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Wlint Am I To Do? The symptom-i of BMiousness are unhappily but too well known. They differ in diff-rent individuuls t) som extent. A Bilí jus man is si-ldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquora but none for solids of a morning. His tonque will hardly bear inspeotiun at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at al! events. The digestive aystem i wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Connipation m:iy be a symptora, or tketwo raay altern&te. Thereare often Hemorrhoidsor even loss of blood. There tnay be giddiness ano1 often ht alache and acidiiy or flatu!ence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct a!l thin if not eBect a cure try Orekn's Adgu.-t Flower; it eosts but a trifle aud thousands attent its effiuacy. Theru's nothinj; like an office to take the staren of independence out of a man. - Lowfcli Courier. SHILOHS CURE will iramdiately relieve Croup, Whooping Ouuih, and Bronchitis. Sald bv Eberbach and Ban. The modera way of torturing a man to death is to get him to read the health j urnals. - Milwaulue Journal. "ft! cv Wv Of the goodthingsof this v%vxvv"l life are sorrowfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Ackers Dyspepsia Tableta will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Constination; sold on a posiüve guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by John Moork, Druggist A game can never he won unleia there ate two in it. THE REV. GEO. II. THAYER, cf B urbon, I:d., says: "Both mv.-tlf and wife owe u." live? to Shil.;h's C t:sumptioB C'ire." Bold 'y Eberbuch & Sjn. There is an articln goiDg the rounds of the press entitled "'The Pocket." There is nothing in i'. - Puck. TO THE LADIES ! If yon are afflioted with rheumatlsm, neuralgia, ntrvou exhaution, dyspepsia. or with diseases of the liver, kidn.ys. headHcheor cold feet, Bwollen or week ankles, or swoilen feet, an Ab domin&l Belt and a pair ol Magtutic Foot Battcries have no superior in the releif mid cure of all thefce complaiuts. They carry a powerful uiagiietic force to the seat of the desease. For lame back, wekn 8a of the spine, falling of the womb, leueorrhtea. chronic inflammatiou and ulceration cf the womb, incidental hemorrhage of flooding, painful suppresofd and irrexular menstraatiou.barrenness, and ih ge of lite, this is the Best Apoliame and Curalne Agent Known. Price of Supporter with Masrnetic Foot Batteries. $10. fenc by express C. O. D., and exatair.atiou alloweü, or by mail on receipt of price, and if not tnund Batisfaetory even after six months trial they can be retumed and mon ey refundtd. Iu ordering, senj zneasure of walst and sise of shoe. They a'e worn over the underclothing. They hold their power fttrever 8eud for ihe " New Department in Medical Treatment Without Medicine." with thouands of testimoniáis. Stnd for ei rculars. Write ub full particulars as regard your difficulties - orders direct. THE MAONETIf! APPI.'AXCE CO., 134 Drarhorn St., i Iiícmk", 111. Can the man who is 'tspering oÊf ' on the habit of drinking be sid to be come out at the little end of the hom ? THE CREAT Germán Remedy.ffl IQTRUTHSFORTHESICK. lor tliooe (iuiithlyj $T!Myvnrï)oTaill BiliouaSpcllsdepcnd foracasewhereSiTLlB inSULPi:UUl!lTTEKS PHUB BnTERS Willij it wlll cure you. notnssist orcure. ItJJ Do you fiufler with - Ithattirodandallgonc ciennse the ïitiatedin feelinjr; if bo, nsc hiood when you seclll SüLPHUK Bittees; tg impurities bnrst I II it will curo yon. inthrough the skinlll ,,oSyatcST ahsat ja?a Pafhn mTll, n Iwnrk SULPIIOR BlTTERS.M ■ shops; clerk8,who do ;'nd htíslltl1 wlU ioll not procure sufücicnt m „ „ III exerciao, and all who BüLPHUR Bitters II areconBnedindoora, will cure LlverCom-l I shouldiisePiiLPUUR lalnt. nnbedis-ll Bitters. Thcywil SourngcdiUwillcurelll anottheabewcakand „„., ' M IBickly. r ' "ïriTirjTTT!: Sulpiitjr Bitteiib ftüsm. use a bottlo ol J"a,V0U strongandl I Sdlphuk Bittkrs ; hcalthy. III Itncvor falla to euro, sulphuk Bitters pjTíoñTbemthóürá will mak e your blood pj ÏSbottle. Try It: yoo nure. rich and strong.UJ [11 will not regret it. al your flesh hard. Ij l'T!adIê8TnT!