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'llie Commancler-in-cblrf of the Qrand Army of the Republic, Major Gtorge 8. Merrill. Few remedies are better known in this vicinity than Sulpbur Bitters; their sale has be n very general throus;hout this seütion, and the number of reliable and wcll attested cases of beneficial resulis and recovery by their use, is large and beyond dispute. Great merit or great failings will make you re?pected or despised, but triflea, little attentions, mere nothings, either done or neglected, will make you either hked or disliked in the general run of the wtrld. The I.iij'-st Word ia the IHctioiiary is incompetent to commuiiioate the inexpresable satisfaction and incornpreheus'ble uonsequenses resulling fiom a judicious administration of Dr. Piercti's Favorite Preücripnon, a prepara'.ioa desijfned especially for the speedy relief and permanent cure for uil ITemale Weakne-.-es, Nrrvoiisnes?, and diseaes pt-cul ar to the feinale sex. The only remedy tor woman's pecul ar iils, sold by druggisis, inóer a positive guarantee, to give Batisfaction. See guarantee on wrapp.r of bottle. Thi guarantee has been laithfuliy eanied out tor matiy yearn by the proprietor. Maoj a homely, unafractive yirl gt.s a husband on eccnunt ofher pa vnlue, - Life. Q Vjhe Bestand Purest Medicine ]SL EVER MADE. I . AWsystem, and make your skin III III 4, aJKJL clean and Bmooth. Thoselll I fe TiLPimile9 and Blotches S ,o 'h; c%KwllKtl Inar y"r beautyBa ui h O, v k. are cansed ly impuredJ Hl !' ,% 'iïWblood, and can be 111 [[Ivj, -00 4','Wemoveiünashortl II II VJ'"'8 V' 'yL 'ise anU usel il SS The Do,e i, %m II spoonful. It la theJV % o % II! III best and h.-:i,)C-si. .5 . o . .V! IB medicine. Tvy it, andN0,, % I III you will lc Batlsfled. kOs, e, %■■ II jj (iet it of yuur Druggist kr JdS Qdon'tWajt. CETiTAxohXE - m If yon are eufferins; from Kid I III nev Diseaae, and wish to live to II oíd age, use SULFHUE BITTEliS. Ij NI They uever íail to cure. Ij Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., for best medical work publishedf lewAdvertisements S'1-' ■ '" t : ■L'■ )■ i ft.' i'jlj. : ■ ■ 1 ■' %r f-: 't KC LJMB - A XE" TOBACCO. I RAfiMTAMA HE ARO FEOM.-Recent lililí 11 I titlfl raih-oiul extensión? ha va ti; Wil miin developed fiuo mineral, stock and farming distriets. Mapa and fuil partioulara, free, upon application to C. H.Wakren, Gen. Pass. Agt., Se Paul, Minn. STftííü IN MIJ NJMOT-A.-From n ri& claslre irrulti country, MlnnoSIJUI011 '" belnr riiplilly iun■ w r ■ foraied luto the titiesl stock and dairy stute I" the Uuion. Chi-up tanda til] aïKalvaliïu, conrenlent to ralli-oad. Pnrtleulurs free nnou application to C. II. WAItKE.V, Oen. Pms. Aet., St. Paul, Mina. NEW BUSINESS!IS ín a new and fortile country ereates many new towns, affording excellent business opportunities. Particular regardingsuch opportunitiea in Montana, Minnesota and Dakota will be sent upon application to C. H. WARREN, Oen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn. DDflODCDflIlO North Dakota nover rniMrrnl llJ.had better cropa I IIUUI l-IIUUWlthanthosejustharvestod. Many opportunities to secure line Government lands reoently surveyed, near eicflllent coal üelds and adjacent to railrod. Maps and full partioulars, free, upon appUcation to C. H.WiiiaEN, aen. Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Miau. OIIPPEOO ARE rOU """sageH, pating ■ vlllllllBVila beauy rents or running betiind? V W W W UVUI Can yau mom to new location? Excellent lanefs, oheap, which will ncrease in value seueral fold in jwe years. No other such opportunities existing. Full particulars free, upon application t 0. H. WARREN, Gen. Pass. Agt., Si. Paul. Minn. PI II lini"OF CUOPS Is an nntnown L fl I I 1 1 UL experleuce In Ceutrul and lll II nr Krhoni ltakolunnd MlnnI nibWllhnelota, II ii,. oud full piirticulars reffardlns: Innds. prlces, etc, eut freo. Addi'Mi O. II. WiLKKKIf, Oen. Pass. Aart., St. Paul, Mina. UiUV IIIADIFOR ANOTHER, oron VS Í1 1 BW 1 1 11 R 8mn11 salary? Why con ■III ■IWIIIttlnue worktng on a vrorn-out farm? Why trytoeecurealivinsrfrom suuh hijfh-prioodor hoavily-mortgajfed farms? Why work on rented land? Why not start for f'ourself ? Why not secure at onoe ome of the ow-prtoed but very fertUo and well-looated lanis adjacent to rallroads now to be obtalned by those going to Northern Dakota and Mtnnesota,where you oan make alanrer net proflt por acre than on the high-prioed