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Washington, Dea 22.- In the United States Senate yesterday a bul was passed providing for tbe appolntment of a fish commiB8ioner at a salary of $5,000. A resolution was adopted providinjf for a fonn of crsdentials of the electlon of United States Senators. A bilí was introduced to authrize the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois to sue the United States in the Supreme Coart íor any moneys claimed to be due them on account of tha sales of public lands. A long discussion ensued on Mr. Allison's resolution to adjourn over the holidays, in which Senator Plumb severely critloisedth policy of the President regarding the tariff and surplus, and Senators Beek and Vest defended the Administratloa The resolution was finally adopted. Washinoton, Dec 23. -In the Senate yesterday a bilí was passed to establish two additional land offices In Colorada Billi were introduced to provide for the payment of claims for damages aggreg-atinst $14,000,000 by Indian depredations and to provlde for the compulsory education of Indian children. A memorial was presented irom the Oregon Legislature asking thatthe lmportation or lmmigratton oí Chinese and other Aslatic laborera be prohlblted and that meaaurea be adopted to rid the country of those already here. A message from the House announced the death of Representativo Moffatt, of Michigan. Messrs. Butler, Morgan, Dawes, Cameron and Teller werè appointed a commlttee to investígate the condition of the five civilized tribes of Indiana Adjourned to January 4. THE HOUSE, Washington, Dea 22.- In the House yesterday Mr. Randall submitted a partial report from the Committee on Rules, whioh was adopted, recommending the establishment of the following new committees: On reform in the Civil Service, to consist of thtrteen members; on election of President nd VlcePresident and representativo in Congress, to conslst of thlrteen members; on the eleventh census, to consist of thirteeo members; on )ndian-depredation olalms, to conslst of thlrteen members; on the alcoholto-llquor trafflc, to eonsist of eleven membora Washington, Dea 23.- When the House met yesterday the desk recent occnpled b7 Mr. Hoffatt, of Michigan, who died in Providence Hospital yesterday morninjj, was draped in emblems of mourning and decked with flowera Mr. Herman, of Orefron, ofifered a resolntion increasing themembershipof theC!om. mittee on Rivers and Harbors to seventeen, Eeferred to Committee on Rulea Mr Burrows, of Michigan, announced the death of Representative Moffatt, of Michigan, and the House adiourned till Jannary 4. OTHEB NOTES. Washinoton. Dec. 23. - Secretary cnim toos official notloe Wednesday of the report that 2,000 Belgian minera are to be lmported to take the place of the strlkers In the Lehigh región. He sent telegrama to the collectors at New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltlmore instructing them to be v.gilant In preventlng any violatlon of the Allen Contract Labor law. Washington, Dec. 24- The SenateThursday conflrmed the nominations of O SL Strauss, to be Minister to Turkey; S. a Carlisie, of New Orleans, to be Minister to Bolivia; J. W. Walker, of Texas, to be ConsulOeneral at Bogotá, Colombia, and Samuel T. Williams, of Maryland, to be Secretary oí Legation to Brazil. Washington, Dea 24- The mortality, bo far attending the membership of the Fiftieth Congress, has been confined to the deaths of Representatives Robertson nt Louisiana; Kane, of New York, and Moffatt of Michig-aa The mortality of the Fortyninth Congresa was without precedent In numbers, including Tice-Presideut Hendricks, Senators Millar, of California; Plke of New Hampshire, and Loan, of Illlnoi; and Bepresentatives Ellwood, of Illinoia' Hahn, of Louiaiana; Bankin and Price, of Wisconsin; Duncan, of PennBylvania; Cole of Maryland; Beach, Arnot and Dowdney' of New York, and Alken, of South Carolina! The deaths of Vice-President Hendrioki and Mr. Ellwood occurred before the Fortyninth Congress convened, and the others followed in quick euccession, Mr. Alken, of uvuuu carmina, never in hls Seat Washington, Dea 28.- The President will send a general message to Congresa Boon af ter the holiday recess, in which attention will be called to the report oí the Pacific Railroad Commission, the flehery dispute, and probably the Chinese ünmigration questioa


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