ëïScut? "TüTpmmañrll Illhealth, who aro all ters to-night, andlll III run down, should nso you will eleep wel] III Msi;i.piii:r Uitthrs. jinilfoolbettorforitjU Do you want the best leilici%l Work published? Bond S 2--cnt stamps to A. 1'. Ordway & Co, Boston, Maas., and leceive a copy, free. Se w Advertisements Tacts yoü can bet oñ. That the oldtst and largett tobáceo factory in tkt tuorld U in Jereey City, N. J. That thb factory makes the popular and worldfamed Oiraax Plug, the acknowledged öandrd for firet-dass chewing tobáceo. That this factoiy was estabüshed as long ago as io. That last year (1866) it made and sold the enonoou quantity oí 27,982,380 lhs. or fourteen thouaad tons of tobáceo. That this was more than one-serenth of all the tobacco made in the United States notwithHapmg that there were 966 factories at work. Tbt in the last 11 yeaxs this factory haa helped support the United States Government to the extent of over Forty-four oillion seven handred thousand dollars (54+.7OCVXXJ.O0) paid into the U. S. Treasury in lateraal Revenne Taxes. That tbe pay-roll of this factory 3 abont $1,000,ooox per year or $2o,oaoxx per week. That this factory employs about 5,500 operathres. That this factory makes soch a wonderfully good chew ia Climax Plug that roany other faetones have tried to imítate it in vain, and ia despair now try to attract enstom by offeriBg larger pkces of inferior goods for the same price. That this factory nevertheless continúes to increas its business every year. That this factory belongs to and is operated by Yours, very truly, P. 10RTLLARD & CO. EBERBACH & SOI, DRUGGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a'.large and well eelected stock of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attentlon pald to the fumishing of Physicians. Chemists, Schools etc., with Philosophica and Chemical Apparatu1, Bohemian Cheml cal Glass-ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reagents etc. Physicians' Preseriptioas carefully prepared at all hours. LUMBEE LUMBER! LUMBER! If yovt contémplate building: cali at FERDON UMI! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumbei and ?uarantee VERY LOW PRIOESl Stlive n a cali miiI we wlll mnke II co tour interest, ns onr lárice and wH irriul'l stock fullj hum tai n our srtlon. JAMES TOLBEKT, Prp. T. J. KÜfiCH, Snpt. #27-478 BIHSEY & SBABOLT ütos. 6 .a-ïstd 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbot Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of eren thine i:. the GROCERY LIP! Teas, Coffees and Sugars AU prime Anieles bought for Cash and can eell atlow figures. Our frequent large Invoice 01 Teas Is a sure slgn that we give bargaina In QÜALITY AND PRIOB. Weroastour own coffeee every week,a]wajf fresh and good. Our bakery turns out thevery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and see us. 482-60Ï TANSY CAPSULËC THE LATEST DISCOVEBY. W Dr. ïjaparle's Celebrated Preparation, Safe and dJways Reliabie. Indispensable to LAMES. Send 4 cents for Bealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL CO., Chicago. ?w Foreet City Bird Store, i V ei estabüshed l7i BingiimgilB TW '"Lr Talking l'urfTTTiMEBr rots, Bird C'-ages, Pure r Seed, Song Kestorer, iwyTV Intect Cure, Fishing iSlr Tackle, Bird Booka. Öw Poultry Supplles, Gold W " Pish, Dogs & their Medicines. Ferretí, Bird's Kyes. B. H. WIUSOU, 349 Superior SU, Cleveland, Olxio. igLAND HOME STOCK FARM 0- Percheron Honea. y á k "v French Coach Honea. JBnA V Savage & Faruum, Impor UBi Kk ters an( Breeders of Per H BHbu fueron and Frcoch Coach rmm Kim Horses,lslandHomStock JÊk BU 1 ''m. Grosse Isle, W.iyne K Q County Mich. We oñef a gjp H rery large stud of hors to I HjHVI II Klect from. we puarantee áHS PHVVm Urn our stock, make Drices reayH hu Hy sonable and sell oo easy VF mm tenns. Visitorsalwayiw!. W& come. Large cualogtM ■■Dr fcrec. Address SJ' SaTnire&PanimB, - g DffTROIT UECU. fTAIWT I J Rynstny COITACOOXS-COiTBrCGTPATKT oá ? Paint Friday, mn it to Church Sunday. Eight $LL 5 t Hashionable ShJiües: black, Maioon, Vcrnnlion „3 Illue, Ycllow, Olive I,ake, Ercwsler and Wagon sg CO Grecns. No Varniihint.' nccess.iry. Dries hard (jij with hino." One Coat and job Is done, a jq S YOUR BUCCY fi fcTip Up for Chaire, Lawn Scats, Sash. Floww C 1 Tots, li.tby Carriages, Curt.iin Palts, Huniiture, -SO UJ Front Doors, Store-frants, Screen Doors, Eoats, taa r Maniles, Iron Fcnccs, in f.ut everytliing. Just c o mmm the for the ladies to u about tiie house 5-c . L FOR ONE DOLLAR 1 2C0ITSH0NESTÍ tfS Are you eoing to Paint this ycart If so, dont j „ Z buy a píiiiit containint; wüter or benzine when L H ■ for the same nioney (or nearly soj you caá procure „" lIT A ('O'S PUKK PAIT that ïs warrtntwl to t tf 0 " bean HONK8T, OENtlNE MXSEKD-OIL PAIT "g % and free frora water and benzine. Domiid thlo ü , g1 brand and tnl# 110 otlicr. Murchants handüng g g g ViJ it are our agents and authorizod byus,in wnling, T a to warrant H Ut nnr & ïhLAIES witb 3 COAT8 r L3 LL% S YKAK9 wlth 2 COATÍ). Our Shades are th g s ■' Latcst Styles used in the Haf-t now becoming p" a UkJ so popukir in the WcM, and up with the times ö ■ S -- Try tía brand of H0MK8T PAINT and you wfll ■ ncver regret it. This to the wise is sufücient wíj o g HOUSE PAINT {1 COIT'S FLOOR PAINTËi Si Paint ïhat never dried beyond the sticky point, ZE ■jfw w.-istc a weck, spoil the job, and then swearl 5 Next limc ■ fr r0IT i)Qtli FMl0R r UNT - 'XSE 4 popular and suitaMe shades, wnrranU'd to dry L.. gin? hftnt na a rtW'k ovvr aiobt' lN'w truublc No w% S3hWDNTDBYSnCKYM


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