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Mr. Morn Tiilks to Doctor T.ynch. Manchestee, Mich., Sept., 1887. Doctor.- Do you rernember me counoiling with you gome rnonths ago about rny rheumatism, and that oce of my lower liinbs was partially pa-alyzed froin íts effects. I asked you about the Syrup, and you replied to me that if there'ivas any thing under the sun that would cure me to take it. So I commenced using Hibbard'g Rheumatio Syrup, and I want to gay to you that it is the greatest medicine in the world, I firmly believe. That dzziness that troubíed me as well as the rheumalism is cured, and my blood is ia a healthy cotditiou. My appetite and sleep are both good, and I am healthy. Doctor, that i a great family medicine, atid you need not hcsitate to reoommeod it. Mrs. Thomas Morcas. Hibbard'g Rheumatic Syrup is put up íd large paukagea and is the grentest Blood Punfier known. Its peculiar combination makes it a preat Family Remedy. For a dyapeptio, büious or a const pated person it has noequal, acting upon tbe stomach, liver and kidneys in aplea=ant and healthy manner. Read our paaiphlet and learn of the grtat medicinal valué of the remedies which enter into its composition. Price $1 00 per bottle; six bottles, $5 00. For sale by all druggists. It wa3 the wbala that firat remarkecj, "Not for Jo-nah." J3VYrVIA,.VAV. certain ín theU leenlts, aro Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. Recommended by physicians and endorsad by all who havo naed them. The be remedy for Dyspepeia, Flatulency.and Contipation. Goaranteed, and aold at 25o. bf John Moobe, Druggist. Tiie reporter who writes for U space ig not apt to be writing for all time. THAT HACKING C0UGH can be so quickíy cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Suld by Eberbacli & Son. Barlay satisfactory - A society wotnen's lres. - -New Haven News. Careful attention lo diet ís the best guard Rgainst diseae. It is a fact whioh all should know, that over-eating not only corrupt the blood bu', destroys nerve forcé, and induces dyspepsia, jaundice, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, headache, agüe, malaria, and all stomach and liver troubles. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic quickly cures the above diseaes. Can be taken by the most delicate. Piiae 50 cents, of Eberbach & Son. A livelihood - A bonnet with a Presidential bee in it - Pittsburgh Chronicla. BOVSTANDTRYÍT. Try it for earache, Try it'for headache, Try it for toothache, Try it for backacbe. Foran ache ora pain Thomas' Eclectrïc Oil is excellent. - Chas. F. Medler,ox27.f, Schcnectady. N. Y. Thomas' Eclectric Oil s the best thinsj going, pa says. Cured him of rheumatism and me of earache - two drops. - Mastcf Horace Brenizer, Clinton, Iowa. Try it for a Hmp, Try it for a. lameness, Try it for a pain, Try it for a s train. From shoulder to ankle joint, aal for three monihs, I had rheumatism which yieldcd to nothing but Thomas' Ecleanc Oil. Thomas' Eclectric Oil did what na physician seemed able to accomplish. It cured me.- (ohn N. Gregg, Supt. üf Railway Cons:ruction, Niágara Falls. Try it for a scald, Try it for a cut, Try it for a bruise, Try it for a burn. Price 50 cisr and 51.00. FOCTER, MÍLBÜm CO.,Prop's. BC 'FF AL' , .■- r. BTJY THE Detroit Evening News, 10c A WEEK Deliyered at Your Home or Place of Business, or Sent by Mail. It is Universally Conceded to be THE Newspaper of Michigan, Covering all the news of the day worth kuowing or worth re&ding, in such olear and concise manner as malees it possible for the business man to keep promptly posted wihout iuterference with the duties of hls business hou; the worklngman to keep abreast of the times without making lus newspaper reading labor ious- infact, making it rather a recreatiou aud a pleasureablu half hour or more after supper; and lurnishing kuch other and iuteresting reading matter, inoludingstories, as gives to the tired bouse-wife an opportnnity to enjoy herself whilo snatchlng physical rests of greater er less dura tion throughout th day. Besidea this, It wlll ever be found the frieml of the people, advocatiug the gnatest benefit to the greatest number; exposing rottennesa in the interot tf the general welfare; advocating all reforms that will lnure to the public weal. and gi'uerally exercislng sach a watchful supervisión as shail make its patruns feel that its visits are those of a genuine friend, whosemerits will beeome more and better appareut to them the longer they continue its acQunintance. Nothing shall be permitled in its columns that can offend refined senpe or make it other than a paper that paterfamilias may feel free to intro duce to every meuiber of his lamily capable of reading. with the osssurauce that uothing baleful shall result. Thk Evknisg News i bouud to keep at the head of the newspaper procession in Michigan, aud " don't you forget it I " Thï Evenino News, by mail, SS per year. THS SÜÑDAYNEWS, ssued every Sunday morning, is an 8-page paper, wilh as fine a " layout " of interesting realuk matter as om be crowded into 56 columns, nrluding the current newa. special anieles, lcion etc. Filce, V1.5O per year. thFecho, 8 l'aos, 56 Columns, $1.00 A ïear. Each Issue replete with etories by well known writera, sketches trom lile, and both iustruotive and mirthfu and nxi-celiany for the maast. The Michigan edition contains the oram of lie news of the state, an epitome of the general news oi the week and the latest marke. reporta. Book premiums woith the coat of the paper given to each subscriber. 8end tor sample copy. Address TH F. ECHO, Detroit, Mirh. Liberal Tarms to Agenta. '


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