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IIow true it is that "Woman's work is never done" - especially the under crust of her pies. _____ A Confldential Letter, Dated Oot. 1, 1887, Whlch We Publisb. by Permission under a Later Letter, Dated Oot. 12, 1887. Grentleaien: Some months ago I received your letter of inqmry. My daughter has been taking your syrup tor months, novf u-ing the sevenlh bjttle ; has been on her back bed-ridden six months with liver consumplion. Stnce using your remedy, has bad two large absceB.-tes of the liver, which have been cured by using your syrup. Her lite has been saved, we all believe, from ita use. Yet she ia in a very feeble condition and takes no medicine whatever, except your syrup. I myself think it the greatest blood tonio known, and firmty believe had we known of it a year earlier my daughter would today be in sound health. Have had best medical skill, ehn traveled extens vely for her good, but in all never found its equal. I have presoribed it to my patients and have in every case had the moRt desirable eff.-ct. Very respeit-ully, Dr. E. A. Chapmam, loma, Micii. To Hibbard'ë Rheumatic Syrup Oo., Jackou, Mich. Gentlmen : Your letter of the seventh inst. before me, and in reply will say : If my former letter to you will do mffring humanity any good it should be published. It was through a letter from a resident of Pontiac that ürst brought it to my daughter's notice, and my only regret is, that we d;d not know of it a year ago instead of the last eix months. I shall still prescribe it to my patients, as I think it the m09t wonderful medicine known, or ever put before the public. Truly your reward wül be great 3 suffering humanity is blessed, and as you become more tnoroughly known. Very truly yur, Dr. A. K Chapmam. The rarity of Christian charity doesn't prevent a good many inpostors from get ting fat. A NASAL INJECrOR free with each bottle of Shilah's Citarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. 8old by Eberbsch & Son. It is said that busine-s is ruined by the middle men : but this cannot be Raid of negro miostrelsy, because in that business the middle men; are assUted by the endmen in the work of destructin. - Punch. CONSTIPATIoiT There is no medium throngh wMch disease bo often attacks the system es by Constipation, and tliere is no other ill flesh is heir to.moro apt t3 be neglected. from the fact material ínconvenience may not be immediatoly feit from irregular action of thö bowela. When there is not regular action, the retantion of decayed and effete matter, with its poisonous gases, soon poisons the whole system by being absorbed into it,' causing piles, fistola, headache, impura bloot) and many other serious atfection.!. BÜRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS wül immediately relieve, and ene botti: positively cure er relieve any caí1 of Constipation. "Was troubled for a year wiíLtorpid liver and indigestión, and alïi: trying everything imaginable, ustw ÏÜRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. The flrst bottle revived me and the second cured me entirely."- J.S.WilliaEison. Eochester, N. Y.


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