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Chicago Chosen

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Washington, Dec. 9.- The National RepnbJcan Coniniittee uiet in this c.ty yesterday. Chairman Jones called the coinin ttee to order and Samuel Fessenden acted as secretary. Mr. Jones stated that the object oí the meeting was to select a time and place íor holding the next convention and to coníider such other niatters aa might properlv be brought before the eommitteo. He congratulalci'. the committee ou the iroproved prospecls of the Kepublican party lnce the coomnititee met tour years ago, nd said that althouga by accident the Democratie party had the Presidency and the prestige of succes, sï-ill the signs were auspicitms for K 'publican sucoess in 1888. In voting Lor the place for holding the next eonvention three baliots were necessary before the matter was daoided. The flrst vote was viva voce, and Chicago led, w tii Omaha second. The first formal ballot placed Ohicago well to the front, t!ie pr,nc ipal strength of the opposition going to Oincinnatiand llinneapolis. The final vote stood: Chicago, 25; Cineinnati, 13; Minneapolis, 8; Omaha, 1. On motion of Mr. Morey, of Louisiana, the choice of Chicgo was declared unanimoua On motion of Mr. Rollins. of New Hampshiie, the time for meeting was fixed for Tuesday, the 19th of June, 1888. Mr. Gallaghsr, delégate from the New York Working-iiien's party, was admitted to present the views of that party. He aBked of the committeo 6ome recogmtion of the cause of labor. He wanted thein lo further the views of the Labor party in the dlrection of a high-protective tar ff, compulsory education and other matters, and to protect the labor of American woriúng-inen. On motion of Mr. Conger, of Ohio, the hearty and full-co-op ration of the committee was voted to the men represented by Mr. Gallaeher. The eommittee then adjourned THE OFFICIAI. CALI Washington, Dec. 10.- Tne fo'.lowing cali for the next National Hepublican couvention has been iss:ied by the National Commitüee: u TO THK KEPUBI JCAN El.ECTORS OF THE T'nitkd Statís: In accordancc with usape and obedient to the instructions of the Kational Republiean convention oí 18S4, a National convention of delcgated representaties oí the Republiean party will be held :it the city of Chicago, 111., on Tuesday, the lOth duy of June, 188S, at 12 o'clock nooa, for the purpose of nominatng candidates for President and Vice-Presldent to be supportnd at the next National election, and for the transaction of sueh other business as may be there presented. "Republiean electors in the several States, nd voters without regard to past polilical afñliatioa who believe in the American priucljrte oí a proteotive tar.ff fór the defcnse and development of home industries and the elevation of home labor; who would reduce the National tax?s and prevent the acumulation of the surplus in the Treasury in hurmouy with ♦,ois principie; who gratefully cherish the aefenders oí the country; who condemn and resent the contlnued and unjust exclusión oí rapidly-growing Territories, Tihich have an indisputable title to admisston into the sisterhood of Statss: who are in favor of free schools and popular education, a free and honest ballot and a fair oount, the protection of every cittzen of the United States in hls legal rights at home and abroad, a foreign policy that shall extend our trade and oommerce to every land and clime, and shall properly support the dignity of the Kation and the promotion oí friendly and harmonious relations and interesarse between all the States, are oordially in■vited % o unite under this cali in the formation of a National ticket. "Each State will be entitled to four delegates t laTge and for each representativo at large two delecates, an i eacn Congressional district. each Territory and the District of Ooluinbia to two delegates. "B. F. Jones, Chairman. "Samukl Fessenden, Secretary. "Washington, Dcc. 7."


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