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A wldespread outbreak of cátele diseaa a is reported in I'oland. . The fire at Zionaville, lnd, Tuesday, cansed a loss of $10,000. Jobn Howson, the comedian, dropped dead ïriday nlght at Troy, N. Y. The keel of the lirst ship to be built in Dnlnth, Minn., was laid Mondiy. The Oklahoma raiders at Wichita, Kan., are arminj for a new move in the spring. An extensive Bystem of robbery from the Governim-nt stores in New York has been discovered. J. F. Stndebaker, the earriage manufactnrer, died at the Leïand Hotel, (Chicago, 8atnrday afíernoon. Ex-8enator Allen G. Thurman wlll nssist in the proseention of the tally-sheet forgers at Columbas. Mra Carne Lañe Chapman, a yoang wldow, Is engaped in the American party in Iowa Thnrston Lee was hanged at Bakersfleld, Cal, on Friday for the mnrder of John Swlft in Marcli, 1883. France will shortly issue her first issue of nickel and silver coinage to the amonnt of 70,000,000 franca The total salt product of Michigan during the past year was 3.944,309 barrels, against 3,007,257 barrels in 1886. Pire in Milwaufcee Saturday destroyed J. C. Iveraon A Company'a art store. Loss, $121,000; insurance, $104,000. Eugene, eldest son of Captain A. H. Bogardns, the famous win-shot, died at Eikhart, Ind., Monday, aged 22 years. Whüe digging for gas at Marión, Ind., Monday an oil well, with a capacity of abont 1,000 barrels daily, was struck. The wall of a new at Jo.iet, HL, feil on Tuesday, two men and injuring several others, two of them fatally. Daniel Burtch, a plantation manager at Pranklin, La., was shot and killed Monday nyn( stepson, Maloolm Cook, aged 18. Weeping Water, a Nebraska town, was almoBt entirely destroyed by lire Monday night The loss is entiinated at $25,000. The Edgar Thomson steel works at Braddocks, Pa., have closed down, throwing Beveral thousand men out of employment An incendiary lire destroyed the business portion of Mapleton, D. T. , Thnrsday night The loss is $34,500 and the insurance $13 - 250. ' Judge Soward Smith, formerly Jut5 ge of the Supreme Court of Dakota, d'ied in the insane hospita! at Mount Pleasant, Ia., Monday. Hon. John L Barbonr was elected on Tnesday by the Virginia Legislatura to sncceed Mr. Rtddleberger as United States Senator. AtTïlton, G%, Monday afternoon a boiler in Winchester's saw-mill exploded, and flve men were instantly killed and a boy serious)y injnred. Daniel Manning, ex-Secretary of the Treasnry, was on Monday said to be serionsly ill at the residence of his son in Albany, N. Y. Henry S. Ires has brought suit against Presidant Dester, of the Cincinnati, Hamilton A Dayton road, for $100,000 damages ior false arresi. William Aiken, a colored man, said to be 103 years old, was married on Friday in Columbia, R C, to Siisan Watson, a yoirag widow 33 Tears old.


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