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A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years ought to know PfIr, from sngar. read what he saya : Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. Mefsr.-. F. J. Cheney & Co. - Gentlemen: - I have been in the general practica cf medicine for most 40 year=, and would aay that in all my practico and experience, have never seen a prep3ratio:i that I could prescribe w:th a much c-unfidence of success as I can Ha!l a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed t a great many times and its effect is wonderful, and would say in conclusión that I have jet to find a case of Catarrh that it would uot cure, if they woald take t according to directior8. Yours truly, L. L. GORSUCH, M. D , Ornee, 215 Summit-ct. We will give $100 fer any case of Catarrh that can not be cured witn Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. F. J. CHENEY ás CO., Propr., Toledo, O. pSold by Druggists, 75 Cts. When a bank boodier skips to Canada cow, it is in order to ask : "Was it the lady or the tiger?" Yon aturdy oak whose branches wide Boldly the wind and the stormt defy, Not long ago an acora, small, Lay dormant 'neath the summer sky. Not unhkö the thrifty oak in its germ, developement and growth, ia consumption. But even this mighty foe of mankind positively jielda to the wonderful curative propertiea ot Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery if taken early. Don't be blind to your own ictereats and think yourg a hopeless case. This remarkable remedy has cured thousands. Of druggists. Dr. Collyer says work is like medicine. Perhaps that is why 80 many try to avoid it. - Free Press. Bemember This. If you at" sick, Simmons Liver Kegulator will surtly aid nature in making you well. If you are cositive or dyspeptic or are sufiering from any other of the cumerous diseaaes of the Liver, Stomach or Bowels, it Í3 your own fault if you remain ill, for Simmons Liver Regulator is a sovereign remedy in all such complaints. What is an ounce of prevention ? Well, qatnine is, in Jersey. Worih Ten Dollar to acy famiiy, is Dr. Kaufmann's book on diseases ; finely illustrated plates from life ; don't be humbugged, but cure yourself. Send three 2 cent itamps for postage, to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mas?., and receive a copy free. Msny an old book haa to be bound over to keep the piece. " HACKMETACK," a lastiag acd fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by Eberbach & Son. To Save Time in Büliards. Jones (a very serious-minded man)- "1 seo you interrupt your game frequenüy to put chalk on your cue." SmiUi-"That'8 so, chalk is quite necessary in billiard, particularly when yon want tho game chalked down to you." "But I have a plan for saving nmch time in agame," "What ís thati" (!Nail a piece of chalk on the end of tho cue." "Good. I novcr thought of that. Here, myboy,bring meahammerandnail.quick!" -WfHng. Argument Closed. " Give me a chaw of terbaker,"' plcaded an old vag, of a gentleman he met " Can't," was the laconic answer. " Yer could if you chose ter," responried the vag. " But I dont chews."


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