lt2 ■ " lth "kie." One Coat and job is done. Q S YOUR BUCCY ffi Tlp top for Chairs. Lawn Seats, Sash. Flower %M - Pets. Baby CarriaKes. Curtain Poles, Furmture. 5 Q UJ Front Doors, Store-fronts, Screen Doors. Boats, MJ m Mantles, lron Fences. in (act everythinf. lust L __ o tlie thing for the ladies to use about the house „ . L FOR ONE DOLLAR;-; 2C0ITSH0NESTÍ QO Are you Roing to Paint this year? If so. don't S á ZT buy a païnt water or benone when ; S 3 _ for the same money (or nearly so) you ca procure - COIT (O'S Pl'RK PAINT that 15 wrrtrdto c = a " bean H0XE8T, EMIMi LINSKÏD-OIL PAINT ,8' " nd free from water and benzine. Deassd tki u 9 „ TT lirond nil ULi uo otlior. Mtrchants handhne 3 S 3 Cd it are our arents and authorizcd by us tn wnt,ni S5J to warrant It to wmr 5 EAItS llh 3 10AT8 or a #% YEAK8 wllk 2 COATS. Our Shades are th = J a . Latest Styles used in the East na beconune o UJ so in the West. and up with the tim TZ Try tis brand of HONEST PAI.VT and you wlll OJ ncVer regret it. Tliis to the wise is sufficrent o o = HOUSE PAINT }{ % COIT'S FLOOR PAINTK Paint that never dried beynnd the srlcky point B. mm .tste a weck. MtmL the job. and then swearT J C Ntxt time cali fo7 [T i I O'S FUWK FA1NT SS il2 4 popular and suiuble shades, wiirrarilefl to ory h 1 h.,1 „ ■ rock ofr nlghU No trouble. o __, f3WDNTDRYSTICKYlc5


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