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11 is not too late yet to get all of the terial story, ''Adventures of Tad," now running in Thï Register. Trial svbscripiions, 25 cents for ihree months. $1 00 per ytar. No New Eugland dinner this year. The clothmg stores now keep open evenings. Read " Misadventures of Jobn'Nicholson " in this number of The Register. F. H. McFall is happy over the coming of a young eon to bis household last week. O. L. Matthews has just finisbed extensiva repairs on nis house on Mavnard8t. J. T. 8taLford wili build a fine residence in the spring on corner of Thompson and Liberty-ste. The knights of labor have moved into St. George's hall over Siimson & Son's store on Ann st Fifteen members of Ann Arbor lodge, I. O. G. T., went to visit Ypsilanti lodge last Saturday evening. Jerome Skimmerhorn was sent to the county jail last Tuesday by Justice Frueauff for getting drunk. Etnma Dt-Fries, a six-year-old daughter of August DeFrieg, of W. Second st, died Dec. 14, of dipththeria. Erastus, son of Neil M. Collings of Fort Gratiot, died in Ann Arbor of tumor on the brain, Dec. 19, aged 18. Company A will elect a captain, two lieutenants, BDd five members of the board of directora, Monday, Jan. 2. The Ann Arbor Maple Liaf club will give tbeir Christmas dance tomorrow evening in Iiangsterfer's hall. Chauncey Orcott of Aon Arbor townehip, had a valuable horse die Monday morning. Injudicious feeding. The Ann Arbor Temperance Union will hold a Christmas social and festival tomorrow evening, and on Sunday Dr. R imsay will give a Christmas talk before the Union The Ann Arbor Schutzenbund will hol( their annual election on the first Monda; in January. Eight members of the Ann Arbo Schutzenbund will shoot at a mark on New Year's day fcr an oyster supper - A dozen members of Washtenaw lodge I. O. Gr. T., went to visit the Milan lodge last Friday evening, and report a good time James Murphy, of the Washtenaw lodge I. O. G. T., addressed a public meeting on temperance at Delhi Mills Sunday evening Michael Doyle was unable to keep sober and Justice Frueauff was obliged on Tues day to seod him to the county jail for 25 days. Hobart Guild will engage a Rev. Mr Eggleston to give three lectures on Dante with stereopticon views of Dore's Ilustra tions. Prof. Wm. Clark, the Baldwin lecturer spoke in Grace church in Datroit Deo. 14 giving his lecture on " Phases and failures of unbelief" Sehuh & Muehlig bave a new safe which will bother the burglars more than the other one which was blown open abou tifo months ago. Prof. C. G. Taylor, whose foot was cruthed in the Engineeiing laboratury a lew weeks ago, is now attending to business on crutchos. Tbe Kirmess tea at the Congregationa church last Thursday made over $200 clear, and the M. E. fair which lasted three days, cleared $500. William Feltke was found guilty of assaulting Mrs. Minnie Schm dt, before Justice Frueauö Tuesday morning, anc was'fined $15 and costs, which he paid. Mrs. Caroline Westcott Romney, a sister of Mrs. W. G. Doty of Ann Árbor, is visiting in the county. She has jut returned from an extended trip in Europe. Imat week, Welch Post, G. A. R., elected W. B. Jackson commander ; W. K. Childs chaplain; and Major Soule and W. J. Clark delegates to the state encampment. The Ypsilanti Sentinel, in speaking of the Bohemian oats case in which Hamner of Ypsilanti was fined, says that the verdict was clearly against right and evidence. Prof. H. S. Carhart did not buy the lot as reported last week, but has bought a lot on Monroe-st between State and Paekard, of J. T. Jacobs, and expects to build there next summer. Regents Grosvenor and Sheirer leave the Univer-ity board at the end of 1887, and then Charles W. Ilebard, of Pequaming, and Roger W. Butterfleld, of Grand Rapids, will take their places. W. E B yHen of Delhi Mills and William Ball of Hamburg, were expected to read papers at thesevenih annual meeting of the short horn cattle breeders' assosiation in Lansing yesterday and to-day. The board of