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The Democratie National Committee will meet ia Washington in Fábruury. Late adviees trom Samoa say that the Germans contiene to oocupy the island. The eeod and oil milis it Driftield, Eng., were destroyod by tire. lxss, $750,000. Erotliers 4 Co., of Glasgow, the largest iron operators in Ncotland have failed. A valnable horse in Chicago diod on Fri3ay from hydrophobia, cuued by the bito of a dog. in the Tredegar rolling-milis at Chattanoogu, Tunn., Tutsday, did $20,000 dam;ige. The new bigh-lioense law in Pennsylvania, ',t is said, wil] drive many saloon-keepers out Df business. Jndge Morgan t, Martin, of Green Bay, Wis., the iound.'ioi the city of Milwaukee, died öatnrday. While drunk at Oleremont, Vt, Monday night, Joel Crowthcr, aged 22, choked his mother to death. The second aunnal convexión of the National Federation of Labor met in Baltiinore on Tuesclay. Mrs. John Jacob Astor, wtfe of the millionaire, died at Ne-w York on Monday evening, aged 61 years. Se ven of tha leaders of th3 Ohio tallysheet forgeries of 1885 were indicted ou Saturday at Cincinnati W. G. Fennypaeker's barrol factory at Philadelphia was destroyed by üre on Saturday. Loss, $100,000. Miss Sunh Hicka, a school-teaclier at Brookiyn, N. Y., committed saicide Tuesday morning by taking poison. Mts. W. H. Latlirop, wlfe of the president of the First National Bank of Eacne, Wis., drowned herself Monday nighk The Toledo Oil Company, which has been running in opposition to the Standard, has sold out to the latter for $100,000. A ging of horse-thievea at Bear City, Kan. , was aUacked by cifrzens on Friday, an.i three of the former were killed. General William P. Thomas, first president of the Com.nercial Exehange of Philadelphia, died in that city Monday night Percival Lowell, late general passenger agent of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy r lilroad, died at Ojai Springs, Cal., Baturday. The Red riyer at Eimwood, Tex., overflowed its banks on Friday, dostroying a large portion of the cotton urop in that vicinity. T. V. Powderly was suffering Tuesday from a severe attack of hemorrhage of the luugH, and his condition was considered 83T.OUS. The post-offlee at Norwood, Ont, was robbed Siturday morning of $11,000 in cash, $500 in stauips and $10,000 in notes and secnritieü Harris Goldstein, Isaac Wolf an 1 Adoph Silveretein, the latter a New York detective, were fined $8,000 for suiuggling tobáceo into LiverpooL The English Baptist Union has decided to eend a deputation to wait on Kev. Mr. Spurgeon for the purpose of induoing him to rejoin the union. Henry George is said to have docided not to be a candidate for the Presldency and not to organize the Labor party for a campaign next year. August Jansen, a coachman, has been Bent to the peniten'iary for a year for annoying Mss Annie Doñean, daughter of a wealthy New Yorker. The National Italian line steamship Chandermajor landed 1,327 Italian imm:grant in New York Tuesday. A large part of them started for Chicago. Four illicit distilleries have been discovered in Pickens County, Ga., by United States officials. They had been in operation over five yeara An address to the Pope is being signed by prominent Catholice of England, calling upon hm to use his influence in behalf of the Irish Nationalists. Three men were instantly küled and two f atally and others seriousiy inj ured by the fall of a car in the shat't of a coal mine in Luzerne, Pa. , on Saturday. The report that the Calumet and Hecla copper mines have been ruined by the earth caving In is denied. The work of putting out the fire is progressing. Mi. Gladstone, in a letter to a Liberal meeting at Dunoon, Scotland, said the condition of Ireland had sadiy grown worse under the present Government. The Supreme Court of Kansas Tuesday reversed the decisión of the Miami County court which convicted a shoe-maker named Standish for giving away beer. Swift's iron and steel works at Newport, Ky., were wrecked Tuesday morning by an explosión of the mud-drum of the boilers, throwing300 men out of employment Eila Benbow, disappomted in love and 1 1 variance with her mother, leaped eighty feet from a íridge into the river at RicL. mond, Ind. , but was rescued ali ve. At a meeting of representatives from Philadelphia assemblies, Knights of Labor, it wae resolved to make a demand upon the general Executive Board for an accounting. The National party of the Cherokee nrtion haa appealed to the United States, and Agent Owen has telenraphed for commissioners to settle afEairs in Indian Territory. Samnel Spencer has been elected to succeed Robert Garrett as president of the Baltimore & Ohio raüroad. The new president will receivc a salary of $25,000 per annutn. In a Bwamp near Hawesville, Ky., on Sunday were found a balloon and the remainefi of an unknown aeronant. The body had been almost reduced to a skeleton. The isBnc f Btandard silver dollars during the weói ending December 10 was $721,081; which is $95,062 greater than that of the corresponding week of last year. The death is annonncod at Whatcom, W. T., of the notorious L S. Kalloch, whose quarrels with Charles De Younjr, editor of the San Francisco Chronicle, led to the shooting of the latter by Kalloch's son. Owlng to disappointment in love Frank Enight commit:ed suicide Saturday at Tecumseh. Mieh. Knlght's father, who discovered the body, has become insane, and the woman in the case is in a serióos condition. Fire Friday at Pittsf ord, Mich. , destroyed a fnrniture Btore, jewelry store, and tin shop; loss, $10,000. At McKeesport, P. the City Milis; los, $50,000; insnrance, $35,000. At St. Louis, the machine shop of the Souvh St Louis Fonndry Company; loss, $20,000


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