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A Dlstlngnlshrd rirrgymnii'i Tetlmouy. Eer. R. M. Pickeiis, President of the Methodist Protestlint Ghurch of South Carolina, writc from Greenville: "About four years ago I was attacked with what the physicians pronounced neuralic rheumatism, aecompanied witb erysipelas. My appetite failed me cntirely, and I had n intermitting pulse and verf irregular pulsations of the heart. A terrible pain soon ome into my chest and shoulderR, and I bec-ime so helpless that I could attond to in business at all. Tha pain were raovable, und wiuld sometimes pass from one part of my body to another. Finally the erysipelas broke out on my left hand and arm, and produced much swelling. I was for echteen montha afQicted in this way, and of course uaed a great many kinds nf medicines, but nothinggavo me relief Friends finally persuaded m to try Swifts Specifio I notioed adecided impioviment hile taking the first bottle, I continncd its usa until I had taken about ore dozen bottles, when I f und myself found and well again, with no sign of disease left exccpt a stiffnes in my hand, a rcsult of the erysipeias. VVhile taking the medicine I gained on an art rage two punil of fleih per week. I think b. S S. a Taluable medicine, and I frequently recommend it to my friends." Write to the Swift Specifio Co., Atlanta, Ga., for a Treatise on Blood and Bkin Diseases, mailed f rei' to anyone." Some of these days one of the" balloonitios will ■tart with a parachute, rd come down with a pensil shno' Worth, of P,irp, ha1 decided in favor ril hoops, bat they come in use slowly. In this country everybody has defided thai Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best remedy for conghs and cjlds, and it's coming fnst i ito general ue. Price, 25 een ts. Bar' el vire is not popular in K-ntuyky ui h it i in the cm cf a corkscrew. - Commercial Bijlletin. Wur-li ren Dollars to ai. y fimily, is Dr. KHufmünn's book on (üseaees; fiueiy illustrated platos from life; dou't be humbugsed, but. cure yourself. SiH three 2 cent stumps for po--tage, to A. P. Odway & Co , B :gton, Xfa-i"., and receive acopy free. In bíisineS'í there are many ho cannot rie, tna'iy who cannnt helo depcending, mauy who of necessity (nll, mat.y who earn their bresd, and maLy who only wate it when onc? in their own hands. CATARRH CURED, henlth and sweet breath eeured, by Shiloh's Catairh remf dy. fiiep 50 cents. Nasal iujector free. 8old by Ebtrbach & Son. Some merchants are prolific in fchemes, but ruift rably poor in executioti. Like some rees, they spend them6elves in bbs8om end never bear fruit. is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole 8y6tem, and thoroughly builds up the constitation. Heinember, we guarantee it. John Moore. Druggist The man who (sets cut to study a woman s di-DeiMon can general'y learn a great deal, but the price of tuition is apt to behigh. - Journal of EJuetion. SLEEPLE8S NIGHTS mafle miserable by that cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remejy lor you. Sold by Eberbach & Son. j An exohange speaks cf "Death's Fatal Work." When Death tackles a job bis werk is generally fatal. There may be excepüons, but they are not ou record. - Norri-iown Herald. NOCOLD FËBT ! Send one dollar in currency, with size of shoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic InB les for rheumatism, cold feei and bad circulation. They are the most powerful made in the world. The wearer feels the warmth, life and revitalizaiion in three minutes alter putting them on. Sent by return mail upon receipt ot pnce. Send your addresa for the " New Departure m Medical l'reatment Without Medicine," with thounnds of testimoniáis. Write us tull particulars of difficukiea. Our Magnetic Kidney Belts for gentlemen will positiyely cure the following diseases without medicine : Pain in the back, hcad or limbs, nervous debility, lumbago, general