directors oí the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance coxpany will meet at their office tomorrow at 10 a. m. A tabulated report of the work of the company during the year will be made. Mrs. J. T. Sunderland's temperance ad dress of last Sunday afternoon upon "The ücense pyatem a modern sale of indulgences," is to be published by the Temaerance Union of this city in tract form, :or general distribution. The Cvenangh matter will not down. Frederick L. Elms yesterday made comDlaint before Justice Pond that George Davanaughof Ypsilanti had secreted propeny with intent to defraud his creditors, and the case is set down for Dec. 27. The Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor creditors ot George Cavenaugh of Ypsilanti have organized, it is reported, and appointed a man to urge their nlxims. This affair involves at least $6,000. They will be apt to make trouble lor Mr. Carenaugh if he dotsn't settle soon. Fred Brown, while driving his mustang down a steep hill near the observatory ast Sunday, acquired a good speed, and upon raaking a rather abrupt turn bis )ugsy was overturned. Mr. Brown had ojump, andit resulted in breaking bis eft leg at the ankie. Since our last issue the committee was ;iven power to arrange a settlement with he architects, Donaldson and Meier, and t ii reported that a setiletneat has been made that the school board will accept, hus avoiding a lawsuit. Now, let us lave the schaol-house! At the Umty club M nday evening Mr. ?underland gave the last of his talks on :tu-kin ; Miss Ida Morrish had an excel ent essay on "Emerson, the essnyist and ecturer." The story by F. N. St;ott was )Otponed. Mis Myra Pollard gave eadings; and Mis Lülie Volland read the Wit and Wisdom Burlget. At the semi-annual eleotion, lost Thursdav erenmg, ol' Chtham locige No. 130, Order Sons of St. Goree, thu followitig offioers were elecied : J H. NckeN W P. P ; S Buil ck, W. P.; J. Lo-)ker, W. V P.; J. A. Brewer W St.; S. Nickles, W. Asst. Sec ; B Bxrkr.r, W. Trehs : 3 H Ottley. W. M.; G P. Ottley. W. A. M : Wm. Bi-gs, W. C; C. T. Hojghily, W. I. S.; A. Marsh, W. O. S.; Wm. Cleaver, Trustee. Jacob Schuh yesteiday atternoon was standing on th scafiF l'üng overseeing ome work on the nev Univerntp boiler louse, when the soiffulding gave way, and the cptain feil telv teet to the ïjrourid. It resulled in j rring him very severely, bruising the right shoulder, and -mrhnps broke two ribs oo the right side. Mr. Schuh will be confined to his house 'or some time. Alarge audierce heard Walter Thomas Mïlls last week in the opera house, on ' Must govemmnnt by the people fail ?" 3omment on his speech will be found in the editorial columns. At the close a class. of thirty-four persons was formed in what 9 known as the American "School of Politics." It ig designed to turnipb a couree of rearting on gubjects of political science, with an exatnination. The ammrit of reading required does not exceed 1,000 pages. Schiller Counoil, R. A., No. 595, elected the following officers last week : Regent, J. Q. A. Sessions; vice regent, Kendall Kittredge; secretary, Chas. S. Fall ; treasurer, S. 8. Bhtz ; collector, Fred. H. Belser; chaplain, Geo. L. Moore; puide, W. A. Tolchard ; past regent, L. D. Wines. A new job presa was rtceived trom Mssrs. Shniedewend & Le, of Chicago, yesterday. It is a beautiful and subtantial machine and will add greatly to the facilities of Tiie Reoister's press room. Nearly one thousand pounds of new type have also been received this week, to meet the demands of a rapidly increasing busi ness. O wing to the severe illness of one of her leading ladie?, Maggie Mitchell appeared last evening in the role of Liüle Barefoot instead of Fanchon as was adveitised. Sbe was greeted by a ful! house and was frequently applauded, as this popular and inimitable adres always is, though the play she chose has been pre?ente here before, but never in a more pleasing man ner (han it was last evening.


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Ann Arbor Register