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BUSNES5 CARDS. LKX. W. HAMILTON Altorney at I.ih. Wlll practico in both State and United States Courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of the new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourth Mreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 424-475 r KOEGK W. EKNWICK, TEACHER OP VOICECÜLTURE,SINGING, HARMONY &PIAH0Harmony successfully taught by mail. Addrcw P. O. box 2151, Anu Arbor, Mieh. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office and residence over postoffice, flrst loor. (Office over First National Bank.) Hours from 9 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m., Sunday, from 2 to 3 p. m. Sesidence, 23 State-st. KELLT'S PEERLESS TRUSS U glven on trial and warranteil to glve satlsfactiou or money refunded. CHRONIC CASES A 8PECIAL1ÏY. Office, No. 6 Washiagtoa-st., Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store, Ann Arbor. O.C.JENKINS.D.D.&, DEFTAL OFFICE OVKK AKOBEW'8 BOOK NTORE, 13 MAIN STREET. AETN ARBOR. NICHOLS BROS., DEÜTTAL OFFICE (■tecoud Floor Masonlc Block, over N;iv. ings Bank, Ann Arbor, JHlcn. reeth extractad without pain by the ose of gis or viuüiztd air. ZINA F. SING, Law and Collection Office. 0. 8. COMMI88IONEK, and Agent for piftOiii Insurance in reliable companies. 4" All business entrusted to this office recelv(?ï prompt and carelul attentlon. Meney Kittistaa immediately ou collection. No.42 Main strect, aouth, .nn Arbor, Mloit. tRXTPTTTRK ! EGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUSS. Spiral Spring with graded pre sure 1 to 6 ponnds. Worn day and night by an Infant a week old o adultofftO yeara. Ladies' Trusse a pecialty. Knclose Btamps lo Testimonial of Ouree, measurv ments, etc EGAN'8 IMPERIA1 TRUSS 00., Hamilton Block, Ann Arbor, Mlch. wi biggs. Contractor S Mier And all kind of work In conneetlon w i til tbe aboye uruui vtly expcated. Shop Cor. of Church-st and Universitj are. Telephoue 9 ; P. O. Box 1243. WILLIAM ABKOLS, SELLS 1847 RlGERS BROS.' SPÖONS, FGRKS -AJSü KNIVE , At bottom prices, engravin imdudtc'. full line of the justly celebistid ÍHOCKFORD W ALTHAM and ELGIN WATCHES. Open face, Key and Stem-wlndlng alwajs on hand and regulated, ready for a man s pocket. j If you cannot readthls get oue of Johnstoc & Co .s eye-glasses or spectacles for Bale by jWM. ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, MJch. A New Discovery. Prico Only 50s. Por Botüs. HAS KEVER FAILEO TG GüES, Thla valuaMo remedy f not only a pnro cur? for Neuralgia, but has no oqual wítea uscd as au iniaction la the foliowinj diOüsü: LOCAL DISCHARGES, or WHITES, ÜLCEr.S, SWELLSNGS, end NEURALGIA cf fto W0K3 cr BÖÏJÊLS. Trythls remedy ind ron lll om r,o otber. Tv xpense is nnusualiy srail nud vuiuo U cne2ualiwJ by any other known prnparn; ÚfÁliBD Troublca am1 r t'irthT f p'iins ero e. w vlïl ES once reiievaü by us uso. LADIES READTMSG 8 44 After Fourteon Months." Plenas ntville.Tf'Wi. Mr, Stketec- nir: Aft-ar lavinjj for 11 months ai it torinsr with Beven i i-, ■■■en'.. phy.(citifl vttho'it ei benetlt to me. I was ïuüncl to v-o Rtektee's Nom ffía Uro ps. Tho nso of vuur merticii: v3 the only relieï got. I am ob!e Co do all mv work. I cun chrrrfr'..- rouommend ite so. alllS. VBSTA VBJEWÍTT. tk Doctors Couid Net lïolp Her." AIiddlATiIl.% Mirh., Juneïl.lWÏ. Mr. O. O. Steketoo, propriotur Stk-.ieo' Neuralgia Drops: My vnto wa. aflliotoii wif'i intla'ii'nation a ui noiiralpiaof the woinb forsometime. Jortora could not help tier, but lialf a dozen duaes ;f your 8teketbaa Nouralgria Drops curcd her. Vory truly yours, ABk your drusalat for Rtefceto'o Neuralgia Dronïi. ft not for sale by your drugtrist I wi I tiend il expresa paid, t any ad(!ro3a In the O. 8., threa bottlcs fnr jua dollar auú. üïly cout-s. For bula by all tru;Mt3. MAKE WM OWÜ BIHEBS. A four ouuco packopo of Steketeb'3 Prt Bittkus will make ono gallon of the best Bitters known, which will cure Indigestión, Paina in ilia Stomach, Fe ver and Apue, a rui acts upon the Eidneyg and Bladder, and is tfco bobt Ton ie known. Can bo used with or without pirH3. Full direetlons on eah packac. ïy mail, Prico only &5 coato V. y. ütainpa taken ia payment. Audresa CEO. G. STEKETEE, 89 Monroo St., Grand Rapids, fiïloho MENTXOS TnlS Pi-PEa. flTITTC! Tï A T5T?TÏ may To fnunrt on nio at Gwx lUiO Jt a.xJ!iJQ p. iioweU&Oo'sNöwspnpcr Adverti3inBurpaUv'10SpruceSr..), whore ndverttsïna 'Mtocta iw U matte (oc it VS HUW VUUIi. ÊÊ, PENNYROYAL WAFERS 3 Are siicceasfully weil nijiithly by over 10,000 PW Ladle. Are Safe. Kffect uál and Plrasant. $1 T f per box by mail, or at drugglsu. SeaXed Par 0 iiovlarg 2 iwslHire stampa. Address f TUE tURBKA CliKMK-AL COMPANY, { i'iaiier Block. UI Woodward are, Detroit, Mlch. UDIES, GENTLEMEN, AND sfÜDENTS ! '1 Oreat Knicl'Hh Prescrlption will restore that l-wt Vitality and a Eugged, Healthy Conditio follow iu use. Buy at your drugK'St's, one package, 1 ; six for 15 KUREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detsoit, MtCH. i- ' I Sold by H. J. Broten 4 Co.


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