debility, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, sciatica, diseases of the kidneys, íorpid liver, seminal emissione, impoteney, heart disease, dyspepsia, indigestión, hernia or rnpture. piles, ele. Consulta tion free. Price. of Bilt, with Magnetic Insoles, 110. Sent by express C. O. D. or by return mail upon recept of price. Send meanire of walst and size of shoe worn. Send for circular. Order direit. NOTE- The above described Belt with insoles is warrantert to positively eure chronlc cases of seminal emissions and impoteney or money refunrted even after one year's trial. THE MAGMETIC Ai'l'l.I V T. CO., 131 Denrborn St.. i'liiraso, III. The doctor - ''Weil, perhaps, Mrs. Elringham, you eat between meal"." Mrs. E. - "Oh, no, f ah; 'cepr, ob course, I eat dinnah 'tween breakfas' au' supper, an' 80 on." - Harper's B.zar. CROUP, WHOOPIiSGr COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Eberbaeh & Son. Max ORell says America has a President for use and France one for ornament. -Free Press. HALE'S HOHEY is the best Cougli Cure, 25 50c, (L GLENN'S SÜLPHÜR SOAP heals and beautifies, 25c. GERMÁN CORH REMOVER lcüis Corns & Bunions 25c HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 60c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minutó, 25c DEAN'S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a sure cure. to. The mad coniributor - "I suppose that last humorous article I sent in was not up lo the mark?" Editor - "0, yes, it oTershot." eiestpreparatIoveTrodTcÊu For Coughs, Hoarseness, Weak Lungs, Whooping CmiRh, Dry, Hacking Coughs of long standing, nd all Bronchial and Lung Afiections. Try it. Warranied to Cure Consumption In Hs Earlior Staats. R Al L-RO ADI Absolute Dominion over Pain- PAIN CURE ƒ Will Cure Colic, Sore Throat, Croup, l rost Bites.Wounds, etc, in loss time than any othermedicineonearth. Guaranteedto Cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Warranted by your druggist 2Sc , 60c. and f 1. For 81 we will aend largest size of either Cure, expresa prepaid. Address Rall-Road Remedy Co., Box 372, Llncotn. Neb. Trad supplied by Farrand, Williams 4 Co., Detroit 11 ow to oiiu niid are A C'ook. - V It wa only theoth er dy, again, when a "handled T ' l-JfA oil fuel. lts L - handy, y'know, to poor it on when all the wood i ablíze, and stove and all are blown in the air to serve this stupid crate. With clothes on fire and tortnred limbs a cook is oooked indeed, but a certain cure in sneta a case is the real friend indeed. For burns and scalds ani blisters too, it cures them to perfection, but be sure to use it every time in accordance with direction. Yes, strictly in aooordance with directions. Scores of people daily brooffht in contact with heat, gteiim, boiling water and combustibles are hourly injured by some niislüip in the nature of a burn or scald, and (hmisands have been cured of such by the best known remedy for the cure of" pain. The principie of how it works explains itself. It acta asa counter-irritant on the surface injured, gently drawing out the heat caused by the burn, wliile it soothes the pain, helping nature in the healing process, and a cure follows. It is a speciflc for pains of this kind and should be kept handy where tire and fteam are. But as a precaution to its use wliere seriou8 burns or scalds oonir, and that suffering may not beintensified through ignorance, read carefully directions for its use aecoinpunying every bottle. Thousands who testify to being cured of burns and walde have been so guided, and praise without stint its virtues by which they have been curtd. "Gilbertville, Blackhawk county, Ia., Feb. 11, 1887. - Dear Sir : I have used your St. Jacobs Oil for burns and bruises,and I can gay it does its work as recomtnended to do. I ahvays keep it. in the house and recommend it to my neighbors. Yours truly, W. H. Si:hroeder." "Fairmonnt, N-b., Feb. 7, 1887.- We find St. Jacobs Oil as good for burns or sealds as for hites." "Wexford, Allegheny county. Pa.. Feb. 7, 1887.