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Don't let tliat cold of yours ruu on. You tbink it 8 a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonía. Or consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonía ia dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathÍDg apparatus must be kept healthy and clearjf all obstructions and offensive matter. O.herwise there is trouble ahead. All the di-eases of Uhese parta, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschee's Germán Sytup. If you don't know th's already, thoufands and thousands of people can teil you. They have been cured by it, and '' kaow how it is, themselves." Bjttle only 75 cents. Ak any druggist. Pride goes before a tall - so dof s summer. CROÜP, WHOOPIMG COüGH and Bronchitis iiritnediately relieved by Shilob's Cure. Sold by Eberbach Sc Son. A man may be good humo-ed aud yet not be a good humorist. jjie íMRk Hera gora Pop's ATHL0PH0RKÍ mul colofed , sSaa Now ho'll batiílmiíta Adams Express Company. Letter from the Assistant Foremnn of the Delivery Department- V Nubject In 11 liioh Tliousanfls are deeply Concernetl. About five years ago I suffered from painful urination and great pain and weakness in the lower part of in y back, pain in the ümbs, bai taste iu the mouth, disgust at food, and great mental and bodily depresslon. I live at 241 York street, Jersey City, and on arriving home one night I found a copy of the Shalter Almanac that had been left during the day. I read the article, ' What is this Disease that is Coming Upon Us ? " It described my symptoms and feelings better than I could if I had ritten a whole book. My trouble was indeed '■ like a thief iu the night.'' for it had been stealing upon me unawares for years. I sent for a bottle of Shaker Extract of Eoots, or Seigel's Syrup, and before I had taken onehalf of it I feit the welcome relief. In a few weeks I was like my old self. I enjoyed and digested my food. My kidneys soon recovered tone and strength, and the urinary trouble vanished. I was well. Millions of people need some medicine simply to act on the bowels. To them I commend Shaker Extract in the strongest possible terms. It is the gentlest, pleasantest, sa f est and surest purgative inthis world. The most delicate women and ttnldren may take it. One point more : I have il the more confldence in this medicine because Urn prepartd by the Sbakers. I may claim to be a religlous man myself and I admire the Shakers for their zeal, consistency and strict business integrity. What they make may be trasted by the PibHc. W. H. Hall. For sale by all druf?glsts and by A. J. White, 54 Narren street. New York. Ana Ark kil Fruit tory ! All kinds of Berry Planta ; Fine Planta of the Sharpless ; The best Strawberry ; Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y. Orders must be sent early. WINES AND SYRUPS. Sweet Home-made Wine for Invalids, and the Encharist, Sour Wine, Raspberry Syrup, Shrub, Pear Syrup. Plymouth Rock Eggs. E. BAUE, West Huron St., - Ann Arbor. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Ploor, Hamilton Blook. Parties deslring to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll índittotheiradvantage tocall on me. I repre ent the followlng flrst-class Fire Insurance Com Pintes, having an aggregate capital of over 18,080.000: The OrniKl RapilN Fire Ins. Co., The Ohio Farmer' m Ins. Co., (iiisuri-s only dwellings). The ■ rnian t'ire Ins. Co., The Concordia Fíre Ins. Ge., Ihe Cit izciiN Fire Ins. Co., The Wertchester Fire Ins. Co., - rhe IWilwaukce DIrcbauic's Mutual iré Ins. Co., The New II miipslii re Fire Ins. Co., The Ainnzon Fire Ins. Co. Kates Low. Loases llberally adjusted and opomptly pald. I also lssne Life and Investment Pollcles In the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company. A ets 855,000,000. Persons deslring Accident ImurWee, can have yearly Policies wrltten for them oí Tfaveler's Coupon Insurance Ticket issued at !w Rates in the Standard Accident Insurance ComptD? of North America. Money to Loan at Curren; Rates. Office hours from 8i.ii to 12 m nd 2 te p. u. ALEX. -W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. n1 Itis Generally conceded by physians that the spring truss is the best nown instrument for retaining hernia, pving a uniform pressure and conform'n to the various positions of the body. bley are Clean' comfortable aQd dur. Our stock is large, embracing all the tfonln make8 We 8uaraltee satisfac$?rK.ti?155f Halr cur " ' lANN BRO'S, Druggists, Aun Arbor.


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