or worn-out land you now oooupy? Why not go and look the situatlon over, and see for youreolf . or at least obtain further Information, which will be g% sent freo, if rou will address C. H. mM Wabjucm, Qoa. Pass. Agt., 8t. Paul, Minn. jf EBEEBACI & SOU, DRÜQGISTS And Pharmacists, No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand alarge and well selected stock of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-Stufls, Artists' and Wax Flower Materials, Toilet Articlesjrusses, and PURE WINES & LIQUORS Special attention pald to the furntshiog of PhyRicians, Chemists, Schools etc, wlth Philosopliical and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glass-ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Keaseuia etc. Physlcians' Prescriptioas carefully prepared al allhours. LUMBER LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building cali at FERDON LUW! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumbar and yuarantee VERY LOW" PRIOES! O-G i ve un n cali nnd we will makfi U onr uiK-rosl. as OHr lnrge and well tcriMied stock lullj stiNtaiusi oor asaer. lioii. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. X. J. UKLCH, Sopt. 127-178 EffiSIY & SEA3QLT NOS. 6 .A-ïsTX) 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. Have always on hand a complete Stock of ere J thinp 11 the GRÖCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Articles bonght for Cash and can ell at low figures. Our frequent large invoicei of Teae is a sure sign that we glve bargains In QUALITY AND PRICE. We roast our own coffees eyery week, alwajt fresh aud i?ood. Our bakery turns out theyeiy best of Brèad, Cakes and crackers. Cali and seeiis. 48M07 TANSY GAPSULÊÖ ■ THE LATEST DISCOVEBY. V Dr. Iaparle's Celebrated Preparation, Safe and ÓJv-'iya Rsliable. Indispensable to LADIEf. Send 4 cents for Sealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL GO., Chicago, .g. - Forept City Bird Store, U_ W& S eátabiished 1H7Í. ÖingiiigSBlMÍ ing Birda. Talking ParFff "i JWy rots, Bird Caes, Puro ï_-" Secd. Song llestorer, rwJrfi, I nsect Cu re, Fishins XöSf Tackle, Bird Book. l Poultry Supplles, Goid f Fish, Dogs c their Medicines. Ferreta. Bird's Eyes. S. H. WILSO 341 Superior M„ Cleveland, Ohio. ISLANO HOME STOCK FARM - ' -s Perchoron Horaes. y A k V French Coach llorses. f AJfc V Savage & Faruura, lmpor _ËMm Ê ers an( Ereeders of Per jJÉH A cheron end French Coach AH B3k Horses.Island Home Stock jaÊk Htt Farm, Grosse Isle, W.iyne I jLtL HU County Midi. We offer a. 4UÊLa B very large stud of horses to i jéH H select irom. we {fiiantntee ffl aWHtll V our stock, makc prices rea WBB H V ao!ia'-''c s1?1 se' on cmv V' r terms. Visitors always weU V come. Large caialogu Wfy tree. Address X p SftTwre & Fartmm, "i - ÜHXKOIT MIC il. PAINT 11 " Palnt Friday, run it to Church Sunday. Eight g g t Fasliionable Sluules: Ilack, Maroon, Vcriiulion w „5 Blue, Yellow, Olive I-ake, Iïrewsle.r and Wagon ra cj Q Creens. No VarnHlliitg necessary. Drin harU gS wlth ShlDC." O;n: Coat and job is dooc o YOUR BUCCY fl fc Tip top for Chairs, Lawn Scaïs, Sash. Flower =hj r Pik Sabv CarrWes, Cuítala l'olcs, Fumiture, LQ ül 1-runt Doors, Storc-fronts, Screen Doors. Eoats, 3 Sd ManMes, Iron Fcntos. i:i fact cverything. Just c o iBi the tliiii for Üie Lidies to use about the house g f L FOR ONE DOLLAR jjf scoitshonest! {Q Are yoa joing to Paint this yearT If so. don't „ á Injy a paint conutining water or benziiio when 2 ii ■ for the same monpy (or ncarly so) you caá procure „3 3 101T L ('U'S riiüfc PAI.T that is wnrranted to % rt l ig 11ÜVKST, (.K.MIXK IJNSKbU-OU. PAT S 1 and tree irom vratcr and benzine. Dciuanil thl ud rT brand nd lake no othrr. Mercliants handling g g &9 it are our agents and aulhoriztd by us. in wnting, ïï'Sq lo ir.rrt It to wcar 6 ÏÏAKS Ith S 10AT8 or 5.J" ets YEAKJI wftfc 8 COAT8. Our Shades are the = E 3 "■J I-atest Styles used in the East now beconiing B- UJ so popular in ttie West. and up willi the Unies ,-. Try tkis brand of HOXK8T PAINT and you wiU í3 ■" never regrot rL This to tlie wiso is sufficient „o „ g HOUSE PAINT fel COIT'S FLOOR PAINTSi gj " Palnt that never dried beyond the sricky polnt. gS ■■ waste a wek, spoil t'ie job, and then sweart 1 J Next Hme c.i for COIT X CO'S FLOOR PAI.VT SSf 4 popular and suhaMc sluides, wnrraatfd to dry Ibm fm hard ft rock over nlght. No trouble. No S SlgaWDin DRY STICKYb


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