- Have been usin; St. Jacobs Oil for many years for burns and find it a good house doctor." Very truly yours, A. Maskey. Statistics go toshow that nocaseof "love at first sight" has everlapted until the "second sight." Hood's Sarppiri]la c:ires caiarrh by expclliog impuriiy fnxn ihe blooi, which is the cause of the complaint. Grive it a triaL Many merchante obj-ict too much, consult too long, advertiré too litlle, and seldom drive business home to the f uil period, but content themstlyes with a mediocrity Of SUCCP88. Salvation Oil is the greateft pain destróyer f any age or clime. For the cure of neura'gia a' d rheumatism it has no eqnal. Price ouly 25 cents. Some men teem to take lailure quite comtortably; they stop and go on again, without changing their style of living or lowering their beads. That is a feat that no bonest business man can admire. For lame back, side or ohest, use Shiloh's Poreus Piaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by Eberbach & Son. A distich out of time don't save the nine. Vfhfi c-5i? ke cureJ cf Voor f bul HEUÍlITISMEUííAI.Qlíl orEi?v'ous}JEADiCHE byusin "ÍRY ijfokflTH-LO-PHO-ROS. for tfiebeautiful coiored icfure Taf iTw-opttoRorco ii WallST New YorlC PRESBYTERIANS Who do no tnke the rirrjili and PreSEND FiTe Ono-Cpnt fiiiïmp FOIl A. Sample copy of that psnur and a beau Uv, atvei-engrüved Calendar for 1888 8ifl MxH nches. Or f'n'l luimos and add'OHKefl of tPn ortnore rr'l i'.-t mis tif diríotent ÍHinilie who do Dot Dow tke the paper, and receive thw ( 1êadaraad pample copy f ree. Kfndaloncf. Ment ion name of chnrr h and rao tor, aud eay hre yon t-nw tilín. A'Mrens UilUlll AM PRF.SBTTEB,' 17 LLH Í-TBEET, ClKClNNATI, O. I wlsh to inform the public that I keep oontantly on hond the best grades of Black Diamond Coal.lnall sixes; also the Jncknon Bill soft ooal, which I can sell at lowest market prieee. Wlll deliver to any part of the dty. Qiyt me b can at No. 11 west Washington-. M. STABLER. Inpctor Stevenson is ia trouble in the Brooklyn Navy Yard about selling rope. The Inspector has evidently reached the end of bis rope. - Free Press. DYSPEPSIA. TS that mlsery expeilenced when we soddenly JL become aware ihit we fvis-cw a diabolical arrangement called a stomach The stomach is the reservoir irom which every fibre and tissue must be nourished. and any trouble with it is Koon feit throughout the whole system. Baii It will eorrect j f 1 1 f i lA Acidly r h" L&&Yyr Kxpel foul gaseti, SfQ% Alty IrritntioD, 4SzL2&_j!t jL! Digestión, JC'J I % ,y and, at the same iS5=S==jf time Start the Liver to working, when all other troubles sooa disappear. " My wife was a contirmed dyspep'ie. Some three years ago by the advice of Dr. Steiner. of Augusta, she was indueed to try immons Liver Rrgulator. I feel gratefal for the relief it has given her. and may all who read this and are afflicted in any way. whetber ehronlc or otherwise, Dfie SiinuioiiH Lirer Regulator and I feel confident hcalih will be restored to all who will be adTied."-WM. M. Keksh, Fort Valley, Ga. CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCH Royal ïïighlander's (SECOND SON OF THE EARL OF KINNOULL.) DÜPPLIN CASTLE, PERTH, SCOTLANB. TO THE LIEBIG COMPANY: " I was in a conditiun of great debility, consequent upon a brokcn-down stomach, ilyspepsi and ma. aria, oomplieated with kidney irritatlou, when my medical attendant directed me to take yonr incomparable Coca Beef Tonic, lts effect was simply marrelous. The power of digention was quickly restored, the kidney irritation vanished and rapid restoration to health followed : "Other preparations of Coca had been tried without the slightest effect" mi CHAS, LOTG VON Wil Professor ƒ Medicine at the Itoyal Univerntty; Knujht ofihe Ruyal áiuifria Order of the Iran Crnvm: Knight Commcmder of the Riryal Span Mi Order of Isahella; Kniftht of the Röyal Prwirian Order of the Red Eagle; Chevalür of tht Legvm of Honor, tc, de., says : "MEBIU CO. 8 KKA BEEF TONIC should not be confounded with the horde of tmshy cure alls, It is in no sense of the word patent remedy. i am thoroughly conversant with lts mode of preparation and knowit tobe notoniy a legitímate pharmaceutical product, but also worthy of the high eommendatfons it has recelved in all part of the world. It contains essence o! Beef, Coca, Quinine, Iron and Calisaya, which are dissolved in pure genuine Spanish Imperial Crown Sherry. Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nervous, Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malarious or afflicted wttb weak kidneys. Beware ot Imitations. Ser ïiiMtv'i FiToriie Cosmoiic Glwerisi TJsed by Her Rojal Highness the Prlnces of Wales and nobllity. For the Skin, Complexlont Eruptions, Uhapping, Roughnecs. 81. OO. Oi druggtsts. I1K11K. Jpn. il flympofDar nnarilla is guaranteed as the nest ShrfcapariJia In the market, N. V. Depot 38 SI nrrayt . It 18 Generally conceded by 'physicians that the spring truss is the best known instrument for retaininji hernia, ifivind a uniform pressure and conformng to the various positions of the body. They are ciean, comfortable and durable. Our Btock is large, embracing all the leudin makes. We guarantee satisfaction. Broniif A Nharpe llnlr Clipper o. 1 93.50 ; liMtaL-' !■". . llriw luit Minrgir Ilorse 'Iinper No. 3 3 00; FostMKe a.ic. MANN BR0'8, DrugKists, Ann Arbor. Health is Wealthl PÜDb. E. C. Webt's Nertk and Bbain Treatment, a guaranteed specilic for Hy!.teria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobáceo, Wakeiulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in in(■anity and leading to mis ry, decay and death, Premature Oíd Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in either sez, Involuutary Loases and Spermatorrhooa caused by over-exertion of the brain. selfabuse or oyer-indulgence. Kach box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes fr $.3.00, sect by mail prepaid on receipt of pnce. WE UIAltATKK SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompinied with $3.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect acure. Guarantees issued only by EBERBACH & SON, Druggists. Sole Agts., Ann Arbor, Mlch. $500 Reward! We will pay the aboTe reward for any case of liver complaiut, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestión, constipation or constiveness we cannot cure with West s Veietable LIer Pilis, when the directions are ftrictly complied with, They are purely vegetable and never fail to give satisfaotlon. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. Kor sale by all drugicist'. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gennine manufactnred only by JOHN C. WKÖT J CO., 862 W Madisjn-st , Chicago, 111. With Original Words and Tunes, each song having piano or orsan a'eompaniment, comprising the Complete Patriotic Songs and Music of the Nation and forming awork of Universal and Impertshable Interest. Contains all the War Sonssof. the North and South with Portralts and Biographies ol the Leading Authors. &S8 pages, elegantlybound. Wearenow cstabilshing agpneies lor this great work, and the earliestapplicants will eecure lts exclusive sale in thelr territory. Grand Army men and Boor: Agente everywhere are Invited to address us lor descriptivo circular and fnll particulars. The will flnd this a rare chance to make money. Address 8. BRAINARD'8 SOK?, SabeerlpUon Department, Cleveland, O. & ftu frj tot Rlñíl GOING KAST. 8TAT.ONS. 2 3 1 && íd 5 .1 d S_ QS z S5 A. M. A. H P. M P. P. M. A. K. Chicago.Lv 6 60 9 00 S 10 8 15 9 10 8 5S Kalamna o 12 17 150 658 12 33 227 5 SS Ba-tleCreek 1 12 - 27 7 33 1 25 8 18 6 10 Jackon._ 8 15 420 8 49 8 15 450 8 Chelsea 8 59 _ _ 5 85 .. Dexter 4 14 _ 6 50 ...