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THE WIIY OF IT. The new "Red Star" Oil we are now selling is beyoad controversy the best Oil ever offered io this market. First: Beoause we puaip it directly from our tanks ou the Railroad. thereby avoidiog contact with the coating of the Oil Bbls., aud thus 1 aving the oil as clear and clean as distilled water. Second : The oil is, so to speak, from the heart of ihe crude oil, whioh Ieaves it free from paraffiue and of a lighter gravity than ordinary "Water White" oil. For these reasons it will all burn out of the lamp, will not urast the wiek, does not smoke when burniug, gives a white light, and will sive your eyes, by the purity and the biilluncy of the light. Aak lor Red Star Oil. - Buy of us and you will be sure to get whatyou ask tor. Dean & Co. 44 Miin-st, South. 676-79. Catholic Piayer Books from 25 cents to $5.00 each, at Wahr's Bookstore. 676 tf Holiday opening at Andrews & Co. This week 500pieoes Japan wsre presented to lady callers. 676 77 A great mechanical vrork of art and music, 38 South Maiu-st. 67(i 'Ion} to l.unu On first class and fiist mortgage Real Bátate. Apply to S. H. Doug'ass. S. H. Doüolass, I W. Hünt, Trustees. Ann ArboiDec. 1886. 626tf. Doe. Simons Pleasant Barber Shop, direclly opposite the south door of the court house, is the best place in the city lor anythinr n his line. Try h. 645 tf. Bibles, aloums, gold pens and diaries, at Andrews & Co. Tne largest stock and greatest display cf Holiday goods thia year is at Andrews & Co. 676 67 Randall's flnest Photographs at $3.50 per doz. Sit now for Chritmus work before the rush. (76 Buy Art Goods at an Art Store and help maintain a business in our city which is a credit to it. Randall's is the Art Store of Ann Arbor. 676 Follw the crowd and you will 6nd yourself in Andrews & Co. 's Holiday Emporium, packed with thousands of choice books atlow prices and a bewildering profusión of new and elegant Christmag gifts. 676-C7 The T. A. A. & N. M. R'y are shipping large quantities of live stock weekly to Detroit and Buffab. Stock men find this is the best route for fast tin.e. No delays. People contemplating a trip to Florida should consult their interests by going via the T. A. A. route which offers superior accommodations, fast time and no delays, at lowest rates. This line reports a largé number of people gng this way wirhin the past few days. Further information at company's office this city. Send to A. J. Paisley for folders. Henry Richards Is again in business. This time in the rear of John Finnegan's Agricultural Hall, OX DETROIT STREET. ALL KINDS OF Hard and Soft Wood ON HAND and Orders" taken for COAL I will also lay in a stock of HARD -WOOD LUMBERï Por the Spring Trade. Old customers and friends are invited to eee me. HENRT RICHARDS, - Ann Arbor. HOLIDAY GOODS ; - at - EAXTGSTERFSH'S ARE BEING CLOSBD OUT Regardless of Cost. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! ONE NIGHT ONLY. Wednesday, Evening, Dec. 21. Engagement of America's favorlte Artiste, MAGGIE MITCHELL, Supported by MR. OHA.RLES A.BBOTT, And her own efficiënt Dramatic Company in the beautiful pastoral play, :f i .a. i iet i o i h i o i isr Fanchon, the Cricket, MAGGIE MITCHELL. ADMISSION, 5Oo, 75o and $1.OO Acco:ding to location. CHRISTMAS HAMDKERGHIEF SALE AT D. F. Schairer's Outrivals all previous efforts in this direction. A choice of over G00 dozen to select frora at 3c, 5c, 10c 15c, 20c and 25c. The most beautiful styles ever shown. MUFFLERSr MUFFLERS! At 25c, Extra AVeight in Colored and White. At 35c, Beautiful Polka Dot and elegant Combinations in Silk and Wool Material. At 50c, Extra Heavy Mufflers in Silk and Wool in Colors and great variety of Patterns. At 75c, Cash mere and Silk Mufliere, beautiful styles. At $1 pure Silk Muffler, warm and sightly very Rich in White, Cream and Colors. They are worth $1.50. At $1.50 we showsome Rich Brocade Patterns in Cream and Tints. Sold in one store up street at $2.50. There is no stock of Mufflers in the City more complete than ours. New styles in Table Covers. Large size Tinsel Table Covers at$1.50each. All Wool large size Embroidered Table Covers at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. Special Sale Embroidered Back, Real Kid Gloves for Christmas at $1.00 and $1.50 a pair. Rich Black Silks at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. 100 Wear Resisting Silk Umbrellas at $2.50, $2.75, $3. and $3.50, Specially gotten up for our Christmas Trade with beautiful Gold and Silver Handles. In Leather Goods we show some very excellent attractions in Ladies Long Pocket Books made of Russia Leather, at 50c, 75c and $1.00. Hand Bags in New Shapes at 50c, 75c and $1.00. Our display of White Lawn Aprons is the finest ever shown in the City. 15 dozen, 4 Tucks and Trimmed with Lace at 25c. 10 dozen Fine Lawn med with Embroidery at 35c. 5 dozen Extra Large Trimmed with Embroidery at 50c. 3 dozen very fine French Aprons, Deep Embroidery and Trimmed with Ribbons at 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Don't forget when looking for a Christmas present to step up in our Cloak Department and select a handsome Plush Sacque, Wrap, Newmarket or Raglán. Also for the Children, Newmarkets with Capes or Hoods at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Linens, Napkins, and Towels. Beautiful Knotted Fringe Towels, Fancy Border, at 25c, 50c and 75c. Cream Table Damask at 25c, 30c, 40c and 50c per yard. White Satin Damask Table Linen at 50c, 65c, 75c and $1.00. Linen Napkins at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per dozen. You can save money buying Holiday Goods at D. F. SOHAIRER,


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