„.., Delbi Mili 4 22 Ann Arbor 4 83 5 SO 9 45 4 8" 6 08 Ypsilanti... _ 4 50 5 45 9 56 4 52 6 24 Wayne Jnn 5 15 6 05 _ 5 15 6 47 Detroit 6 00 6 45 10 45 6 00 7 30 Niágara Falls.... _ 2 21 4 59 1 22 6 5(1 Bnffalo 4 85 7 ÍS 3 40 9 05 _ P. M A. M. A. M, A. M. A, M. k M. 6OIN8 WB8T. jjg w íj aj t m STATIONS. _ p „L f i i si I 1 _ _ P. M A M. A. M A. M. P. M. Bnffalo uso 5 85 6 05 9 00 100 Niágara Falls 12 45 6 43 „ 2 15 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. X P. M ..._._ Detroit. Lt 700 9 10 180 400 800 10 1S Wayue Jun 7 41 9 53 2 03 4 45 8 37 10 SS Ypsilanti 8 03 10 12 i 20 5 12 8 58 11 18 Ann Arbor 8 18 10 30 2 82 5 30 9 12 11 Sé Delhi Milla 8 28 _ 6 42 Dexter _ 8 87 _ 5 60 9 32 Chelsea. _ 8 52 6 05 9 52 Jackson 9 45 11 35 8 32 7 10 10 52 12 54 Battle Oreek 11 20 1 12 4 40 8 52 12 12 IR Kalamaioo 12 17 1 50 5 15 120 8B Chicago, Ar. 5 40 6 40 9 80 7 00 7 46 P M. P. M. P. M P. M. A. M. A. M. O. W. RUGGLES. H. W. HA YES. G. P. A T, A., Chicago. Local Ag't, Ann Arbar. Toledo, Ann Arte & Nortfl MicMgan R'y Time Table going into effect Sunday, Oct. 9, 'fcT. Going North. üolng South. STATIONS. Pak vts. M'"l. Standard Time. _ Pi ? rk M; A ? LYEi. [Arr m' '"- p- 3 15 6 5 5 15 .Toledo 9 00 1 10 8 42 4 05 7 51 6 02 Monroe Junct'n 8 10 12 31 7 61 4 12 8 05 6 10 Dundee 8 0112 24 7 40 4 35 8 35 6 :5 Milán 7 45 12 04 7 20 4 53 9 05 7 00 Pittsfield 7 26 11 43 1 10 5 10 9 25 7 15 „Ann Arbor... 7 15 11 30 50 6 30 9 50 7 33 Leland's 6 30 11 14 6 80 5 45 p. m. 7 46 Whitmore Lake A. H. 11 09 6 16 5 52 7 53 .... Hamburp 10 55 S 10 6 28 8 30 Howel' 10 20 6 3 7 20 9 30 Dmand 9 30 4 86 1 t 9 5,"i Corunna. 9 08 4 ÍS 7 55 10 01 Oworao 9 00 4 08 9 15 11 16 Ithaca 7 46 46 9 83 11 8S St. Louis '. 7 27 2 Ï6 9 41 11 41 Alma 7 JO 2 10 80 12 30 ...Mt. Pleasant 6 30 1 SO r. m. a. m p. . All passenger trains run daily except Sundar. Connecüousat Toledo with rallroadgdiverguijr, At Manhattan Juncüon with YVheeling A Lake Erla B. R. At Alexis JnncHrvp witb M. O R R L. 8 K'y and F. A P. M R R A' Monroe Junctloa wiin L. 8. s. M. 8. K'y. At Dundee with L. 8 M. S.. and M. 4 O. Ry. At Milán with W., St. L. P. Ry. At Pittsfield with L. S. & M. 8. R't. At Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R and at Sonth Lyon with Detroit, Insing and NotthernR.R.,andG. T. Ry. H. W. A8HLEY W H.BENNKTT. Superintendent, Gen. Passenger AgenU A. J. PAI3LEY, Agent, Ann Arbor. REPORT OP TH1S bONDITION OFTHE Annirbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, July 4th, A. D., 1887. MADB Ín Acordance with Sections 18,1 nnd i7 or the Cienerl Biikiii{; Um as Amended i a 1871. RESOURCES. Loans and Discount 8 816 51i 11 Bonds and Mortgages „ 209,210 85 Overdrafts o8 21 Furniture and Fixtures 1,930 85 Due from National and State Banks.... 49 910 5T Cashonhand 29339 86 Ï 607,721 95 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock % 60,000 00 Surplus Fund 50 000 00 Proflt and Loss 25,181 07 July Dividend 2,67 i 00 Due Depositors 479,865 88 8 607,721 95 I cío solemnly swear that the above 3tatementln trae, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HI8COCK, Cashier. fiubscribed and sworn to before me, this 5th day of July, 1887. ADAM D. SEYLER, Notary Public. SHÏNGLBS! The best Rooflng in theworld is Walter'sPaíentShingies Made of Iron, Tin or Steel. Cheapor More Durable and Ornamenatl Than Slate "Warranted to give eatlsí action. For partioulars and prices addresa CEOHC2S SOOTT, Arohlteot. Solé Ag-ent forWashtenp-w County. nO HrCIattho Newspaper AdverI I 2üi? tlslnpr AKonoy of Hcxmís. N. W. AVER & SOM. our authorlzed agenta. Í60LD MÜDAL, PARIS, 1878. BAKER'S 4 JrntfKl Cocon W Warranted abnolutelt pura Cocon, from which the exceee of Oil has been removed. It has tkrffí time the ttrength of Coco mixed with Btarch, Arrowroot orSugar, and in iheref oro f ar more ooonomlcal, conting Utt than ont cent a cup. It ie dellclous, nourluhlng. ■trengthenlng, easily digested, and admlrably adapted for invalida u well as for persona Ín bealth a Sold by flroor eTtrywber. W. BAKER & CO., Dorenester, Mass.


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Ann Arbor Register